Healer is looking for a guild!

Hello gamers!
As it is stated in the title,i am looking for a guild for the next season. Currently i am on Doomhammer,but i dont mind swapping servers. I have every single AOTC in game,and usually progress of 3-6 mythic bosses in every raid tier. My work schedule can be rough though,so my main focus is m+. I am playing mostly healers (any class) If you are looking for a healer,send me a message on bnet: trickyhunter#25324

Hello Sehith,

I’m coming from a Guild “No More Greens” on Twisting Nether, if you would like to talk more about it and maybe joining us I sent you a friend request on BNet as Duck#22712

TLDR about “No More Greens”

  • We are a newly formed guild

  • We’re a guild with the average age of 30yo+

  • Our goal is to make a steady raid roster and a nice community while doing other activities like M+ or even PvP

  • For now we are doing Heroic raid only but once we have enough people we will start doing some Mythic progress before next season starts

  • We raid on Wednesday & Thursday from 20:00 to 23:00 Server-time.

Hey there , you still on the lookout for new guild ?
I think were a good match, so if youre interested in knowing more. You can contact me on discord

Or check out our guild recruitment page.

Hey, here! Hope out guild will sound good to you :slight_smile:

Added you on Bnet to talk, we are currently expanding our roster for HC raiding in season 3 alongside pushing M+, hmu in game or over discord if you prefer.

Discord - Qweggla
Bnet - QweggyD#2216