Ill pay 2 years sub in blizzard when i see this.
Also rogs did nowhere even close to raiding as DH’s plus the fact they are not typical 123 mashers like DH’s are.
It’s hard to unprune something that was created with pruning and easy-to-use concept in mind, btw let people feel this satisfaction when they can outdps Havoc for a change for whole BFA it was almost not possible to majority of classes.
Because it will never happen, some classes get away with just about anything, while others generate 1 “OMG he killed me NERF THAT CLASS”-thread pr. kill ingame.
Havoc were very far from being top in raid in 8.3
And Havoc is not the only “123 masher” - Actually most specs are.
People mistake “Balance” for “Justice” - Nerfing a spec to the ground? “Yes finally i will get my revenge on those players ingame”
Not happening. It only leads to many players not playing that spec any longer, they will just play something else.
If formerly DH mains play rogue, or mage/lock oneshotting people with 1 button thats “Just how it supposed to be cuz THEY ARE LIKE THAT KEK”
If they go ret, dk, monk, shaman, feral ++ and kill someone it will be “NERF DELETE THEY ARE OP CUZ THEY KILLED MI IN ARENA”
Way it has been for 15 years.
I’ve been playing a lot of DH in the beta and it’s not like i don’t understand the class or anything has been my main in BFA, and i’ve played it on and off since prepatch for Legion. DHs are useless we are getting outdpsed in a single target fights by Holy Paladins(Arms warriors are in the same boat with us tho) and every single other class in the game on AOE fights we are behind every single tank in the game, its brutal. Our rotation if the fight is under 4 mobs doesn’t even include blade dance(its capped at 5). We are gonna be picked in a raid only for the debuff. I don’t think there is a place in for DHs in m+ even tho we should shine there. And everyone who is saying DH are op has clearly never played a DH so please don’t bother discussing something you can’t understand.
It topped 3/12 bosses if im not mistaken and was a pretty much must have for everything else for its buff, thats not enough for you?
In all specs, every button you press matters. Buffs or increases haste or whatever.
Dh is gather resourse, spend resourse activate mini-cd’s.
The biggest masher ingame.
Nah ill have the 123 spec dominating everything and ill call it justice when it does more dps from my WW while i use double they keys it does + double the brain. Please…
People hate so much on DH due to world pvp, duels, and mostly 2v2. In 3s they are not that good against the good players which balance is all around.
In Raids you were above mediocre in ST, in AoE it was quite a bit better but in M+ you only truly had a good time although you still were behind on a lot of specs and mostly just there due to your 5% magic debuff. I think if Demon Hunter wouldnt have the 5% debuff they would be in same boat as Feral.
I do think theres a big difference between nerfing every single defensive apart from Darkness and making the Class ultimately more enjoyable.
DH never spammed " 1 2 3 ", if you played Demonic with DE you had to pool fury properly to deal damage, any other mythic raiding DH will tell you the same. Theres a big difference between a DH just spamming his buttons and picking up everything compared to one properly using his popped up Souls for example.
If people think their spec is so much harder to play cause they press 1-2 more buttons, feel free if that makes you think youre better. How they are absolutely fine with BM hunter then topping the charts once again is just unbelievable however.
DH is nerfed to guts, both damage wise and survivability wise, no real reason to play one anymore unless you like limiting yourself with a whole Class considering Vengeance is not worth anywhere either. Sadly this will only change by 9.2 when you got decent Conduits and your Legendary.
What about other specs topping more bosses? Its the total that matters, and DH were not considered the top spec in nyalotha allthough one of the better ones, yes.
But exactly, how does it justify that DH is nerfed to being a meme spec?
https: // www.wowmeta. com/bfa/dps-rankings
Mage, rogue, warlock, hunter, they all have 3 dps specs, and the rest have 2 dps specs exept of dh, pala, monk.
Meaning, fire mage and destro locks have been strong as he ll, then they just rotate a little and make frost and affliction op as he ll. Sub has been not so good, now sub rogues gets to be op.
And still, the “Weaker” specs of rogue, mage, lock, gets to be stronger then the only dps spec of dh. How can dh being good in a expansion justify a nerf so bad that the spec will no longer be relevant, with no other dps alternative then to reroll another class?
I cant see it. And i know you understand what im talking about.
All specs are gather resources / spend resources. This “DHS ONLY PRESS 3 BUTTONS” is a lie an you know it.
When i played my dh in m+ i regurarily press: Immolation aura, Chaos Strike, Eye Beam, Blade Dance, Throw Glaives, Fel eruption, Demons Bite.
Defensives blur and darkness used situational. Metamorphosis used when up/right.
Buttons for essences, cloak, trinkets ++
But somehow some magic way all a dh press is 3 buttons. I never noticed. Maybe because im not excactly a pro DH cause its my 4th prioritized alt only clearing m+ up to +17 (Most keys on 15/16) and i know thats not HIGH but its high enough to having to use all abilities available.
I laugh when i see fury warriors, frost dks, fire mages, assa rogues and ret palas say “LOL KEK u only press 3 buttons”
I ask them: “How many do you press?”
THey answer: “Lol kek i press 20+ buttons there is rotation and there is cds, def cds, stuns, and all the buttons for borrowed power roflmao u press 3 buttons git gud”
Ehhh. DH have all those aswell. In fact i have keybound 18 dh specific abilities and i use all of them regurarily in pve. And even more for pvp.
In addition comes trinkets, cloak, essences, and all that.
Am i saying dh is complicated? By no means, its an easy spec. But how come all the non-core-rotation-abilities are taken into consideration for all other specs while they are left out when people speak of dh?
If you are discussing only core rotation abilities, most people saying “DH 3 spec kek” are saying that while maybe having 1 or 2 buttons more to push themselves.
Well WW have not been treated well always and its not the easiest dps spec around, ill give you that.
I do however, believe that you see my point.
But then people don’t hate on Rogues and Monks for example? Aren’t people getting killed by rogues and monks in wpvp too? I mean really, personally I fear rogues and monks and even good fury warriors in wpvp much more than DH’s and when a DH jumps me in wpvp I go “lul ok” and I don’t get where all this DH is op and fear of DH’s comes from, maybe I play a counter. I really can’t see where DH is any better than other said classes and won’t even mention the ranged op classes getting none of that DH hate and being way much more powerful. Where are the “I got killed by a rogue in the opener in wpvp so nerf rogues” threads?
EDIT: actually laughed quite a bit a while ago when I watched a video somewhere here in the forum from a MM hunter 1v2 2 DH’s in Voldun, quite amusing to watch how even the DH’s mobility wasn’t enough to keep up with the hunter and they got destroyed.
The biggest problem with DH was dodge and the insane leech with all the Azerite and Corruptions. The thing which Blizzard forgot is that DH is one of the strongest contenders with borrowed power, instead of nerfing the latter they heavily nerfed the Class itself. All but Darkness got huge nerfs, it plays worse than Feral right now, except that you dont have Bear Form and die through Blur in stuns.
And big surprise, people did not hate DH itself in Arena, but full sail Mana Rift. Without MR they were rather lackluster on their own since they do not have real burst damage due to no Chaos Blades / Unbound Chaos now again.
Essences and Corruptions and Azerite ruined this Class and Blizzard did the wrong call.
And to answer your last question: DH is new. People hate to see that a new Class is decent or even overly strong. If Rogue kills you its “fine” cause they’ve done it the past 15 years in every season. If Sub spams Shadowstrike, DRs Cheapshot into Eviscerates right now its skill in peoples eyes, if DH presses 4 buttons aswell its a no brainer even though Rogues kit is even more broken.
People whine DH is so super good, yet the logs prove that; The Spec is overall mediocre outside of 2s and M+. Because they have good on demand burst AoE they are classified as broken by all of the… casual playerbase and thats how it sticks around.
Shadow priest for example?
Compare how good SP was on PVP and M+ then add your typical 123 masher and understand the margin is insane.
Did they shine from legion till BFA and in every aspect of the game pressing 123?
Dont think so.
Nope, SP for example was gathering insanity and then racing in void form itself to not deplete it. WW for example gathers energy spends energy manages combo points have mastery and hit combo to manage. Yet they dont come even close to DH’s.
Could you raid without an SP? Yes
Could you raid without DH buff? No.
You have to see things rounder.
Pressing 123 took dh’s too far for no reason. That should have stopped long time ago.
