Havoc DH ruined

Its not elitism buddy, i can tell from your words only that you have 0 clue on how to play WW if you consider it easier than DH.

You also claimed that its easy on pve, but you did nothing on pve which proves you even further wrong.

If you tell me it doesnt take any skill, you show me your monk and have a good raiding xp with gold logs ill respect your opinion but you didnt even raid whilst claim its easy in pve… How exactly you make sense now?

I did not check your raiding progress, i checked your achievements that show in all your alts. My monk has only done normal NYA, but if you go: Achievements/Dungeons & Raids/ you will see all ive done in BFA.


Then, how can you not tell than I have raided NYA with my Monk then? Achievements listed are for this character only. I never said Monk’s rotation is easier than DH, I said it’s easy anyway, doesn’t take ubber lvls of skill so Monk players aren’t like these superior beings compared to those simpleton DH players.


This is your raiding XP:

Im not sure if LFR+Normal share the same achiev but still… Its normal.

Yes but did you master it to know how hard it is?
I can do a rotation right now killing a mob on kultiras that doesnt mean im min/maxing the spec.

Compared to DH?
Yes it takes a huge amount of skill more to play a WW.

Im not trying to insult you, im just pointing out that you cant have an opinion about pve monks since you have very minor XP to it


I’m still unsure these are account wide achievements but I can assure you I have 6/12 HC on my Monk which won’t mean a great deal to you anyway. You think I’m clueless because I don’t have the same amount of experience up to what you consider the requirement to have an opinion being respected about a certain topic, I believe you can have less experience and still know what you’re talking about because the way I see it there is a lot less complexity here than what you make it sound like. But now that we’re only really comparing d*ck sizes here I’ll just take my leave and come back in SL if I take the expansion more seriously than I did with BFA when I get the required credentials to have a valid opinion.


Dont take it personally because it wasnt ment to be taken this way.

There used to be times that i thought myself FDK was not an easy spec to master even though i was a 6 month WoW player and had a CE on it :joy: That hard…

But people talk with each others and explain things, at least thats what i tried to do now.

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It sucks.
probably gonna leave my dh behind this expansion.
played it on beta, it gets better but not by much.

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But DH was not THE strongest spec in any content.

It was ok-ish in raid. Outperformed by other specs.

It was good in m+ - But other specs were just as good.

They were good in 2v2 - Again, other specs just as good (Mage+rogue anyone?)

They were not good in 3v3 wich is the main form of serious pvp.

Most other classes can switch between specs for optimal dps role in different content. Dh could not.

Maybe it is, but fury, frost dk, bm hunter, ret pala, fire mage, destro lock, assa rogue, outlaw rogue, they are all trivial aswell, and its funny everytime one of these says “Lol kek u 3 button class”

Then i wouldnt say its fine but thats just my opinion.

Take a look at current DH, your time might have come.

And rogues and mages have dominated since vanilla. Why is that ok?

Doesnt matter how much it has dominated. Nerfing it to the point where it no longer matters only makes people quit playing that class :slight_smile: How many feraldruids do we see ingame compared to other classes?

Sad is what it is. They dont balance specs, they destroy them (While others have been op for 15 years and are allowed continuing to do so)

Come on. No specs are rocket science. If it is a very bad player who cannot handle anything else than easy specs, they still have alot to chose from. Just roll furywarr or frostdk. Its almost just as easy.

No one is gonna roll dh for serious gameplay just for that buff. People want to be able to perform aswell.

If i wanted an EASY spec now, id roll a easy spec that could perform at the same time. Its not like dh is THAT much easier then EVERYTHING else.

Monk im not gonna talk about as i havent played them enough to make a statement. But hardest dps spec imo is feral druid and maybe sub rogue even tho its easier than it used to be, distance between DH and these is huge, yes, its true, but the same goes for distance between fury/ret/frost/bm++ and these aswell.

Main problem with DH is the whole class is designed around borrowed power. So i say again: The whole class needs a redesign.


Abit early to say isnt it? Things can and will change.

See many people roll sub rogue these days, as expected. Thats a risk aswell, as they have a history in being op in prepatch/early expac and then get hard nerfs and assa/outlaw shines the rest of the expac.

But yeah im not gonna invest time in my dh for now other then farming mogs.

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Did plan to play another class anways, but its a bit ridiculous what blizzard has done to havoc DH.

I can agree on the 100% dodge, it might have ben irritating for pvp opponents and also to play against in mirrors.

The other defensive nerfs are basicly compensated by endurance conduits later in SL.

But here is the main issue i currently have with the gameplay flow of DH Havoc:

I dont think its good to use fel rush for burst and ms, as former mobility cd.

It simply does not feel good and makes no sense at all.

Why must a mobility cd bring so much utility and do burst dmg?(unbound chaos + mortal rush)

It looks fine on paper, but try to play that in a real combat, thats some clunky trash, right there, since arena games are all about positioning, you will have a hard time to proper survive and play this.

And imagine a class that has no other viable pvp spec, at least dks can still spec into unholy.

a class only truly sucks, when the gameplay sucks, dh might have been a little on the boring side with the demonic build, but now it offends me to even look at the class.

Another dead class, to farm sha of anger, i guess.


You’re always on DH forums bashing the class, why do u care so much? I’ve had a look at your pvp xp, looks like you’ve got your 1550 achivs and that’s about it.

