Hi! So, I’ve bought some heirlooms to help my paladin level on WotLK classic, but I’ve realised that their offstats don’t work?
So, the wintergrasp Heirlooms give resilience, but equipping does not result in my resilience stat going up! same with the weapon, and the chest piece with crit from emblems.
So to get 1 resiliance from raiting at lvl 70 even you need 39.4, that explains why it dosnt look like you gain any, but they do work for sure seeing as the enchant works atleast and thats a good indicator that the heirlooms are not broken, I would suggest trying to equip something more with recilianse to see if it goes up
Explain the chest piece then? also… I have the wintergrasp sword, the thrash blade copy. With that on + the shoulders, still no stats.
The EXP works, the enchant works and the main stats do. But the resilience and crit doesn’t do anything
Imgur image of shoulders + weapon: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Sword gives 22 at 72, and shoulders gives 37… even hovering it shows I have no resilience stat
Also at level 70 the thrash blade weapon made my hammer of righteous do 1 damage, but since I dinged that changed
They might be bugged then, was mainly looking at just the shoulders. Do your main stats increase as they should (str, stam etc)? otherwise open a ticket to report the bug and it might get fixed
Can confirm that secondary stats on heirlooms doesn’t seem to work (crit/haste/hit/resi etc.)
Druids do also seem to not gain any feral attack power from any of the heirloom weapons, even the 2H mace which is more or less made for them.
Attack power, Spellpower and Experience on heirlooms do work as intended.
All heirloom 2ndary stats are inactive for some reason. You get bonus from base stats like str agi int stam, you also get bonus from spell power and attack power. But haste, crit, resi etc do not work at the moment.
Same problem here, the staff is not giving me any hit or resilience rating, it’s frustrating. Spell power goes up but i’m not sure it’s applying properly.
This problem has been reported for a week or more, pls blizz
Swift Hand of Justice : Grants no haste , HP on kill still works
Venerable Mass of McGowan : Grants no crit also makes some skills do 1 dmg ( Hammer of the Righteous)
Stained Shadowcraft Tunic: At least the hit rating seems to be non functioning.
Exceptional Stormshroud shoulders : Resilience not working
Sharpened Scarlet kris : Resilience not working.
Right now heirlooms seem to be somewhat broken and not worth buying/using.
Wish i knew this before getting them so i could use the currency to better my main instead of wasting them on defective items.