HC server it seems

You don’t have to apologize, we are just talking as people should do more often, especially in this day and age :slight_smile:

Its dead in a sense that entire cluster is literally a 1/3 of a realm like Gehennas in wotlk, i guess our definitions of dead and alive are not the same, i didn’t mean to step on your ERA realm but when i say dead i don’t mean it has no1 playing it i mean its a very small fraction of players compared to what fresh would bring thats all.

But then it is not dead. It is just not as active. Everything isnt black and white here, there are things in between.

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Call it whatever u want and whatever it makes you happy, it doesn’t really change the point of my reply where i called it dead in my opinion whatsoever.

But your point is plain wrong. Classic Era is not dead. Looking at the PvP realms they are all marked as FULL. How can that be dead?

Please go back to your belowed WotLK game (which is losing players for Era btw).


Jesus people on this forums have lower and lower IQ as time goes on, you took 2 words i said completely out of context and felt personally attacked because i said that ERA is dead and you are ERA andy, however my entire reply wasn’t about ERA at all in the first place it was about a mistake that HC is compared to fresh realms and thats it, i don’t have anything against people even if a massive minority want to play ERA for next 50 years is that clear now ?

And yes ERA in my opinion has low enough population that can be considered dead (view i would say quite alot more people have then you thinking its alive), you think otherwise we can agree to disagree , whatever it is irrelvant to the point i was making which was about introduction of HC realms.

And please this beloved wotlk game, if you think that this somehow can reach or touch me on any level you are delusional, do not project your own insecurities onto me.
Vanilla wow is far better then wotlk to me, however ERA is not the answer for me (or a vast majority of people) at least.

So its crystal clear you didn’t get the point the first time , hopefully it won’t happen again after this wall of text.

Is this perfectly clear now ?

What’s perfectly clear is that you are one that to try and make their opinion valid has to start insulting people that don’t follow the flow of your mindset, simple as that.

One thing i would like to point out is that yes indeed people have different opinions and views about things, fortunately we are all different and that’s fine, but to say that people here have low IQ it’s just an asinine thing to say.
For you dead means that it has less population that a realm in WOTLK, to me dead means that nobody is playing said game, see, different views about things.
We could say that LOTRO is a dead game no? And yet, people there are still able to do all the content that game has to offer.
I guess that some people, in today’s world, unless they play an online game with huge numbers on a server(s) then the game is dead for them, to me that seems like a narrow mindset to have.


What is perfectly clear from this is that you are P-server player that like us all to be put in one big PvP server for you to have fun killing us all day.
What you not understand is that WoW is many games for many people, and that people not thinking and playing same as you are not morons.
I know my Englisth is stupid, broken, but I sure you understand!


Your English isn’t stupid or broken, i could understand you perfectly.
I also agree with you, some people seem to think that others have low IQ’s just because we don’t embrace and agree with what they are saying…kind like a dictator isn’t it?

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The HC server is good news. I will probably play on it a bit, though I’ll mostly be on the Era servers. Hey, as long as there is an official PvE pre-Cata version of WoW I can return to whenever I feel nostalgic, I’m happy.


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