Hearthstone's 10th Anniversary Event Updates

With hotfixes coming soon, we’re making the following adjustments to the Hearthstone’s 10th Anniversary Event:

  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to complete the Whizbang encounter and not receive Trading Post credit for it.
  • Players can now collect missing cards by using the Hearthstone Gameboard toy to defeat others in a friendly game. It will continue to drop cards after the event ends.
  • The event duration has been extended by 96 hours, and is now scheduled to end on Friday, March 22.
  • For the remainder of the event, the boss portal will open every 30 minutes (was every 60 minutes).

Thank you very much!


Those are good changes, thank you.

Still don’t get credit in trading post.

Hello and thank you for the event updates. I was wondering though is this going to be a fix for people like me that traded a card away and cannot get it anymore to complete the hearthstone card collection achievement?

I’m waiting for someone to still complain that 4 extra days is still not enough and that because people can still collect cards after the event, why can’t they still collect the other items, once the event has also ended xD

That’s because the fix is not live yet. Re-read the post “With hotfixes coming soon”

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Great news!!!


idk if the fix is live but im only getting wild cards from winning the minigame. My achievement is still bugged

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Thank youuuu!!! This is massive improvements, you guys are great!! :dracthyr_heart:

Good adjustments but why have a fun, non game breaking mini event sit behind RNG? I’ve lost track of how many kills I have in this event now and collected everything other than the bag, which is all I really want. Sometimes, the boss even drops nothing. Make us work for it sure but at least have it so there is at least one guaranteed drop from the loot table per kill. It’s just frustrating for no reason.

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Indeed getting a free 36 slot bag for little to no effort it terms of just being there and tagging a boss is indeed extremely frustrating…


the hotfix unfortunatelly doesnt fix the traded card missing issue. friend can get cards with the minigame i still cant :frowning:

Did you wake up and choose to be toxic today?

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This is called voicing critisism, a bit strange but he voiced how he felt about an event that the thread was based on, after also voicing positivity to some new changes. The only whining was simply saying that farming a boss over and over, can be seen as frustrating, which isn’t so much whining as stating his experience.

He even states he isn’t opposed to the working for it part, please read before commenting in order to avoid spreading unneeded negativity.

Bait, no comment…

No these days, it’s called… playing the victim.

You have your opinion, I have mine! Simple as that :slight_smile:

It’s 10.36 in SW, no portal to be seen :eyes:

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Yeah they say the updates are

So I’m not really sure if their implemented or , if not, when they will be.


thanks for the clear up

the fix is live, I’ve seen the boss spawning every 30 mins so this might be some bug. Calendar is also updated and you can get cards from playing the table game. The Issue with not being able to complete the bugged achievement though still remains and the worst thing is there is no update about it at all anywhere…

It’s not live. I’ve been at val for the last 2 hours and it’s spawned only twice.

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It would be nice to get an estimated timeframe of when these might go live, insted of just soon as that can lead to confusion.

It is live since I’ve seen it happening, but I’ve also seen the boss spawing 10 mins after one dies so more bugs…