Before 8.3 drops I’m looking to move to a new guild to keep pushing curve each tier and work to complete keys 10-15.
I want to join a guild that feels rewarding as a raider to be in!
Outside of that general guild activity is much needed, I join a guild to game with others not to pug or do stuff on my own.
Any realm is fine, in the interim i can create a low level toon to see how the guild plays out until i can transfer over this guy.
Alliance? I’t needs to be an awesome guild to justify the £££ but I’m not ruling it out.
Drop me a reply, ideally with some info or links so i can see the guild and i will get in touch.
Hiya Edvan, if you are still looking we are an Alliance guild - but we are also an awesome some so you did say that qualifies for consideration 
We are named Fury on Silvermoon and have been an active raiding guild since 2007 so we are established with a solid base of skilled friends that enjoy playing as a guild together. We do m+ often and have a few groups that push keys. We also have 2 raiding teams, a HC and a Mythic where people and fun is more important than progression but people of like skill can play together in whichever group suits their level more
Add me if you fancy a chat Asta#2730
Cohors Vuluae is a newly formed guild of mythic raiders looking to experience the most challenging aspects of wow. We aim to create a fair and motivating environment for progress.
We have recently moved from Alliance on outlands to Horde on Draenor, Currently we are looking to recruit dps and a tank to join our ranks and our raid team to start mythic EP, as well as preparing for Ny’alotha
We expect all members that join to be able to use voice chat and have some understanding of their role/class, but we are always happy to help people that are in need.
We run EP heroic on Thurs/Sat between 7pm-9pm
EP Normal 7pm-9pm actively running m+ while we’re gearing up for 8.3
So if you want to join a guild of chill Vuluae’s, have a sense of humour & aged 20+ drop a message in game or on discord.
pogodamonkey#2210 [battle.net]
pogodamonkey#8073 [discord]
Please add me for a chat 
Hey, we spoke recently but we had some confusion. Re-added you for another chat if thats ok
Hey Edvan
Please add me for a chat - tricky#2757. We might have a spot for you in VII - we’d love to add another hunter to our team!
Now in our 15th year and 6/8 Mythic. We are Alliance, but think we’d be worth the investment of a transfer - worth chatting first to see if it’s a good match.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Hi Edvan! You pretty much just described our guild so I think we could be a good fit for you!
We’re on Magtheridon server, horde side.
We run normal and heroic and achieve Curve each tier with the option of pushing progression to get it early. We run lots of M+ of various levels and lots in the 10-15 range. We have social events and plenty of people to hang out with and group up with in game and on Discord. 
There is lots more to our guild (like guild meetups, playing other games together and even some cool guild merch) so if you’re interested and would like more info I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have! Hit me up on Discord (Tea003#8087) or BNet (Tea003#2501) for a chat!
Heyo! I dont know if you are still looking for a guild, if so you might be interested in our guild. We are fairly new, but we are building that community feel where people actually want to do stuff together. We have a discord server thats used for chatting outside the game, as well as an active guild chat.
We aim for curve each tier, and when thats achieved press further into mythic if the size of the roster and time fits. Weekly 10+ or higher for people who need it, as well we have some that strive to push even further keys.
Here is a link to the post we made [H] Deceit recruiting! (Draenor)
Feel free to add me on discord: idiosyncratic#6758
or btag: LionKeyla#2663 to chat some more ^^
Good morning Edvan
Who are we?
We are Synergize a serious raiding guild who also boast a great community (3/8M). We took a big hit when Classic came out and we are looking to recruit players to push progress for EP and have a good solid team for 8.3
Synergize has an active discord where people do content outside of the raids and play other games toghether as a community.
How is it during raids?
We like to banter and meme, but we are more serious during boss fights to get the things done. But that doesn’t mean we don’t allow talking between the bosses.
When do we raid?
We do mythic raiding Tue & Sun from 20:00 to 23:00 server time (CET). We also clear Heroics on Thursday at around 20:00.
Discord: Preco#7847