But DH was not THE strongest spec in any content.
It was ok-ish in raid. Outperformed by other specs.
It was good in m+ - But other specs were just as good.
They were good in 2v2 - Again, other specs just as good (Mage+rogue anyone?)
They were not good in 3v3 wich is the main form of serious pvp.
Most other classes can switch between specs for optimal dps role in different content. Dh could not.
Maybe it is, but fury, frost dk, bm hunter, ret pala, fire mage, destro lock, assa rogue, outlaw rogue, they are all trivial aswell, and its funny everytime one of these says “Lol kek u 3 button class”
Then i wouldnt say its fine but thats just my opinion.
Take a look at current DH, your time might have come.
And rogues and mages have dominated since vanilla. Why is that ok?
Doesnt matter how much it has dominated. Nerfing it to the point where it no longer matters only makes people quit playing that class How many feraldruids do we see ingame compared to other classes?
Sad is what it is. They dont balance specs, they destroy them (While others have been op for 15 years and are allowed continuing to do so)
Come on. No specs are rocket science. If it is a very bad player who cannot handle anything else than easy specs, they still have alot to chose from. Just roll furywarr or frostdk. Its almost just as easy.
No one is gonna roll dh for serious gameplay just for that buff. People want to be able to perform aswell.
If i wanted an EASY spec now, id roll a easy spec that could perform at the same time. Its not like dh is THAT much easier then EVERYTHING else.
Monk im not gonna talk about as i havent played them enough to make a statement. But hardest dps spec imo is feral druid and maybe sub rogue even tho its easier than it used to be, distance between DH and these is huge, yes, its true, but the same goes for distance between fury/ret/frost/bm++ and these aswell.
Main problem with DH is the whole class is designed around borrowed power. So i say again: The whole class needs a redesign.