Heirlooms STILL bugged(!)

This is just getting pathetic at this point at how sh!t you are at adressing problems honestly. I don’t like to complain this way and sound like a whiny kid not getting their candy. But heirlooms off-stats does not work. And no, it’s not about “scaling with level” or anything. I know very well how heirlooms work, and they do not at the moment. This was posted about over 10+ days ago and there are still no blue post saying atleast “We are aware, yadda yadda”. I get it, you have a lot of fixes to do and alts/heirlooms are probably not your main concern. But honestly? Get a grip for christ sake. WOTLK is more buggy than it was 2008.

EDIT: So apparentely inside of dungeons, the stats actually do work… I just tried entering Hellfire Ramparts on my level 60 Druid with the Grand Staff of Jordan Heirloom which provides 25 hit at level 60. Surely enough, my hit rating went up to 3.12% (25 hit rating). Same thing with resilience. All of a sudden I have combined with all gear 44 Resilience up from 0… If I go outside to Hellfire Peninsula it gets removed again. What is causing them to not work in the world, but inside of dungeons?(They don’t work in BGs either, I’ve tried this on my Paladin alt.) Please fix asap @Blizzard
EDIT 2: Not sure if it’s allowed but I am providing an imgur link from my druid where Resilience and hitrating is working inside of Ramparts but not in the open world.
https: //imgur. com/a/lnoZmwt


Wrong forum, move to the Wrath forums please. We don’t have heirlooms in the Classic (lvl 60) game.

Also: Post an in-game bug report. Blizzard does not read the forums.

Pretty sure I posted in the classic section. My bad, and yes we do have heirlooms in the 60 game :wink:
Already posted in-game bug report. But considering it’s been this long spamming the forums gotta do something.

Yes, you posted in Classic section, not Classic WotLK section.

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I am braindead. Closing this thread x)

You can just move the thread :slight_smile:

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Cheers. I don’t hang around very often on the forums. Only when I am frustrated hoho

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I wonder how many of those 429 posts is to just tell people to move their threads

Too many, I am afraid :frowning:

Bumping this cause blizzard refuse to fix their game

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Yea… It’s getting a bit annoying honestly, every time my alt levels up I feel like my double haste trinkets get more and more useless, to a point where I will swap them out soon :S

BUMP!! got a fully decked out Hunter, missing like 8% Hit Rating and the Haste Trinkets dont even give any Haste at all. Its so annoying, how is that even bugged, it baffles my mind that this version of wotlk is way more buggy than the one back in 2008

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i can confirm its still bugged.

Idk … its a bug yes but as long as the XP buff applies idc

Well, I would like to equipt a rogue with the hit rating items and actually have them work.

With that mindset if you go to a restaurant and you eat and the food tastes like sh*t, you still think “Well, atleast I am full so it was worth it.”?
Paying 13 Euro a month for something that isn’t working is annoying. It’s getting very annoying that they put out hotfix after hotfix, but this has been a thing 15+ days now and still counting.
Is it the end of the world? No, but it’s annoying nonetheless. I understand that Blizzard has a lot of bugs and maybe their main focus is Dragonflight atm (Probably not even the same team working on that) but again, this has been a thing 15+ days and to see them hotfix that you can fly in 1 squaremeter Howling Fjord (Valgarde) before fixing heirlooms is just trolling imo.

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And i checked it today, the bug is still there.

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Still bugged.

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i checked it 5min ago, the bug is still arround.

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When will fix happen?
