Healing are fine stop crying (US)

I seen many posts in US forums which unfortunatly i cant reply, crying about healing that is not rewarding or that tanks do more healing than the healers… All i have to say to everyone is that healing is fine both pve and pvp wise, i play holy pally and the power of healing that i have i never had before, i never felt more powerful as a healer, i have every spell from all expansions combined here, its impossible to lose my group unless they get one shoted, you have to be fast yes, i use healbot and i have most of my spells on my mouse but still i feel very powefull. Healing never felt to me more rewarding and more fun than DF. Healers cry for PvP i guess because they got used to get 5 dps on them in and survive easily (SL) but this was just wrong and this was a reason SL was so bad, immortal healers.
Healers are exactly where they should be atm, not to powerful not to weak pvp wise. PvE wise healing is so much fun i changed my paladin from ret to holy for my main spec.
DF is the best expansion ever released by blizz i am amazed how much balance things are and i give blizz thumbs up. I wouldnt change a thing. If you cry about healing you need to change your self not the game to change for yourself… The game is perfect atm it has never been so balanced before.


I made a somewhat similar thread yesterday.


I have so much fun healing 16+ with my holy pal that i change my MS from ret to holy… You have to be fast but its very fun and it feels very rewarding when i get all my team from 15% up to 100% many times in the row. Dont expect to heal nice if you dont use mouse over macros on party frames or just use healbot or voodoo addons. Personally i use healbot and with crap gear i can heal up to 18+. Not stressful no frustrating and very rewarding if you ask me.

I’m really not into PvE, but I do try to get the KSM mount when it looks nice.
I can’t say it was stressful when I did it last season.

Honestly this season I’ve been delaying the moment I’ll have to play M+ for KSM.
Not because healing is stressful, but because M+15 is easy and boring, and I fall asleep in front of my computer doing this for 20, 25, 30 minutes.
There’s just no enough happening. Barely any challenge.

I do have a blast healing in arena though.

Bro, what. They just threw all balancing into the bin with augmentation evoker.


Eh, it would seem the vast majority of people disagree with both of you.

Why do you think that is?


I wonder how hard content is that majority is pushing tho…

Imagine taking anything from americans seriously…

is this serious? you say healerS and then you healed 16s with holy pala? the only spec that isn’t dead nerfed to the ridiculous yet?

and i only play with holy pala. however, i’ve only been playing palas since legion and have the reflexes, muscle memory, addons, macros and a lot of experience with the class. I can time 23+ with my eyes closed. and the group not only has a healer, but dmg buffs in big pulls, which means 110+k dps in dmg meter at holy pala.

but what do other classes have? or why do we hardly see any other classes in the group?

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The evolution of the gamer profile.
From RTS games, to MMORPGs, to MOBAs, to mobile games.

Instant gratification gamers no longer have the patience to learn and develop their skills over time. They want to start a new game, a new class, a new role, and perform immediately.
They want to reach their full potential in a matter of hours so that they can join the big game, and claim the big rewards ASAP.

It’s not specific to gaming of course.
People in general have been losing patience, the will to learn, or even just the ability to focus on a single task: From books to movies, to TV series, to YouTube videos, to TikTok shorts.
Anything that requires time to fully process induces frustration in their feeble minds.

I do not think the game should change to better accommodate the low patience, low attention span crowd.


I’m certainly not low attention span (the jury is out on the patience part) but I find healing a lot less fun than previous expansions.

Also, the OP is kinda what you’re alluding to as well. He’s cottoned on to the fotm class, timed (basically carried) through a medium key and now hes reached the conclusion its all fine.

I don’t think you’re addressing the core issue. If it was all about instant gratification / changing of the world etc then why have long term healers moved away from the role?

I did a lot of keys and random BG’s as healer previously, now I don’t touch them.

What are you reasons for healing less?

Different explanations can coexist.
I do think mine explains why new players trying the role do not stick with it, but it could be interesting to hear your take, as a former healer who’s basically quit the role.

I’ve stopped playing BGs as well. But the reason for me is much simpler.

Before, I struggled to find people to play arena with, so I played BGs instead, to kill time while still doing some PvP.
Now, I press the “solo shuffle queue” button and I’m playing arena instantly. This has made BGs irrelevant to me. Not because BGs themselves have gotten worse, or because healing has changed, but because I can now fully dedicate my time to a game mode I’m more interested in.

It’s less “fun”.

I don’t know what made it that way. It’s never a single thing, its an interaction of a bunch of factors - but whatever those factors are, more and more people are reaching the same conclusion and walking away from the role.

I’d have to give it a proper think.

there are good people everywhere and the opposite.
the disadvantage here is that there are too many forums with different languages. but in us everything is written in english. so you can discuss there better, because more people write.

Dude’s name is basically thorazine, a medication used to treat certain mental/mood disorders, and claims healing is fine.

For me the fun depends on what i’m doing too , as well as affixes. Like this week i’ve healed 4 keys, realised dps are ignoring bolstering and thinking it’s fun to torture us poor healers with it , shattering belows that get bolstered in Freehold :joy: and then acting surprised that the whole group gets oneshot. I’ve concluded i’m on a mini healing break for the rest of the reset :grin:

Healing was more fun in SL for example because our single target heal was better. And we had way more good hps checks. Also on trash with mini bosses.

Right now trash is just fast trying to respond on someone getting hit by something random, and hoping that player presses his healing potion so he stays alive for the next random thing. We healers try to help that player, but since our single target heal is nerfed into the ground we keep spamming this player, which is where the fulltime stress comes from.

Please do, and come back to this thread.
It’s important. You can’t start to think about fixes to an issue until you’ve properly identified said issue.

So, your main issues are:

  • Healing throughput feels lower than in previous expansions
  • Unavoidable damage from PvE encounters is too high

I have felt that way about healing output since Legion.
I’ve compared to healing of Enveloping Mist in Dragonflight season 1 to its healing in Warlords season 3, where health pools were pretty similar.

The same spell heals for about about five times less.
And I completely understand why: it can be spammed now, whereas it couldn’t back in WoD since you needed to generate 3 Chi before you could use it.

Ironically, the added complexity of Chi in WoD, which made Mistweaver a bit harder to play, also made it “easier” to play because it was compensated with bigger numbers.
Complexity made the specialization stronger, and, paradoxically, easier.

Being able to master this was satisfying because you felt like you had more control over what you were doing as you were improving, and you were properly rewarded because your healing output was noticeably higher.
I think they should go back to giving healers more depth, and increase the healing output granted for playing properly.

You already have stupidly strong single target healing in pve as a healer in m+ if you’re playing properly. The problem is group-wide damage that happens very fast, like naraxas or the totem in uldaman 2nd boss or people getting hit by abilities that can be stopped.

You can say whatever you want, but the fact is that there are now less healers around.
Anyone who pugs m+ knows that.

Atm it’s not bad cause dungeons got nerfed and we geared up, so atm it doesn’t feel super bad, but at the beggining of the seasons it feels awful.