Headcanon 2: Electric Boogaloo

If the art of making vigilants were understood, how would you expect the general public react?

Depends largely on how much empathy is overriden by wide eyed faith, considering their unliving martyred heroes effectively act as sacred reliquaries where you can converse with the great and good who gave their all. The vigilant largely lacks the ability to express suffering, if any and heroically springs to action as expected when needed.

The mere fact that these machines are capable of independent action without a soul present makes them more automated vehicles than second bodies of the fallen. It’s just not practically possible (anymore) to adequately measure how much of a vigilant’s actions are programming and how much of it is individuality unless they’re the rare few with enough of a personality present to distinguish themselves.

It being lore that these machines lose their souls in dormancy suggest they drift away and the common draenei would struggle to tell the difference between Baaros the Benefactor and lingering Protection Protocol B2.

Should the full extent of the situation be unearthed from the ancient Wakener enclave in Eredath, the modern faithful would be rightfully appalled, quite unlike their original creators.


Dark Iron Paladins naturally follow the Light, but theirs is the Light of lava, the symbol of faith being the unyielding Black Anvil. Theirs is a Light that sears and burns, and burns the one trail the dwarf leads - tempered by nigh-constant war with the Blackrock clan, with the Bronzebeard and Wildhammer, and against Ragnaros, they have no use for Compassion or Respect, for their foes only punish both.

Their tenets are instead:


Untempered iron is brittle - cultivate strength by seeking worthy challenges and setting an example. Let weak foes break themselves against you, but do not seek them out, lest you inherit their weakness.


Every part of you which requires the help of another is another gap in your armour - cover as many as you can. Trust expertise and give your own, but betrayal hides in the shadowed gaps of one’s knowledge - and though you may form partnerships, choose death before chains.


Honour is a word for corpses. Strike from below and behind, letting your first blow crumple your enemy before they even know they are under threat. Use any weapon at your disposal and any power you can control.


I endorse this message.

After the compassion showed to her by the other Night Elves, and her reacceptance back into their ranks and society, Solarys & Kery’nael Thorngale now lead an effort to reintegrate willing, former, Druids of the Flame back into Night Elven society.

The mark of their shame forever visible on their very skin; they are not shunned like the Demon Hunters, Darkfallen and Death Knights of their race, instead treated with compassion and empathy they are seen as people who fell prey to despair at their weakest moment, led astray from the Mother Moon’s light when they actually needed her the most.

The Priestessess of the Moon fervently help Solarys’ in her quest to return those who lost their way back into their fold, while the Druids are less amicable about it. still remebering, with great anger and shame, where the origins of these “traitors” lay. Nonetheless they follow the will of the Archdruid of Moonglade and the High-Priestess and begrudgingly allow these Fire-Elves to roam undisturbed and unrestricted across the boughs of Amirdrassil.

Although very, very, few actually rejoin their kin; making them a rare a sight as the Darkfallen and Illidari themselves. Nonetheless the few that did return, having become more Elemental then Elf, found themselves heavily connected to the Firelands and other Elemental Planes. Being able to call upon the powers of the Elements more easily; they now have invited Furbolg Shamans to teach them in their ways of Shamanism, hoping to one day call upon this powers to repay their debt to their kin.


Lordaeronian funerary rites have long included shaving the male deceased as part of the process of cleaning the body and preparing it for its coffin and crypt. Even in the nightmare crisis of the great plague of undeath, the custom persisted as standard procedure. With shallow mass graves replacing more dignified solutions, proper rites was the least their loved ones could do.

It is for this reason that the vast majority of forsaken men are clean shaven, if they retain any skin or jaw at all. Others have since shaved to fit in as a cultural norm. Forsaken with particularly weak chins in life tend to find this rather distressing.



Not all dwarves are blacksmiths, but I imagine that the overwhelming majority can still judge the quality of the finished product when they see it.

In the same sense, not all humans are farmers, but most humans are probably good judges of the quality of fruit and vegetables they see at a market.

Not all orcs ride or own wolves, but they can probably recognize a diseased wolf from a hundred paces away.

Not all elves are archers, but they could probably watch you try to string a bow and understand that you’re doing it wrong.


Just a thought I had the other day:

The reason priest healing spells take the shape of hymns, the naaru “sing” and the lo’kosh concept of the Light are all related to the expression of harmonious structure in a melody as a manifestation of the Light’s universal order. A voice raised in song is an act of worship but also an expression of a belief, a joint choir carrying this forward and strengthening the metaphysical bond.

There are of course nonconformist forms of music but Lightbased liturgical music sounds remarkably uniform across cultures with its chants and hymns.


The Kaldorei Dark Rangers, who have rejoined their kin, have enmasse opted to finally replace the title of Dark Ranger, opting for the (more appropriate) title of Dark Sentinel, to honour what they were in life.

Nonetheless, down to their very core, a Dark Ranger and a Dark Sentinel are the same in all but name. Replacing their attunement with Nature/Elune for Necromancy.

Although still very much outcasts and hated by the general populace of Bel’ameth and other Kaldorei outposts, this has been met with silent approval nonetheless, as it shows them breaking ties with the history they had with the Forsaken and the univerally hated Banshee-Queen(wether this is true remains to be seen, and some still watch these Dark Sentinels with wary eyes)


With Thalyssra and Lor’themar’s wedding, and the union of both the Kingdom of Quel’thalas and the City-state of Suramar; it has become more common to see the two races intermingle.

