This would surely be OP for group quests/elites? If the theory is the healer needs the tank pet to tank, their pet would be tough enough to sustain aggro and tanks hits making soloing such quests EZ mode, as the healer just had to keep their pet alive and it will kill the job for them.
Make the pet unable to do such, and then you’re just making their levelling unecessarily convoluted by forcing them to heal a target to play, when the target isn’t even really tanky at all.
Also how does this work for world PvP? Assumedly you’re making the healer fragile, thus making their tank pet necessary (if they’re not, why bother? Just tank and heal yourself as healers do currently), does this mean in world PvP if a healer is targeted by an enemy player they’re basically dead in a drop?
It just seems a wierd way to go about things. I think most players are savvy enough to know that if they’re a healing spec (assuming they can read) in group content where their portrait has a healer symbol by it, their job is to heal others.
I mean DPS levelling doesn’t teach you to dungeon either. When levelling you so all sorts of sub efficient stuff because you determine combat yourself. In a group you play differently. Surely DPS players should have a pet that pulls for them and so dictates their combat like in groups? Nerd their self heal so they need to rely on a healer pet like in dungeons?
There’s nothing wrong with world questing being unlike dungeoneering. Why should they play the same? I think levelling dungeons and entry level max ones are gentle enough to give you an idea and leeway to work it out. It’s not like someone completely new to the concept of wow will be making their first dungeon ever a M+10 is it?
who said anything about skills disappearing? since when does ‘simple pet’ equate to ‘half your skills’?
I thought the word ‘simple’ was sufficient. do I need to go into more detail?
the simple pet might hit the monsters causing simple dps, equivalent to the dps that any other damage dealing class might put out.
it would die quite quickly if you don’t heal it.
I don’t need to be as tough as a tank to sustain aggro. I just need to hit hard, which I can do. and besides, these things are not inextricably linked. if it is a healer ‘pet’ , then obviously it has to be squishy enough to require the healer to actually heal it.
I’m just suggesting an idea here. I’m not designing a game, you’re just trying to poke holes rather than see the potential benefit. I didn’t make this thread to get into a fight.
Not sure if you realised, but this is what a healer is. they play the game by healing other players (or NPC’s). maybe you need to brush up on hte concept…
The point of playing a game is to be in control. Having a pet you can’t control, or pet without skills you can control will be terribly boring. On top of that, even if it’s just a pet (which should be good enough to be killing monsters), and you still lose it while in a group will mean that you’ll lose a significant part of your character when grouping up. Not feeling good. Not to mention that then you’ll end up creating a fantasy where the player isn’t playing the protagonist of their adventure, but the support of some stupid AI.
Have you ever played an escort mission in any game?
Your approach to this is exactly like Blizzard’s - you imagine a problem exists, even when it demonstrably doesn’t, and then look for solutions to this nonexistent problem. There’s no armies of noob tanks running around, ruining everything for everyone, and healers do fine in understanding their role. There’s no evidence that they need their leveling experience vastly remodeled just to fix a non-issue.
problem does exist. I have seen a number of threads such as this appear recently : New player experience could be better - #2
And you say this ting about control… a healer chooses to be a healer in order to heal. that is what they do in dungeons. they have a number of skills and abilities to help them do this. what I am suggesting is allowing them to play this way throughout the game, rather than have to use workarounds in order to level their character.
noob tanks don’t end up tanking because they are scared to, because if they have ever even tried it once they were probably votekicked or abused a heck of a lot.
we don’t see them because we’ve collectively bullied them into being DPS. that is why DPS always have a heck of a long wait for any group content.
But a healer class is a support class. that is why players choose to heal. to support the other players.
If a player doesn’t want to be a support, they don’t choose healing spec. it’s really that simple. if this ‘pet’ creates an authentic tanking experience and the player doesn’t enjoy it, they don’t enjoy tanking, and then why on earth would they choose to be a tank? it’s just as simple as changing spec to a dps. changing spec is actually quite easy.
I’m really confused by your response to be honest.
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I’d be ok with giving healers a dps npc for questing and open world content.
For example, my gf doesn’t play because she is not interested in the killing part of the game so she ain’t interested in questing. If she could play 100% by healing though, it’d be a different story
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I usually agree with you ,but not this time. Not even slightly.
I hate pet /minions spec and would simply stop tanking.I can also imagine that i am not only one who dislike pet/minions gameplay.
What they could do is to just give us companions like in WoD and Legion that we can use in any zone.
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Hell to the no. You could barely ever get out of combat due to them.
But that is why Blizz introduced multispec. Because nobody would just choose to heal. Even in Vanilla, all healers had alts on which they did their farming. So those who want to be tanks, would still level up using fury warrior and then swap to prot at max level, and only for dungeons.
The reason people don’t want to tank, even experienced players, is because tanking is rather boring. The skills feel pathetic. It’s not even about damage numbers, it’s just that pressing buttons as Arms is just more fun.
If we want more players to be tanks, tanking needs to be made more fun. Same as healing, although healing is actually fun enough and there’s no real shortage of healers.
Speak for yourself , i tank because i find it more fun than dpsing.
It already is fun. What’s not fun is tanking for complete potatoheads. The kind of people who go “ME SEE ENEMY, ME SMASH” and just unload everything on it before you have even touched it or who don’t press their interrupts etc.
This is part of being a healer, no?
there are always situations in dungeons where players accidentally pull, or just don’t consider the healer and run ahead. this would reinforce the important of pots for example.
clearly there would be contingencies for hairy situations.
certainly this ‘pet’ would also be less aggressive and wouldn’t run after mobs unless you had first aggro’ed them? I mean as a ww monk, I have some abilities that create extra bodies and I generally don’t have problems with unintended pulls.
so you’ve never healed a pug dungeon where someone accidentally pulled a group? or just plain didn’t consider mana breaks?
I guess you didn’t play legion. I literally ran across suramar once and was still in combat due to the thing from the class hall. I couldn’t mount up. When I encountered it again after that I just ended up hearthstoning because there was no way to get out of combat. Never happened after I stopped using them.
i mean sure… that’s a bug.
when coming up with ideas how to maybe make the game work better. I shouldn’t have to allow for random bugs. sorry but I feel that is a bit unreasonable.
also… you’re a night elf. shadowmeld is your friend.
Which has existed for ages. Still exists with pet classes. Why do you think I’m not playing a pet class?
Shadowmeld didn’t bring you out combat when that happened.
yes it does. I do it all. the. time.