Heirlooms STILL bugged(!)

No idea… What bothers me is that it would take them 2 minutes to make a blue post acknowledging many problems with the game right now, and just state that they are working on a fix. Instead now, it’s dead silent… I’ve scoured through the US forums aswell. No blue post there either. It’s pathetic tbh

EDIT: So apparentely inside of dungeons, the stats actually do work… I just tried entering Hellfire Ramparts on my level 60 Druid with the Grand Staff of Jordan Heirloom which provides 25 hit at level 60. Surely enough, my hit rating went up to 3.12% (25 hit rating)
But going outside into Hellfire Peninsula it gets removed again.

If u want a response, don’t post on EU forums lol

Why not? It’s funny you say that as I actually have done the exact same thing before and gotten a response:


Cheers, the issue is now fixed.

Much love

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YEEEHAW!! We can celebrate now ;D


Going to make that rogue and enjoy that sweet sweet hit rating.

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how come?

That’s good then

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