Heirlooms not working?

yes, this is true. The bug is still in the game.


BUMP!! Fix your sht Blizzard

My so ap doesn’t show up? Your answer isn’t very clear imo

Too much XP, is my guess.

Keeping the buff, or have it return for holidays, would be nice. Not everyone got to abuse it and level all their alts to 70.

Blizzard plz fix this… or atleast give us an eta ty :<


yep still bugged, i gain absolutely 0 Hitrating from that gear. Blizzard need to wake up


works in battlegrounds and dungeons

Just bumping this… Made my own thread(Which was flagged, lol) not knowing this one existed.
Please fix asap Blizzard

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i just checked current status, its still bugged.


This lack of communication from Blizzard really is poor.


yes you did :stuck_out_tongue:

they still haven’t fixed this…in 11 days

yet they ‘fix’ the warrior fiery thing in about a day of it being known

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i made my daily check, the bug is still present

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i found out by accident something funny about the heirlooms - so when i enter a dungeon then the heirloom stats suddenly become active and are displayed in the character info but when i go outside again they become inactive… no idea if blizzard has wanted this to be like that but who knows :smiley:

They work in BGs as well so all instanced content they work in.

interesting… i hope they don’t intentionally limit the heirlooms stats to work only in instanced areas

I wouldn’t put it past them at this point to try to force people to use their crappy new lfg tool.

you might be right with that :face_vomiting:

They appear to be fixed after last nights maintenance.

Damn :confused: Well then i’ll have to do one more! with looms working now :smiley: