HC+ failed at it's purpose

So the point of HC+ was to gear alts and yet it was made too hard for alts and people who make groups for it also ask high end GS to get the badged faster, also this killed regular HC dungeons, because it doesn’t have a different section in LFG and every HC group do it as HC+


Its just very annoying to do, and the 100% increased HP does not really translate into wanting to take green alts as it takes forever to kill.

Can it be done with undergeared chars ? No questions. It will just take quite a long time.

But now that Brian Birmingham got fired I don’t see this ever being tweaked.

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Sure, but isn’t Brian Birginham responsible for the no RDF mess to begin with?


Nah, thats the minority elitist ppl shouting loudest on the forums


He has at least claimed responsibility for it apparently despite objections from other devs on the team.

HC+ is something no one asked for.
Bizz should stop throwing Retail stuff into classic.
It has done it almost impossible for fresh 80s to gear up now. Particularry Healers and tanks.



now that he is gone :slight_smile:

Target audience and actual audience are two different things. Even if it was meant for a certain kind of players, it’s played the most by different kind of players. For long-term success, HC+ should be tuned based on actual audience, not on target audience.

Anyways, all of this is pointless because does not give a flying F about target audience nor for actual audience.

It is good content to gear alts. You just first need to farm regular HCs a bit to get to 3.4-3.5k gs. Plenty of groups doing it.
You can complete these dungeons with dps doing 2k dps, as long as you respect the dungeon affix.

They can’t be super faceroll, since they give out tons of epic items, and if they were super easy - bots would infest them and crash abyss crystal market. Also naxx is weekly lockout, while dungeons can be redone every day.

In 3,5k gs gear you can clear VoA that is now giving out T8 gear :man_shrugging:

Yes, but also I think it’s a bit too early to tell. Remember, they released it a few days before Ulduar. So everyone used it to get emblem capped and ready for the raid in the first week.

Today, i’m already seering a huge drop in people doing them. So once they add that “plus” tab, as they should have done since the start, but didn’t to annoy people into sms-protect authenticator.

Things should settle down and we’ll see what it does. Once the raiders are no longer interested, they’ll have to settle for lesser GS anyway.

Yeah, I’ve seen a huge transformation in “GS?” in the past week. Before people didn’t even bother, now it’s 4200 to join VoA as a pug. Something definitely changed with the larger cap between fresh 80 and phase 2 BiS. I’m even seeing the odd ‘normal’ heroic asking for one.

You mean it didn’t crash already? Atm Abbys Crystals on Nethergarde sell for around 85-90g where before HC+ they hovered at around 170-180g per one. And it’s the moment where Enchantments sell like crazy since people are gearing up. The price is also still dropping.

The problem is you’ll have harder time running regular heroics as people mostly outgrew them. Somewhere in the middle of Phase 1 with majority of people already having what they wanted they’d do only Daily Heroics for the quest. Now however the same group will only do Heroic+ as their daily thus draining amount of players available for regular HC.

For the record 3.4-3.5k GS is almost Phase 1 Pre-Raid BiS. Was around that as Prot and by that time I really only missed Trinkets as I had no one to farm Seal of Pantheon with and Trinket from AN HC refused to drop.

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Not sure, I never had any issues with there not being RDF. I would not mind if it was there tho.

And people who pretend RDF is the solution for them not being invited would have a sober realization once they got inspected and got vote kicked.

The guy stood up for his employees and the Blizzard greed. Hence why he got sacked. Also if you read between the lines, it also shows what Blizzards opinion is for the future of classic outside of Wotlk.

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Mmm, I believe there was an ilevel requirement for using the tool, which is not flawless I know. I believe there also was a min period after starting in which you can’t be kicked and you needed a majority vote. But anyone using RDF to find a group knows what they’re doing and what people they get it, so it’s scrubs settling for scrubs.

Which is allright.

So? Can you clear VoA every day? Are you guaranteed to get an item in VoA?

If you are only going to gear through VoA, it will take you very long time to even reach 4k gs :slight_smile:

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We have it a bit easier now, since we get Valors from dungeons (213 gear), so our items are a bit better.

Bit there is no denial that part of the community shifted to hc+, and fresh lvl80 people have harder time. Well, at least on bigger realms this is less of a problem than in small ones. One of the solutions could be implementing cross-realm group finder, this would solve both community split due to H/H+ and help out people playing in low pop servers (since we are not getting RDF);

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Its the difficulty = reward thingie … enjoy spending hour in every HC+ with undergeared group, dying 18 times to braindead mechanics and having to call it every other dungeon because someone ragequits …

You are not getting to 4k like that anyway …

Or you can finish VoA in 5 mins get 25m/T8 gear and go off for that day …

Doing 10m naxx to get 25m loot is easier and faster than HC+ …

And even if it has weekly lockout, there is no guarantee you will get your BiS every HC+ run, especially with 4 other green geared people who need the same gear as you …

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Yeah 100% agree. All it’s achieved is thinning the pool of people doing normal heroics. I leveled my prot warr to 80 for this phase in hopes that I could do some H+ to gear up. However at 2.6k gs I’ll just get clapped. The stage of gearing from fresh dinged to prebis is now much harder. I listed myself for heroics yesterday with the following note:


Got invited to 10 H+ groups before just giving up and logging off. Guess I’ll just stick to my main and raid log Ulduar.

Outstanding job blizzard! As always.


No denying that. If ones can do it the valor emblems will slowly make a difference (although depending on the spec most of the gear outside of tier pieces can be rather poor, hell as a Holy Paladin only Tier Pieces were worthy my time).

Was gearing alts ever a problem in WLK? This is the expansion that introduced patch currencies. No matter the patch you could always use heroics to catch up on gear.

What this change did was to make dungeons fun content for someone such as myself to play. I couldn’t be bothered to play dungeons in Phase 1 because they were just that boring, but now I find them to be quite fun. Far from perfect, though. I think TBC dungeons and even pre-nerf Cata dungeons were superior, but considering the state WLK dungeons were in they could only really go upwards as far as I’m concerned. So I’m happy with this change.