Headcanon 2: Electric Boogaloo

The expressiveness of elf ears and eyebrows have a rich depth of nonverbal communication woven into it over millennia. Most of it is ancient and intuitively understood between elven subraces and Sentinels especially but also their ranger descendants across the sea maintain independently developed but similar lists of appropriate gestures akin to tactical hand signals.

Naturally, having an ear cut off or eyebrows singed hampers this immensely, so hand signals do have a place too.


More tree elf lore:

We all know wisps are night elf souls remaining in the living world as nature spirits. These collectively enter great trees and become Ancients as one new individual. Ancients for their part are effectively eternal, remaining in spirit if slain and awaiting regrowth to enter a new body.


Elune, having some control over the flow of souls into her realm in [not shadowlands] actively leaves some souls of her favoured people in the natural world where her power is strongest. Ancients are cultivated as a way of reincarnation so that her people can continue to protect the land.

This, in part, is because night elves are functionally becoming the fae of the living world, tending the great trees and groves, protecting the Hearts of the great forests as we see in several quests. They have a greater purpose than other mortals as far as Elune is concerned and she blatantly plays favourites.

That fallen night elves lose most of what they are in becoming Ancients isnā€™t a concern but they do impart some of their collective selves into the tree with the souls of sentinels being ideal for Ancients of War, druids for Ancients of Lore and so forth. The kaldorei are aware of these circumstances and treat the revered Ancients as a sort of ancestor worship.


Would that mean Highborne wisps become Ancients of Arcane? :thinking:

Eitherway, I like this headcanon! Iā€™m adopting it!

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That would follow logically, yes. Highborne may be ā€œcorruptedā€ with arcane magic but still have wisp souls.


Everytime you called them Ancients instead of ancients I thought about the Wild Gods (which are called Ancients by the night elves) and not those tree (which are called ancients).

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TIL the Sunwell (and KJ) are absolute units.

Fitting it into headcanon because itā€™s art, even if official.


Pretty accurate to how he was depicted in WC3, where heā€™s towering over The Black Temple like a kaiju when he flames Illidan for what a crappy plan he had.


Hardly my fault that they canā€™t keep the terminology straight. Or do the kaldorei worship both kinds of Ancients as demigods? Probably, in a way. The real question is why the hell tree ancients exist on Draenor as Primals. Coral Ancients in nazjatar are probably formed from the spirits of the drowned.


The mythical Sea Elves have taken on a character akin to mermaids with otherworldly beauty, confusions with maneating sirens and naga being dreadfully common.

Much of the stories are passed between sailors from Boralus to Booty Bay, some salacious, others wistful and a common theme is that the blue skinned, scaled maidens save a drowning man. They either demand strange payments, oaths and favours or give the fortunate soul a tour of their undersea kingdom before they wash up on shore much later as though they only ever really just fell overboard, but we all know better.

All myth and fancy, but sailors all over commonly agree that these lithe, winsome creatures call themselves merā€™dorei.



No more elves


Did you mean


Injecting headcanon here.
Naga sea witches are able to transform themselves back into their old elven forms, they use this to either trick sailors or spy on the hated land dwelling races. their voices are also enhanced with magic and the power of the old god Nā€™zoth to hypnotise mortals. This lends itself to some rare occasions where a beautiful ā€œelvenā€ bards have sung entire fishing villages into the sea pied piper style

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Did you mean:


Yes, but more of them do it, start suspecting your local elves of naga espionage today!

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ā€œGet it? Sheā€™s a sea creature because Shakespeareā€™s Ophelia drowned. Weā€™re sooo cleverā€


At least three more elves, but merā€™dorei are surely fictional (for now).

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It isnā€™t as bad as TES, yetā€¦ But theyā€™re getting really, really closešŸ˜©

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I donā€™t know if this is a headcanon per se as it does rely on factual canon lore and me trying to rationalise and compromise old lore with new, but here goes me rambling. Buckle up kids.

Despite all the memes about fractals in 9.1, my hot take is that I donā€™t think itā€™s a bad idea. As many have stated, they miss the time when magic was more vague, instead of this rigidly defined thing with classifications that Chronicles made them out to be ā€“ but even then, the new classifications donā€™t explain the grey middle ground where depending on interpretation a type of magic could fall under one or several others.

The in game book where people meme about fractals states that there was originally one universal force of creation which split into the 6 main cosmic forces, which then went on to splinter further and where the fractals intersect, new forces arose:

With a framework in place, all that we now comprehend came to be. As if reality were nothing more than a fungus growing upon the frame. Six forces now in balance, and from their intersections arose others. A simple structure growing infinitely more complex.

As each emptiness abated and grew fuller, the pattern alone was not enough. Shapes arose within shapes, begotten by the six to beget more.

Take for example blood magic. What is it? The common answer is twisted life magic, yet we see in BFA that itā€™s capable of necromancy. Weā€™ve seen the Burning Legion raise the dead with fel, void elves and Shadowmoon with powers of the void. In the old lore, Necromancy was categories as Shadow magic, but even after the Chronicle 1 retcon, we see Shadow magic (and tons of other types, including Light) produce Undead. Light + Death, Shadow + Death, hell depending on how you interpret Meryl Felstormā€™s background, heā€™s a potential Arcane Undead. Take communion with the dead - when does it stop being shamanism and turn into necromancy? The line is blurred, yet they should be opposing cosmic forces.

Or what about the Emerald Nightmare? Itā€™s a mirror of the Emerald Dream, i.e. Life, but itā€™s not associated with Death - itā€™s born of the Void. Void + Life at play. Or Drust magic? Clearly itā€™s Death related, yet itā€™s distinctly characterised as being a twisted form of druidism rather than full on Necromancy.

The headcanon or whatever conclusion you want to call it that I propose is this: Instead of 6 rigid classifications, magic is a gradient. Just like a colour spectrum you have the main colours - in this case 6 instead of 3/4 - the gradients in between are still quite valid. I doubt anybody would argue that purple isnā€™t a real colour, even if itā€™s not a primary colour but a mix of Red and Blue. Furthermore I think itā€™s interesting that the 6 main forces fall under the primary colours of a prismā€™s colour spectrum, but the magic of the First Ones from which it all seems to have splintered is characterised as being white.

Fractals. Old lore doesnā€™t need to be invalid. To quote Medivh: Itā€™s just magic. Trying to reason that which circumvents reason is folly. Have fun, do what vibes best.


Seems like copey attempts to plug holes in parts of a setting constantly in flux under different writers with nothing set in stone, imposing a structure on chaos or justifying incoherency as part of a bigger picture to make any sense of whatā€™s in front of our very eyes.

In short, perfectly valid like the rest of these posts.


A Sunwalker always knows what time it is and where the sun is in the sky, the former specifically because of the latter.

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Can a Sunwalker know which direction the wind is blowing in, though? Itā€™s not as easy as it sounds, and itā€™s not related to the sun.