Healthy and social Horde realm for TBC

Hey all,

for wow classic i chose for the first time ever playing alliance. however, i ve started to miss the horde zones and would like to experience to horde leveling areas again. now i am looking for a healthy, social/friendly horde realm with a high enough population for frequent low level dung groups or even raiding if i come to the conclusion i wanna main horde.

Realm can be EN or GER and should be in Europe and it would be rly nice if it isnt a “lf carries or big dick buyers” only community as im none of them and i just like to play with nice peeps and do the raiding with them even if the raid takes 1h longer in the end. Im open for both PVE and PVE, would prefer PVP as i have never played PVE but a healthy community is more important to me than ganking other dudes in the open world.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

I spent my classic life on ZT horde and enjoyed it so far. People know each other, Lfg is basically barrens chat, low lvl dungeons weren’t a problem for me (constantly leveling several alts).
I have recently moved one of my 60s to Firemaw horde and was shocked. Orgrimmar had 3 times more people, lfg was full of “wts boosts” and gbid spams. It feels like everyone is in hurry and constantly annoyed by something.
After couple days of putting boosters on ignore I saw that LFM speed in chat is pretty much the same as I saw on ZT.
After this transfer I value my og server even more and I think it is a good server to start


I play Alliance in Firemaw, and the amount of boosters, is insane. My ignore list (expanded with addon) is full, and still I can’t get rid of those annoying people.
Otherwise, is a very live and friendly realm. I like it more than Razorgore.

Can confirm. Played there only from March 2020 to September 2020 though, but it was an amazing adventure. Might come back for TBC there too.

Is ZT Zandalarian Tribe? Sounds very well, thanks for your view!

I play Alliance on Firemaw as well, and yes it is very friendly, definitely a good experience but as I started late i dont find many groups that do sth else than gbid runs which is not so nice for me personally.


If you’re using global ignore list (and you should), you need to add keywords like “wts”, “boost”, “b00st” to your filter list. Ignore listing ppl one by one is just waste of time.

I am afraid, that with that method, the list will be full very quickly. There is space only for the spammers unfortunately.
Or you mean, that the addon will hide those messages?

without CRZ there is not heatlhy pvp community, but with CRZ there is not heatlhy PVE community.

You might consider Dragonfang, no boosters here. There was a reroll event a little more than 2 months ago and over 2 tousand players started new characters then.

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Yes it hides all messages with certain keywords.

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