Healing and tank specs should have 'pet's

problem does exist. I have seen a number of threads such as this appear recently : New player experience could be better - #2

And you say this ting about control… a healer chooses to be a healer in order to heal. that is what they do in dungeons. they have a number of skills and abilities to help them do this. what I am suggesting is allowing them to play this way throughout the game, rather than have to use workarounds in order to level their character.

noob tanks don’t end up tanking because they are scared to, because if they have ever even tried it once they were probably votekicked or abused a heck of a lot.

we don’t see them because we’ve collectively bullied them into being DPS. that is why DPS always have a heck of a long wait for any group content.

But a healer class is a support class. that is why players choose to heal. to support the other players.
If a player doesn’t want to be a support, they don’t choose healing spec. it’s really that simple. if this ‘pet’ creates an authentic tanking experience and the player doesn’t enjoy it, they don’t enjoy tanking, and then why on earth would they choose to be a tank? it’s just as simple as changing spec to a dps. changing spec is actually quite easy.
I’m really confused by your response to be honest.

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