Slowly, but surely, the two social circles of Highborne lords and ladies and lowborne servants and peasants are finding a delicate balance. Some houses have lost influence in the greater unified Kingdom, while others have gained due to their quick response and alliances with other noble houses.

Alongside this, a exchange program has been set up between the Silvermoon City Guards/Spellbreakers and the Duskwatch, allowing each other insights into their ranks, because of this its possible to see Blood Elves patrol Suramar or Nightborne patrol Silvermoon city.

Suramar, having now been freed years ago from their bubble also sees itself slowly expanding; reclaiming the ancient ruines surrounding their city and rebuilding them into proper buildings to add to their City, the sacred burial city of Tel’anor has also seen recent use, with more and more families opting reclaim ancient mausaleums of their long lost relatives.


The titans, as is their way, have a uniform instinctual understanding of what is needed to create. Feeding their ego as big C Creators, they sculpt their common sufficiently advanced AI drones from the stone of their homeworlds. This explains the common thread as they made creatures in their own modest image as well as induce mutations in wildlife to resemble them (see draenei, night elves, even pandaren).

As Sargeras fell to the Fel (heh), his creations did as well. Some living beings became demons, like the well known doomguards once used to police sacrificial magic across known space but the stoic stone sentinels have ever been known to respond poorly to corruption. Due to the severity of Sargeras’ presence and power, his machines warped and twisted, cracking with felfire and drawing more material into themselves to replace that lost to the burn as their minds shattered.

The result were the Infernals: stone and flame filled with rage at the maddening agony of their existence. Beings sculpted to in turn create became their own antithesis, driven to do nothing but destroy.


The second heads of ogre mages is an expression of the recessive gene in their ogron ancestors; one eyed and deformed. Strangely, it is often the more intelligent of the two heads. Practically two individuals sharing a body rather than one being, they remain one entity with two brains.

Hypothetically, an ogre robbed of its brighter twin head by injury would lose its sorcerous power along with the ability to comprehend it. Should the opposite happen, the ogre mage is still crippled as the bulk of its motor function and coordination rests in its denser brain. Thus rendered clumsier if not entirely immobile, they remain a threat.

These facts were obvious to Gul’dan in his experiments in creating new ogre mages and he unquestionably tested these consequences on failed or disloyal prospects. Lordaeron’s knights on the other hand, often sent to counter the Horde’s ogres, learned to aim for their prodigious bellies as it became tactically expedient to disembowel them rather than go through the trouble of trying to behead an ogre with a spare head to begin with!

Further; the word “tank” came into being during the Third War in reference to the containers building the pressure for the Alliance’s steam cannon. Incidentally, it arose independently on draenor as the word in orcish for reinforced carts used for travel and sometimes warfare, applied as a general rule to the Iron Horde tanks on alterate draenor. More accurately, a “self-propelled war-wagon” but as orcs are a generally practical lot (except when it comes to architecture) they stuck with the more straightforward word.


Elven night vision resembles the pictures a phone camera makes in night sight mode: it’s still recognizably night, but the view is colorful and discerns more detail — down to letters on paper, if one is inclined to read — than a typical human eye can see in such conditions.






Not all Goblins are robber barons but they all know a good deal and a bad deal when they see one.

Not all Gnomes are engineers but most can probably fix the fusing and wiring in machines.

Not all Tauren have been expecting you, but they’re pretty good at predicting the habits of other races.


That’s not exclusive to archery - elves just know you’re doing it wrong, whatever it is.

It’s not an insult, it’s just a fact that an elf would’ve done something better


“No, no, no, not like that! Let me do it!”


Sentinel Basecamp has re-established a portal connection to the new Kaldorei capital of Bel’ameth; replacing the one it lost with Darnassus when Teldrassil burned. Due to their re-established connection with the new Kaldorei capital, it has seen an increase in size and traffick, with some Kaldorei opting to call this village their new home, away from the horrors they endured with in the Emerald Dream and the 4th War before that.

On the otherside of Krasarang Wilds; Thunder Cleft has seen an increase in Tauren settlers, Taurens who seek freedom and peace from the hardships of the Barrens or otherwise troubled individuals amongst the many Tauren tribes come here to enjoy the scenes and serenity of Pandaria. Ofcourse Tauren scholars, be they from the Kalimdor tribes or the Highmountain Tribes(and even an odd Taun’ka) can been found to try and establish relationship with Yaungol of Pandaria, thusfar attempts have been meet by different shades of success, but they keep on trying anyway!


I just want to say I find it funny that this headcanon essentially came true , as this was before the Reclamation of Gilneas questline was announced and/or datamined.


Its common for Nightborne visiting Quel’thalas to walk around barefooted! A habit they hold onto from their time within the bubble when the streets of Suramar were pristine clean, you could walk around barefooted.

Ofcourse this raises the occasional eyebrow amongst the Thalassian Elves and the Nightborne have learned the hardway that you cannot walk around barefooted everywhere; those who travel to area’s like Orgrimmar or other such “savage” places compared to the High Kingdom and the Jewel of the Empire are often warned to bring footwear!

Smart Goblin traders often prey upon Nightborne who ignored such warning, springing up a bustling Sandal business near the Orgrimmar Portal Room, where innocent Nightborne are preyed upon to buy overpriced, low-quality footwear or sandals!