HC+ failed at it's purpose

Good luck with Gettin on Heroic+ Party with a fresh level 80 in questing Blues.

Because face it whoever’s geared already won’t touch regular heroics even as their daily because what idiot would pass on 3 extra Emblems?


Mmm, well for a fresh 80 i’d use honor to buy all the 213 pvp items, which after discounts are basically free atm, and your main should be drowning in time keeper shards (Bind on Acccount Honor Tokens from WG). So you go from questing greens/blues to full epic in a few minutes at least. Then you can work your way towards better PvE pieces.

People aren’t gonna wait 15 mins to votekick someone with a lil low GS.

Can you tell me the cheatcode? I’ve done voa10/25 but didn’t get any tier pieces :slight_smile:

On the other hand - I’ve never touched naxx10/25 on my pally, only did H/H+ and bought badges gear and I am close to 3.9k gs (still a blue chest, ring and both trinkets). I think it is fully possible to reach 4k gs (or even more) only doing H+ and dailies. And I haven’t done a lot of them, I am yet to hit an exalted rep, and only have one at revered level (tabards rep farm).

I feel people overreact a bit to much :slight_smile:

Yeah they drastically need to make a sperate section between default HC, and H+.

It’s practically impossible to gear up as a tank now with non pre-raid BiS gear, cuz everyone wants Naxx25 equivalent gear, and the only content anyone is running is H or normals that also don’t quite provide adequate gear for h+.

A swing and miss for Blizz


Wrong. Try again.

This is my exact situation as well.

Signed up as prot pala, ONLY NORMAL HEROICS. Got only invites to hc+.
Nobody reads the note.

How blizzard didnt give hc+ their own tab in LFG is beyond me…


We can argue about it here forever …

I have disc priest with 3,9ksomething GS (I had to ask ingame I dont have gs addon :smiley: ) I finished lvling with JJ buff …
All I did were regular HC dungeons, and this week was first time I did VoA with it, not doing any other raid …

I did probably more runs than you with it, but I also started doing HC right when I hit lvl 80 with heirlooms and questing gear, which is something nearly impossible for HC+, and got probably twice as much emblems and rep than what you got in HC+ …

Not to mention, I tried HC+ with several of my chars, doing maybe 5-8 runs total, and I have never seen a single item that I could use from it, the only thing was T7 token that I already had from vendor, so at best I would save few emblems …

Its exactly the same RNG like doing VoA or naxx .

Problem is H+ is harder than Naxx, EoE and OS and drops worse gear. People should do those for catchup gear before jumping into H+ or they could make their own groups or join a guild.

Exactly, this game is RNG. I had H+ run where I got 4items from 3 bosses, and like 3 completely dry runs in a row :slight_smile:

Though as I understand - naxx10 loot in dungeons is not completely random, and you can target upgrades there. I’ve already seen even in wowhead woltk classic - hc bosses loot tables include naxx10 gear. So this heps a bit (for example target farming trinket, etc.)

Anub’arak for example, drops 213 gun for hunter:

So it seems this might be good way to fill holes in the gear :slight_smile:

But y, it is very good for tier pcs, 3/4 tier pcs I got dropped from H+ :slight_smile:

Been a long while since I used RDF on retail. But I dont remember there actually being a time limit. Especially in Wotlk. You could insta kick someone as long as you had 2/4 votes. Some xpacs later they changed it to 3/4. But if there is a timer now ? No idea.

It’s not harder than EoE or OS + drakes, and it’s not harder than say Patchwerk tank damage, but yes for the purpose of gearing new alts the HC+ dungeons are probably a bit overtuned compared to expectations.

Lets get this straight though, Arcatraz Heroic in TBC was a pre-raid gearing dungeon and like a few of the others, definitely harder than Gruul’s Lair. The TBC heroics were arguably harder than these HC+ dungeons.

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Depends on the dungeon and if the people you run with have any clue about what the affix dose in the dungeon you are in, the mirror images slaughter people if they dont know they need to single target them down

I am gonna say something a little controversial, but how many times did you actually get kicked in RDF ?
I am not saying I never got kicked or that you cant run into toxic idiots in RDF, but if you get kicked 15 times a day, the issue is not with RDF …

When I try to remember, I surely got kicked at least once during wotlk/cata, but now when I was active for Legio/BFA again, I never got kicked once …
And I did boatload of RDF runs every single day, unlike LFR which I did for first time in BFA …
I saw few people getting kicked from RDF, but it was usually afk bots doing nothing whole run, because lets be honest, by the time you notice someone is really AFK and not just drinking, the end boss is usually dead …

Now take a look at HCs without RDF … every HR run, tank service run, 66761GS+ run, every dungeon being completely ignored because it sucks too much, every dungeon skipped because its not daily HC … every single one of those is basically getting kicked …

Whats worse, do 4 runs per hour and get kicked 1 time … or do 1 run per hour … and you still have no guarantee your group wont go completely bonkers …

More than a few times. But I was usually quite a serious raider and player. So I never got kicked because I was performing bad or undergeared. But because I was toxic to nabs.

I don’t regret my actions. I enjoyed every minute of calling bad players bad for refusing to optimize.

Having said that I still feel the same way, id just not put in the effort to explain things and try to teach people how to play.

But again, most of these runs I use to do at the end of Wotlk when it started. After that… not rly, I dont like to “pug” I prefer to do stuff with my Guild or people I know.

I also use to abuse the raid finder tool. If I needed the end boss I would do the following:

Join, click leave raid (But not the raid grp).

Tab and watch youtube while checking every now and again if they are on the boss that I needed.

Join for the boss that I needed for w/e reason. Do only that, and leave.

Why ? Because doing raids with pugs is horrible.

ofc it failed, because Blizzard has 0 experience on Wotlk compared to the admins on pserv that they admin it over 12 years.
Blizzard is just experiencing things without a real good vision of the game because they don’t play it.

Make sense, no RDF, ofc they don’t play this game.

Even warmane did better for mythic dungeons.

Yes, Even in his latest twitter post someone asked about RDF and he said he hopes it doesn’t get added.

twitter com/BrianBirming/status/1617727575199186944

This. How did this even go like that?

I don’t actually care.

In Wrath RDF had a 15 minute timer before you could kick someone, or you had to wait till the first boss was downed.

Either of which is a stupid time to kick someone for their GS so it’s incredible unlikely to happen.

Just say GG go next like a good lil lad now.

This is just a flat out lie.