Headcanon 2: Electric Boogaloo

Joke’s on you, the naaru are obviously 3d printed too.

I’ve been interpreting Zandali “Alor” vaugely as “sacred place” as they mostly seem to be used for temple complexes.

Darnassian as the original elf language as it relates to zandali is ill defined and rarely explored, demonstrably having adopted titan words and later derivatives like Thalassian use the same old words with new meanings.

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Or was it?

Dun dun duuuuun

(It was)

Speaking of moons, groups like the Lun’ali also lend to the idea of ‘alor’ meaning worship, along with the atal’ai and likely others

Azeroth is so heavily modified to support and protect its world soul that it might as well be regarded a cybernetic planet at this point with titan facilities woven through its mountains, ocean floor and anywhere else that it’ll fit.

Much of the machinery is non functional, broken by the sundering, shattering and other numerous -ings through the ages, old god sabotage, careless mining, goblin cooking accidents, tampering, overgrowth and cave-ins.

The result of all this is a broken, overengineered network leaking arcane energies in certain places and flowing this way and that; a good portion of Azeroth’s leylines are artificial and altered further by mortals and immortals.


As the Jailer held fragments of souls in seemingly identical, ice-like fragments, the entirety of Arthas’ soul wasn’t expended in the forging of Kingsmourne. Only the hoarded fragment was.

Unfortunately for him, annihilation might have been preferable next to never possibly being made whole again.

My headcanon of the day? Gul’dan left Grommash behind because he knew he was a wildcard n could likely fully son Blackhand in a Mok’gora if he decided he didnt wanna go along with certain plans, he didnt expect Doomhammer who lost to lame Durotan to be capable/or sly enough(depending what version you believe of his fights, either a great fighter or a sly guy who knew how to sway a fight in his favor dishonourably) as opposed to Grom who went on to kill Wild Gods and Pitlords with the same demon blood buff other Orcs got who didnt have close to as impressive feats even with, he knew Grom was that much of a chad in a fight based off maybe feats in Draenor we never see explored too much in lore.
Edit: the fact that in an alternate universe Grommash takes charge instead of Blackhand or Doomhammer further confirms this to my own imagination, with Doomhammer being pretty lame in the AU aswell, further confirming my idea that he was infact just sly and not as great a warrior as Orcish propaganda presents, but rather an intelligent and sneaky but still likely very talented warrior, just not as talented as Blackhand or Grommash

Eonar’s magic isn’t life magic, it’s actually hyper-advanced arcane botany. She took primordial life spirits and used her powers of Order to turn them into Wild Gods.

I like the idea of the Titans being slightly sinister, taking stuff they don’t like and shaping it into something more pleasing to them.

(accidentally posted this in lore tidbits… Oops)


Not unreasonable with the lore of titans equating what they’ve “ordered” as something they created. Taking a thing and correcting it, then calling it theirs seems perfectly in line.


I’ve got two atm

  • Trolls (and therefor elves) developed from ancient murlocs who settled inland away from oceans giving us a geneological line from ancient murloc to modern elf
  • Going by the laws of physics we’re familiar with in absence of an explanation in wows setting, going by the maps of the azeroth planetary system we see in titan facilities, the sun cannot be an actual star, it’s way too small for that, yet it’s still really bright.
    The reason is, it’s a lightforged planet.

yes it’s cursed headcanon how could you tell

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While I’m of the mind that the first Zandalari were uplifted by ambient Titan-ness from the local sabertusks just like pandaren and draenei.

They retained their dino scales to an extent while their inherent ability to regenerate was boosted. They then built their culture, architecture and fashion sense on the titan keepers and containment structures (pyramids) around their homeland.

Later, trolls were further refined into elves and became more titan looking, getting five fingers and toes and greater arcane affinity at the expense of scaly healing.

In short, Azeroth was once ruled by reptilians and that one loudmouth conspiracy nut on kezan public radio just blew a fuse.

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Does someone have a link to the first headcanon thread? Can’t find it myself.

