Hello and then

Ohhh does he want the Hat?

Just a heads up, end games nothing like wow. I don’t know what content you did. But the raids are just 1 boss no trash, they are really fun and unique though. And very mechanic heavy and graphically amazing. There’s no m+ either, a dungeons a dungeon no different difficulties. The PvP is very poor too.

Socially it’s pretty poor, everything in the game is LFG. There’s absolutely no need for a guild at all, and not much of a social side. Even the savage raids, equivalent to wows mythic is all LFG. There’s no where near as many transmogs or mounts.

All that being said there’s a ton going for it. The stories 100 hours long, loads of cutscenes etc. 1 chara being able to play any class is awesome. The proffessions blow wow out of the water. The games very smooth, a new expansion comes out, it’s perfect no bugs. There’s tons of classes with complex rotations. Healers are primarily DPS, you can’t stand a round like on wow. You focus on damage, then chuck heals on the side. Tanks aren’t just tanks, they all have a proper DPS rotation, a debuff rotation, dot rotation, a deffense rotation etc. And can switch between deffense and offense.

Could go on forever with the differences. In general WOW is far superior at harder content. And much more dependant upon guilds. FF14 is far superior in class balance, and everyone being equal geared. I didn’t last long on FF14, under a month before I was max gear and had nothing to work on.

Hope you find what you want there, good luck.


I have found people to be very friendly, with dungeons scaling I can grp with high levels np… new expac just hit too… so 80 levels to do on many jobs.

It has a lot for me to do because I like to do as much as I can.

I am casual, so not aiming for high end anything.

Also they have a new system where you can do dungeons solo with npcs in Shadowbringers.

I have my son who plays and a friend from here joining me :slight_smile:

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I still have sub as I chose 3 month variant but I didn’t sign in for a month.

Class design - not fun.
Gearing - not fun.
AP grind - not fun.
Essences - not fun.
Mechagon and Nazjatar feel pointless to me.

This is not the same game I loved. I’m waiting for Classic even though it’s not perfect and far from what I enjoyed the most in WoW but still closer than BfA abomination.

After some 9.0 spectulation I’m 100% sure I won’t enjoy it either.


Did you give away the top hat ? I’ve been looking for one for a while, a free one would be welcome xD

its a shame blizzard dont give a … … about long term players like you. iirc you were the organizer or something to a big and helpful discord channel? i am glad you have found a game that you like and hope you dont come back, and i dont mean that in a bad way to you. blizzard dont deserve decent customers like you.

good luck with your future endeavors and thanks for the support in my attempt to bring the dead server situation to light.

i am also on silvermoon, but will pass on your gracious offer :slight_smile:


Thanks :slight_smile:

I was Warmother - the original creator of Calm Keystones Horde


You should obviously give it all to me. After all I deeply care, unlike all the other greedy sods.

You’re officially the nicest person in the forums now XD. Glad to see my caring has not fallen on deaf ears.


I did this… and it was a lot of fun… all the gold has gone now :slight_smile:

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Ty dear - I got enough for repairs so don’t really need it :grinning:.

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What is it with you and your constant advertising for FF14?

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See ya next expansion 8D

…No but seriously, I understand how you feel.


I just…hope the loss of subs like yours help open the eyes of Bli$$ard. Even if one sub lost is just a drop in an ocean (or rather a bucket, considering the fall of overall subs over the years).

Godspeed Anna!


buy token and gief Lepanto gold or u not nice, bully leaver!


I hope you don’t leave the forums too! Good luck in you future adventures.

P. S. Did you already give out all your gold?


I am sad to hear this, but I was kind of expecting it too. I did the same (cancelled my sub yesterday) but I went with GW2. Just bought both of the expansions and those will keep me occupied for a while. It just feels so great to have a fun in a game instead of a horrible repetitive chores in a daily basis like in WoW.

I have left WoW many times to play different MMO’s (ESO, GW2, FFXIV) and after a while spending time on those games, I have always come back to WoW and it does feel like coming back to home from a long trip. I hope to see you again here somewhere in the future.

Good luck and have fun in FFXIV, I know I’ll have fun in GW2 :heart:


Join me on wow break time? People are there when goldz is for grabs but I doubt they will be there for you if (when) you come back. Keep it for now. No offence to you peeps! Planning giving classic a shot? Or is it big no-no for you?

yea great, send me all your gold and go

The gold was no strings attatched. If there was any hope of my return I wouldn’t have given it all away.

I am not going to try Classic… it was next to impossible to get people together to do stuff in WoW (apart from the mythic+ community I made), and Classic is going to rely on teamwork/community to get anything done.

I went on the stress test and it reminded of me of how awful my Hunter used to be to play. Also I think they are treating Classic as a band-aid for current WoW :confused: