Hear me out - We should get a 'warband-style' Great Vault and more!

I have seen some posts about not getting enough mythic track gear just through playing M+ on people’s mains which I don’t particularly agree with, however, when it comes to alts, it is damn near impossible to keep them up to date with at least the mythic weekly gear. The best one can hope for really is doing a single +10 key on the alt and crossing your fingers that it’s something useful. With the new warband system to me it would make sense for the Great Vault to be in some way shared across your alts too because the game should not be punishing players who enjoy playing their main but also want a suitable alt to play when they get the chance. I am currently rated 3k in m+ as a frost dk main and gearing my alts beyond 620 has become a weekly chore, there are at 3 or 4 more classes I would love to play on a regular basis but it just seems daunting with the amount of time and effort that will need to be invested into them in order to play at a higher level, as well as the fact that there is no simple way for them to catch up with the mythic track gear. Currently the game feels like you need to pick 1-3 classes and only focus on them, anything beyond that is unfeasible even if you play 8+ hours a day due to the amount of dungeons you have to do on each char to be up to date with crests.

I have a few suggestions to help solve these issues without it being unnecessarily easy to gear an alt.

The first suggestion is to have a warband-style shared mythic vault where the slots you unlock are for all characters at max level in your warband. If you think abut it, even if you are a mythic raider and enthusiast, there’s no way you have time to clear mythic raid on 4+ characters or to do 8 level 10+ dungeons on each character per week and so with the introduction of the warband system, why not make it shared so players can have more freedom to choose where they want to focus their time? I don’t think it’s an unreasonable request and even if someone has a ton of level 80 characters in their warband, it’s not in any way going to give them a big advantage getting 1 mythic/heroic track item per week per character, it will only give them an incentive to feel like they can choose more freely what they play.

My second suggestion is in regard to crests. Now I realise that making them warband transferrable may be something that has been discussed and decided against for various reasons and I get it, however, there should be a compromise. I main DK as I stated earlier and I logged on my balance druid to try gearing it up a bit and realised I would need to do something like 36 dungeons to cap out gilded crests… It’s not feasible and it’s very demoralising. My suggestion for a compromise is as follows: a warband partner. On your main you select a character in your warband to ‘partner’ up with and when you earn crests that exceed the weekly cap, instead of being downgraded into essentially useless crests that your main will never really be able to use, you hand them over to your warband partner who will rejoice at the prospect of actually seeing some real play time! Once the weekly cap is removed towards the end of the system then you should be able to choose if you want to keep sending all your crests to your partner or you want to keep them for your own greedy purposes on your main. You should also be able to change who your partner is but maybe put a daily or weekly cooldown on the effect.

Alts need some love too!

P.S. If warband partners is implemented I want a shout-out :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re not supposed to be equipping every alt with high end gear. M+ gear is supposed to be the top gear apart from mythic raid gear.

The welfare vault should be removed. It’s making too many entitled crybabies who expect BIS gear each week.

Read the post. It’s not that it’s not possible to gear alts, it’s just that it isn’t enjoyable. Instead of discouraging alts, it would be something that encourages people to play other characters and reduce the limitations that are currently in place. It’s a matter of accessibility, not necessity.

Yeah no, we casuals like to gear up as well

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They are on the same account, played by the same guy. He can only log in with one character at a time on that account. I don’t see the issue here. If he has time to clear Mythic raid on his main, giving gear to his alts makes him play MORE, which benefits everyone.

I bet you cap it 9/9 every week though.


So you fill up the vault on one character then can select an item for each alt you have?

Member when the game is about characters and not about accounts?

I member.

Would be nice, wouldn’t it ?
Instead of doing 2 delves, 1 heroic on all your alts every week to not “get screwed” and keep up with the chores before you can actually play, you do as much as you can on your main and then log in and play your alts for fun. Imagine lol. I think it’s a great idea.


The problem is “fun”.
This violates Blizzard’s internal policy


Not having your alt at the same level as your main is not ‘being punished’. That just sounds so incredibly entitled to me, I can’t even wrap my head around it.

If you want several alts geared up to a degree where they are on equal footing with a main, you should have to put in the time. Because that’s not a right or necessity. It’s a luxury.

And that’s absolutely 100% fine. It should not be the norm to have an army of alts. It just shouldn’t. The whole idea of an RPG where you play a character is to have that character mean something to you; to have a bond with that character, to develop that character and focus on it. It’s not an RTS where you have an army of characters.

I strongly dislike this focus on ‘the account’ and not on the actual ‘characters’.
Imo, they should not simply be load-outs that you switch to on a whim.

You saying this in the expansion that has had THE ABSOLUTE MOST love for alts in the entire history of the game is incredibly jarring to me.


But Tah, how should all the FOMO rollers gear up then and clear content?
Surely you don’t expect them to put in effort?

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I dont think it would be, i just wanted to clarify if i understood correctly.
I like to actively play my alts, i dont see the point in them essentially being mailed gear each week.
If my alts are handed the gear each week whats the incentive to play them? what would i have left to do?
Say i did 8 mythics on my main why would i bother logging into my alts to do anything when i already have a full vault?

I appreciate the feedback but I disagree with the points you made. They will not be on equal footing with the suggestions I have given UNLESS you play them also due to the crests they would still need to upgrade their gear. You can put in the time to gear alts but how many players have 4+ level 80 characters (especially with the warband mentor system) where at least 1 of those characters won’t see play until they get levelled the next expansion or to play at the start of a new season as a main.

We all have the option to make and play these classes and a lot of time/work goes into balancing them all so why should there be a limiter on what you choose to play, regardless of whether you play casually or are a professional gamer. I think the focus should just be shifted a bit more towards encouraging players to be able to swap between characters when they feel like rather than forcing them to lock in on 1 or 2 and Blizzard have been making changes in this direction since Dragonflight and so saying that it’s absolutely 100% fine to be able to play 1-3 characters/classes when there are currently 13 classes to choose from is a step backwards in the line of thinking. You can still have a favourite character, you can still develop and focus on it and create this ‘bond’ that you speak of, it just should be possible to decide to play a different class without having to do 30-40 catch up dungeons before being able to play that character on the same level that you can already play on your main character.

That’s just in terms of an average m+ player, this suggestion doesn’t give you an unfair advantage, all the vault rewards have been earned by you already, it’s 1 item per week and you’re not guaranteed to get an upgrade. This is just a means of facilitating and making it alts a more enticing prospect of the game. I also 100% fully disagree that this game shouldn’t be a game where you can potentially have an ‘army’ of geared characters. Why not? People pay to play this game so why should we only be paying to play 1-3 characters per season when we could be paying to play all classes. What advantage would there be to be able to do this? You can only play 1 character per account at any one time so I really don’t get your point.

edit sidenote I truly believe that making a change to this effect would be a step in the right direction and in line with the current train of thought of making the game more accessible to alts like you said without making it extremely easy at the same time to do so.

Can you paragraph please, this is hurting my eyes.

Done ^^ sorry.

If i have to play them anyway to get the crests, i will automatically get the vault slots so i dont really see the benefit…

The same incentive you have to play your alts in the first place: to have fun, but also crests. You would still need a lot of crests if you want to push that character to come close to your main ^^

Well the problem i believe start from the foundation of the game .

The game has become a Diablo copy with series where there is no more character growth .

The best expansion to compare was Tbc .

    1. Casual had the casual content like Dungeons/Hc Dungeons (16 of them)
    1. Specific Raids . Karazhan- Zul Aman = amazing experience and quite easy approached . And very good gear competing with the Raiding gear(was a lot of help )
    1. Professions. Yes in Tbc you could create 2 to 4 items top quality (raid) T5 waist= biss until Sunwell . People could gear up with professions giving an edge of accessibility.
    1. Badge-token System . Doing activities like raids-dungeon-hc you earned badges that you could trade for gear . Time=Effort=Rewards.

I believe obtaining what i have written is a better choice to add for either main or alts playing .

I mean if you want to have your alts fitted with mythic track 623 gear with no upgrades then that’s up to you. By the time you get full gear it will be towards the end of the season anyway since you only get 1 loot per week and it doesn’t guarantee an upgrade. This change will mean that you don’t have to do the 1-8 +10 dungeons per week but I mean you either want to play the character or you don’t want to. If you do want to play the character then you will play it anyway for crest. If you don’t, with the current system, people feel forced to play it anyway just for the sake of missing the vault and falling behind, which, by all accounts, isn’t an enjoyable experience. If anything it should get people playing more, as they can try out different classes and specs to see how they feel without having to worry about them being too far behind to play.

For example right now I have a main and 3 alts. I personally only log the alts for the vault as you said because I’m trying to push my main in m+. Now if I wanted to pick a fresh alt that I haven’t been doing weekly vaults on and I decide that’s what I want to main, it will take until at least of the end of the season to be on par gear-wise with my alt due to what it’s missed. To me that makes no sense and severely limits what you can and can’t play. It’s simply a catch-up mechanic for alts that you might be interested in playing in the future where currently, there is none.

I am a little confused… You want to gear up two characters for the price of only playing one?

Or you want to choose some a vault loot to go to your alt instead of the main your receiving a vault on?