Just sayin :slight_smile:


I have played since Vanilla and been in every single Beta.
I have absolutely 0 confidence in Blizzard at this point.
Even when by some miracle they “fix” a class it’s always 2/3 into an expansion or on the very last patch.
If (and it is a big if) stuff do get better it is like a year from now at the earliest. Might as well play something actually viable and enjoyable while I wait.


Same and thats my whole point.

People seem to think “YEY finally i can crush those demonhunters now they are nerfed because they had to be nerfed because i was killed by dh in arena and therefore it has to be nerfed and one time a dh did more dps than me in m+ so it HAD to be nerfed”

Exept most of us will just play something else.


Is the dps still this bad at 60?

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Dh damage doesn’t change much at 60 but “many” specs are more even at 60 then at 50 so it sort of looks better.
Dh’s like bottom-mid. Not worst but far from best and we offer nothing to a party but damage.

AOE cap + nerfed leach and survivability is a real bummer for solo questing/content.

Covenants abilites are mediocre to worthless and just kinda boring.
low dmg aoe blast 1min cd
funky fel rush with cast time and 1.5min cd
stationary buff spot if you get the killing blow on a demon that anyone can kill
Rogue vendetta mark but DH’fied. the only good one but they already have nerfed it and gonna keep nerfing it untill the other covenants become “viable” options.

Nope it was not the strongest but it was top tier spec.

ok-ish? It was top dps in 3 or 4 bosses and by a small margin in others, do u check warcraftlogs?

All these classes are not 123 mashers.
Ill remind you its only DH that gather resource spend recourse and there is no high end after this inside their rotation.

monks damage is fine you mean? Or?
Didnt quite understand you there, sry

Your current DH stil does alot more damage than feral does while feral is like playing 5 dh’s at the same time.

Did they?
Lets analyze this:

Rogs dominated all BFA in M+ ,what did they do in raids?
This makes DH a better choice for raids + M+.

Mages dominated season 4 in M+, and they where a very good raiding spec in all the other 3 seasons. Did you see mages in M+ before season 4? Nope but dual DH was there.

Is it enough for you to understand that DH’s dominated even more than rogue mage the most favorite and spoiled of blizzards did?

Ah sure, it doesnt.
Lets buff them to be top tier in SL as well right?

No spec is rocket science, but all specs demand you to have a rotation. DH rotation is gather resource+spend resource and activate mini cd. Its not even a real rotation.

At least they have the buff, ferals and survivals have nothing.
Also WW’s had their buff as well and they where spitted while your DH shined all these years in every aspect of the game.

Did you checked my mythic raiding + M+ done? things you have not even stepped inside.
Funny though because your DH supporter there said they are not good in PVP how come and that has to do with it? Oh yes your fragile DH ego was hurt.

Just sayin.

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You said monks are fine but damage is to low.

My meaning: A spec is not fine if the damage is to low.

True, as is it for a long list of other specs, solution to this: Buff feral dps.

Point is: It doesnt matter how much they have dominated in the past.

Not if the point is balance anyway.

Nerfing a spec to the point where it is completely irelevant? Whats the point having a spec that cant perform sh it ? Might as well delete that spec.

Not gonna go more into this, we disagree on some points wich is fine.

I dont want DH (Or any other class) to be op. I just want stuff to be balanced, and classes to have atleast 1 dps-option that is viable.

My dh alt was 477 itemlevel and now thats 131 or something, it does les dps then my guildies shadowpriest that is a previously 464, on trainingdummie.

Im just not gonna botter with it. Not worth the time. And alot of people will think and do the same. Thats all.

Dunno if you referred to me there, but i didnt say that. I said they were not good in 3v3. How many dh gladiators do you see?

They were good in 2v2, sure. But 3v3 is still the “Main form of pvp”

And yeah in battlegrounds they were pretty good.

I agree DH needed some nerfs. Just not nerfed into oblivion.

What will happen? Most people will play something else.

Misunderstood me, its fine as for playstyle rotation ETC, damage though is still low.

Yep they do need a buff but still DH is not that bad, alot better from many melee’s

It does, you really think a class should dominate for 4 years and remain on top?
They will burry it now as they should.

IT should be doing less because currently to play SP correct is like playing 10 DH’s at the same time. Its messy for me still whilst i main priest.

Not to you, to that guy who thinks i hate DH because my PVP rating is low, not that i dont bother to pvp at all.

Remember me in a while, they will leave them a bit down-ish and when the tier sets of SL or another borrowed power arrive they will get boosted by alot.

Also dont forget we dont know yet how much benefit each class gets from conduits because shadow conduits are silly, for example DH could be alot better with them alot worst with out them.

Dont forget classes are balanced(yeah right) for shadowlands now and shadowlands is not even out yet.

Personally i dont think they will be boosted alot. At least not anytime soon.

We will see. DH imo needs a complete redesign. Imo a lot of classes do but especially the one who has never seen daylight in this game when borrowed power was not the thing.

I do 3.3k dps on someone that was previously 435 ilvl in gear

I’d say thats fine, although im not much of a dh player so probs not in the right stand to judge :thinking:

Borrowed powers are an easy way to balance classes, yet blizzard doesnt care about the balance we players seek but… Anyways.

I think they will be brought up to a better level