Headcanon: After WoD, we didn’t go back to our original Azeroth, The Legion to current timeline is another reality and we (The player, Khadgar and other expedition forces) Don’t know it.


They’re putting ARCANE in the WATER and its TURNING THE TROLLS FRUITY.


To the abject horror of gourmands everywhere, the opening of the afterlife allowed indirect trade from Ardenweald and the recipe for the much reviled nightsaber cheese thought lost to the fires of Teldrassil has reemerged on the market at the hands of well meaning fae who don’t really understand what’s considered edible by mortals.

Some bold daredevils try it. Once.

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Since the topic of hunting dragons and subsequently what happened to them came up in RP today, here’s a headcanon from my character. IC it was passed as a theory read from a renowned [Dragonologist NPC].

Dragons are slowly dying out because no new dragons are being born. The reason for the collapse is that as inherently magical creatures, they need sources of magic to hatch their eggs and as mortals have claimed all the major nexuses, dragon populations are disappearing as they’re losing the fight for resources to mortals.

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Since my old post was an accidental repost, here’s a new one:

More than a handful of Maw Walkers have been captivated by the afterlife’s exotic denizens. Unlikely and most often unrequited, these infatuations produce little more than sadness and dreams except for one case; a particularly smitten traveller pouring impossible fantasies and heartache onto page upon page, rapidly producing a series of short novels about the exploits of a fair, young blood elf carrying the Light of her faith into a realm of shadows. A whirlwild romance develops with a tall, fanged, broodingly handsome native aristocrat with their wild contradictions only fuelling their passions, the creative euphemisms at play cleverly dancing on the line of decency.

It’s absolute schlock and frustratingly popular. The anonymous author is now wealthy and certainly no blood elf maiden…


This is cursed.


officer? yeah, this post. Right here.


Following the Legion’s defeat, the opening of the Shadowlands and unraveling of established religions, new movements have risen to find the truth, give people hope, cash in or any other such reason.

The cultism is particularly pronounced among the diverse mass of mankind but also with the draenei who stand at the end of history without answers and no prophet, and the night elves who had their established beliefs ashed with teldrassil.

Notable examples include the reformed Auchenai, looking to safeguard the souls of the dead in soulgems to create a peaceful artificial afterlife removed from the arbitrary madness of what lies beyond the veil. A great latticework of crystals is constructed to this end in a location known only to the cult’s leaders to prevent another Auchindoun incident. The faithful and sympathisers hoping to be preserved all adorn their robes and armour with soulgems.

Another movement is the Watchers of the Red Star; seeing the sealed throne of the Pantheon in the sky at all hours as a sign of hope as well as impending doom; the gods locked away with the devil in perpetual struggle and anticipate the day when it will fall to the ground (exact location differs) and spill forth either the Titans in renewed splendour to remake the world for their children or Sargeras himself dooming all to envy the dead. The movement mostly attracts the titanborn humans, dwarves and gnomes, replacing prior faith in the Light. For Noblegarden, they paint eggs with a five pointed star to symbolize the hatching of a new era.

A more sinister movement embraces the Void and Old Gods as the true creators, givers of flesh and agents of change in a universe of self defeating stasis. Mistaken as Twilight’s Hammer, they have none of the old cult’s pathologies and soberly look toward a future where the known rifts expand to blanket the world in a new Dark Age of change, hope and the unbridled ambition of infinite possibilities. Its ranks include old twilight’s hammer of all stripes but also a noteworthy number of void elves…


Fudge, these are also extremely good RP concepts.

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Future headcanon: because of the links between Ebonhorn and the Highmountain, the Tauren become receptive and welcome allies to the Dracthyr. Children of the Earth Warden, they will no doubt be strong allies to heal and protect the Earth Mother, and their links to Ebonhorn resonate on a deep level with the Highmountain Tribes.

The Centaur that they know however, are met with either open hostilities or stern passive aggressive attitude from the Shu’halo. Tauren may often seek balance, but long standing hatreds take even longer for the patience of a Tauren to fully forgive.