Hello and then

Not gonna happen shes just done and doesant trust them anymore so shes just gone.

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thank you for the 50k gold :heart:
and good luck again!

My, that’s a nice feature. Even though I couldn’t get into FF14, I’m glad you found a new home that you enjoy. Hope you bring as much smiles and kindness over there as you did here on the forums.

All the best to you!


But, but, but I need gil.

I hope to become a mentor there one day, and help people :slight_smile:

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I’m not going to be taking your earned money,it just feels wrong.

I recommend taking a break because finding the middle ground is often better then going from one extreme to another ( quit ,play ) .

Obviously you enjoyed WoW but are unhappy with the current game, it happens to a lot of us. It happened to me multiple times.

I just take a break and play other games like Street Fighter ( love me some Juri ) , Witcher, Doom and so on.It’s just a game in the end.

Who knows maybe 9.0 brings a lot of cool changes that you will be interested in.If they do maybe you will return,if they don’t just wait it out until / if they do something you find interesting.

I recommend you keep your stuff.


Tried that and failed - but thanks.

Byebye Anna, have fun playing your catgirl n good luck!! :smile:

Now seriously. Just convert all your gold to b-net balance. You can use it to buy WC3 remastered, Sc2, etc. It’s way better than giving it to some random guy on the forums.

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Thanks, but I am happier giving it away :slight_smile:

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Well, it’s your gold, so do whatever you like with it. Welcome back to 14.

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I find FF14 kinda boring, but glad you found your game

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Two reasons i have if u share your gold:

1.this char on alliance side. Because at the time of uldir i spended much gold and time to get the mata for cauldrons for our guildruns wich we were rebuilding on. The one i sended the mats too and was suposed to make the cauldrons left with it to join a so said raiding for the curve guild, made out of lovely exguildies
2. Lookahunter horde on draenor…cause i set the goal (started in december) to level up one char each class and each race and having two mains on both sides preferably before classic release. Im far off but with my holidays of 6 wewks, starting in 2 nd a half week from now…i am motivated to try but dont have time to farm gold!

That said, i once decided to stop but came bck five years later…u could aswell keep the gold for just in case!

Wish u all the best!

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Log on hun… 50k is waiting for you <3

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Finally got home and just checked the prices, it’s 4.5k actually :joy:
I had totally forgotten how low it was.

If you want to spread the love around, I would be happy with just that :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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log in I will swap to horde

Nice to see there are lovely persons around sharing their earned stuff! Thank you!



already did so. Just saw the thread and was asking myself once again why?

whenever im quitting I wouldn’t try to seek attention just because of quitting, if you need it then do so.

See my response as a help for the future.


Thanks :purple_heart:

Would you like some gold? :slight_smile: