HC+ failed at it's purpose

This is what happens when devs ignore their playerbase.

Your kind brought this on us by encouraging them with your anti RDF stance.

xD I didnt actually expect you to admit you are toxic douchebag, I was speaking more about “yous” in general … you kinda killed my point here :smiley:

What I was trying to say, is that people pretend as if everyone was kicking everyone in RDF 24/7, while manual group forming isnt any less toxic …

Kicking ppl in rdf wasent that much used, chances were you would get someone worse, mostly used on ppl joining and then going afk to troll


If that was the case you would not bother replying.

To my recollection kicking people when the dungeon finder tool happened at the end of Wotlk if I remember right was not really a thing yet. Many did not use the gearscore addon, and most of us were amazed that we could get a group that fast and actually tried to be polite to people joining.

Later in the following xpac when I got bored of it and carrying probably people as special as you, I would start doing vote kicks. Not because of their gear, but because they were bad.

I wonder if you would be less mongo if your parents were cousins instead of siblings ? Guess we will never know.

you’re not completely right or wrong, hope this helps a bit:

As in don’t actually care what you remember, cause it simply wasn’t the case.

What is the relevance of Cataclysm RDF to WotLK RDF?

Being accused of being inbred by someone who doesn’t even remember a 15 min timer, classy.

No it wasnt.

Pretty sure even with him gone you will still not get RDF. Probably not even in cata classic.

What was the purpose then? Unless you’re about to argue that its purpose was to produce badges for mains in the first 3 weeks until mains have everything they need from badges.

The gear that drops there is ONLY relevant for fresh 80 alts.

Without the guy who has claimed credit for it “despite protests from other devs on the team” being out isn’t going to possible bring RDF into the game?


I dont mind HC+ actually its cool thing but what I do mind is thats its almost impossible to gear up now cause everybody is doing it and even thou I specifically write that I can only do normal heroics people still invite me to their hc+ groups…last one actually asked if he can convice me to do it…They really should made it in separate tab so new players and alts would know if people are doing hc+ or hc

Too hard for alts? What are you on about? In what world can’t you do this content in entry level gear? I’ve not even got half the best of heroic gear on my prot pala, and I’m having no trouble tanking H+.

I’ve had little trouble finding groups so far on my paladin. The biggest issue is lack of tanks, so I went and respecced prot. I still get plenty of offpieces for ret and holy when tanking regular heroics. Use the note and ask people what they’re inviting you for. If they’re trying to convince you to join a h+ despite sub-optimal gear, just join and blame them for their overconfidence if it goes south, I guess. So far the only hard part of h+ is getting pugs to move out of stuff on the floor. Other than that it just takes a little more time, for the most part. Would you rather the challenge lies in a harder gear check than just taking more time and execution?

The problem I see with heroic+ is not the difficulty. Its the difference in reward compared to normal heroics, which causes a massive split between the dungeon player base.

Everyone, who is decently geared, only does the daily quest and does not spam heroics. Now these people do heroic+, since its 5 badges compared to 2 badges in the “normal” heroic daily. Because heroic+ is more challenging, low geared players, who want to use heroics to gear up, wont be invited to these runs.

Originally back in wotlk this was already a problem, that the activity of heroic dungeon was low besides the daily heroic quest. This was bad, because new players had issues finding groups for any other heroic besides the daily one (while even this option is like nonexistent thanks to heroic+). This was one of the reasons RDF was introduced. It caused that there was no specific heroic daily anymore, and players, who were only doing their daily and those spamming dungeons, could be matched. Everyone could find groups faster, because the player-pools got mixed for all these activities.

Now the dungeon community is more split than ever and it has never been harder to find groups for anyone, who is not focused on the daily heroic quests.

While heroic+ with more challenging dungeons is a nice idea in itself, the way its implemented causes old issues to increase. Back in the day these issues were addressed and mostly fixed due to RDF.

How can Blizzard implement new custom stuff and remove authentic features, if they are not even aware which problems their new features cause and which the old ones fixed/addressed? The only possibilities are that they are either ignorant and incompetent, or they want to sabotage their own game.

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Tis what happens when you don’t play your own game really, so insert the old “why not both” memes here.

Heroic+ would be decent alternative for gearing up people, but it doesn’t work outside tight-knit guild environment.
Ideally you level up, gear up in Heroics and AH, then do Naxx 10 and 25 full, then HC+ for missing gear pieces.
But in reality no one wants to run regular HCs, no one wants to run full Naxx, no one wants to do HC+ non-daily. It is all on the whim of a guild master, and for guildless newbies there is no way forward.

Literally, unless you want to find a guild to carry you through things, your best bet forward currently is to get to 80, buy as many cheap boes as you can, and attempt to get into one of the few full naxx 10/25 runs, and gear there.

What most people end up doing is RMTing a bunch and buying the gear they need in GDKPs. Or running GDKPs on their main until they have enough gold to buy the gear they need in GDKPs.

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100% Agree

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