Heirlooms not working?

I have cancelled subscription today.
I spent a week to buy 5 heirlooms for my new character, but heirlooms in WOTLK classic don’t work (crit strike rating, hit rating, haste rating etc.) For me it is very disappointing situation, I’m really sad and don’t want to play. Also because this issue reported 10 days ago and support ignored it, latest update did not have changes.


i have the same issue, i bought the swift hand of justice trinket with haste+heal

the heal works as intended but statwise i have 0 haste. But the trinket should give 7 at lv 22. I want my stats that are displayed, fix this blizzard. I farmed 2 days 12/12hc for 2x this trinket and now it doesnt work, are you kidding me?


I got 5 heirlooms. This issue ignored by blizzard and exist from start of WOTLK. First reports 2 weeks ago. So Ii cancelled subscription after this. They don’t care, take it easy or change game


i can confirm this is still the case, same goes for the haste trinket which doesnt give any haste.

The haste trinket is the most ridiclous one, it one hast Haste as stat and it doesnt work at all. You need like 40 emblems to get it thats 10 HC dungeons worth of farming. I got 2 of them spend 20 HC dungeon to get them. And then they dont work.

Blizzard i paid my fee for a Game not for a Clown Show. Fix this.


Yeah mine are not giving Hit, Resilience or Haste even though the item says it is supposed to give these stats…

Heirlooms i tested that does not give these stats:
Battleworn Thrash Blade (does not give resilience rating)
Charmed Ancient Bone Bow (does not give hit rating)
Swift Hand of Justice (does not give haste rating)
Prized Beastmaster’s Mantle (does not give resilience rating)
Strenghtened Stockade Pauldrons (does not give resilience rating)
Reforged Truesilver Champion (does not give resilience rating)
Grand Staff of Jordan (does not give hit rating and resilience rating)

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bumping this

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50* you need a full HC sweep to afford one, i just bought mine and noticed it was bugged alongside all the other looms i bought -_-’

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Surely this is more important than hotfixing fiery weapon…


Not in Blizzard’s eyes. Fiery wpn proccing Deep Wounds could be FUN.
And we all know what Blizz’s stance on that is.

i checked it today, the bug is still not fixed.


I filed a bug report couple of days ago. I assume there are more important things to be implemented. Perhaps another store mount?

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Why not just keep Joyous Journeys 1-70, and save the early part of the game from the problems Heirlooms cause? They’re not even working.

i mean heirlooms shouldn’t be a reason to not have Joyous Journeys buff 1-70 tho, why not both?

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Man WOLTK Classic is worst than every pserver at this point lol

PD: Heirlooms still bugged :slight_smile:


i checked it, still bugged.

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Heirlooms still bugged. Please Blizzard do something.

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Did i just lvl an alt without knowing they didnt work >.>

they partially work as in the main stats and experience do work as intended, just not the secondary stats.

Also, another interesting thing with this bug is that the secondary stats DO work when inside a dungeon but not in the open world.


Does attack power work and is just hit/haste/crit bugged or is every stat below the main stats bugged?