Not to even mention it was the only class who could dodge magic and dodge from behind… Cmon… What is this special treatment for 5 years… Ridiculous.
Not at all buddy, so sorry but… Nope.
MM was always a force to be reckoned with if played well. Just dont tell that all those Lone Wolf Sniper Shot players that do not know the old ways of kiting.
If I had onpar gear right now with others I would 1vX easily once more.
Many other specs were stronger in the raid. DHs single target dps was mediocre compared to many other specs.
DH shined in m+, its true, but so did others just aswell.
And 3v3 is the pvp that matters, and DH were not good in 3v3, only function was dampening. Pretty good in 2v2, but again, so were others.
All those classes have trivial specs, exeption might be sub rogue but no one played that after the early bfa nerf anyway.
The DH buff has got nothing to do with the specs performance/survivalbility tho.
“Could you raid withoud DH buff? No” - There are alot of specs that you “Cant raid / do high m+ without”
The whole spec needs a redesign. Problem is DH have only 1 dps spec, therefore that spec should be viable (Not op) in all kinds of content.
That goes for palas and monks aswell.
Rogues can just go assa for pvp and outlaw for m+.
Its pointless to nerf the one dps spec of a class to the very gutter, while other classes have 2 and even 3 dps specs performing well.
Its gonna end up in one thing and one thing only: People will stop playing that spec. No one wants to play a already hated spec, designed around (Lost) borrowed power, and now nerfed to the point where no one would even invite you.
Is there any good reason to play a dh the way things are looking? I see none. Thats the consequence.
They should be because it was the only place they where stronger, unlike DH who shined everywhere.
That is what im trying to explain you.
Trivial specs?
To me the most trivial CLASS not spec in this game is DH and it was over-rewarding for its 123 mashing.
Who else offered as much damage + utility + survivability from legion till now as DH did?
The spec is fine, now that does not overparse with a large margin.
Monks are fine, their damage is hillariously low though and needs to be fixed.
IF DH was mashing 123 with such 0 effort rotation, WW should outparse DH by 100% for the amount of effort it needs compared to DH.
Yet… Nope.
No, its not because it dominated from legion till now.
It was hated from legion and still hated. That though did not fear anyone to play it and people will still play it as it is very easy .
Yes, give buff to the raid/group and play a very easy spec for new wow players.
That spec though is absurd if its outpasing way harder specs.
There is, if you have the Warglaives of Azzinoth you can walk around looking fabulous, if you don’t then might as well play an actual good class!
Someone got their A** handed to them a few time’s by a DH…lets hope again with nerf’s XDDD
Man, I main Monk… you’re trying to make it sound like it requires a lot more skill than DH’s to keep a rotation up in pve without breaking the mastery or hit combo to a high standard… I can do my rotation in my sleep, I would hardly think it requires loads of thinking or skill now that it feels second nature to me.
Do you main one?
Show me.
Also monks are not the easiest class to play in pve, they are a joke in pvp. At least they where.
Show me your monk.
I can’t post from my Monk in this forum. You don’t believe that I main a monk? Christ… Yeah sure man, monk rotation is complex and it requires loads of skill, which I’m sure you have unlike DH players.
EDIT: Just noticed we’re on the same server and tried to message you there, you were offline. Let me know once you’re on and I’ll show you my monk as it seems so hard to believe that some people may post from different avatars in the forum than the ones they main.
You have 0 pvp progress
0 raiding progress
0 M+ progress
You have just one curve that was on xavius, apart from that 0 pve progression.
How can you know how hard monks are in pve when you dont do it?
Your monk doesnt matter, its not that i dont believe your having one, its that you have 0 progress ingame and i wanted to see it
Sure man, I’ve been idling in OG since Vanilla.
Oh… now you’re pulling on your rank. That’s what I love about the elitists of this forum, they check your armory and try to discredit you by pulling their rank and the typical “oh you haven’t done X raid so you can’t possibly know anything how to play a class, unlike me that have been there and raided more raid tiers than you so I know it all”. Sure man, WW takes skill then, but I wouldn’t know that because I haven’t raided most raid tiers right? And by the way, I hope that you’re aware that the pve progression shown on armory for this character isn’t account wide.