Hello and then

I understand your reasons and sympathise. Best of luck on new adventures - new community will gain by having you. X


I loved gw2 - bought it when it came out.

From a solo perspective it is amazing with puzzles, exploration and it’s heart levelling system, but ran into an issue in the latest expac where the random elite mob packs would spawn (intended for more than one person), and I would die due to lack of people around to help :confused:

I wish you all the best in your adventures! :purple_heart:


not trying to be a dick but complianing that game changed with years yet being happy about doing dungeons with npcs … i mean…

that said send me some gold for heirlooms still gotta some to buy and complete “collection”

I will have my son and my best gaming friend with me to do content, but when I am alone the option is there which I think is amazing :slight_smile:

Sorry I gave out all my gold last night.


I am pinning my hopes on you being wrong about this, so do please keep in touch with noises coming out of Classic after the first three months of inevitable craziness.

Different people like different things. When a game changes as much as WoW has over 15 years, people who liked elements of the original game, such as community, will have drifted away when the game shattered those elements. These people may now be a minority in current WoW, but may coalesce again when given a chance. Remember, well over 100,000,000 have played WoW, and the vast majority are gone. Enough of them may come back, along with those who find the current game lacking. Classic may re-form in a different image.

At least, that’s what I keep telling myself.

And if that doesn’t work, maybe I’ll be emigrating to FF too. I didn’t much like it when I gave it a quick try, but to be fair, it wasn’t a very determined try.


The thing is Grainne we have been playing wow for a long time enough to see the decline and the same time gated content over and over and over. And the community is none existent now everyone is anti social scared to group up, everyone plays for themselves and mmo without players to play with us is like a single player RPG.Nowadays people only talk to you or interact with you if you are pro at the game or if you can carry them through content as long as they can use you.Peoples mentality has changed into the worst kind and those same kind of people are going to play classic which in turn they would quit and come back to afk in retail .Me and Anna have seen this and we’re struggling to find anyone to play with nobody wants to form friendships we were left playing with just the 2 of us.This is the reason boosting is really popular and multiboxing nowadays.


All the best for wherever your gaming takes you. We may not have always seen eye to eye on some subjects but yours has always been a clear and well reasoned head and I shall miss your posts.


Well, to break off on a tangent a little, “two” is not a viable number in BfA.

There is almost nothing that “two” is good for, except 2v2 Arena.

There is nowhere in the world where “two” is better than “one”, nothing you need “two” for. Also “three”. There’s nothing that can’t be easily soloed, except WBosses, nothing that won’t be dead by the time help arrives. This undermining of individual relationships removes the basis for the cohesiveness of larger groups.

I’m quite sure the pros will invade Classic, grind like crazy, storm through the raids, stream World First kills of Classic bosses, boost for Classic Gold through Naxx (I’m sure they’ll find some way to monetize it). That’s all going to happen. But it will be done by Christmas … and then what? They’ll move back to 8.3. That’s when things will start to get interesting. I hope. Modern WoW is a friendlier place for the gogogogo use-and-forget people; I don’t think Classic will hold them.

I’ve derailed enough. I could be dead wrong.

Just wanted to say to Ãnna to keep an open mind about Classic until the dust settles. :slight_smile:


Gone and happier? Its a game, you can switch them up?

Ironically, I’d sledge a large wedge that you’ll be back, anyone who makes a quit post has an attachment that won’t be replaced. FF14 is shiny and new, but a few months or even years down the line something about WoW will catch your eye and you’ll get that urge, and you’ll play it again. I’ve done it, with my original MMO (DAoC) and WoW.

Either way, my point being, do what is fun but never say never on a return, good luck and most importantly, have fun.


Bookmark this character… she won’t be back. I am now fully transitioned onto console… my kids now have my pc :slight_smile:


It’s not exactly a new feature. I remember doing a dungeon with the Grand Company npcs several months ago.

You completely missed the point why we are struggling it is because every guild we join people don’t talk and don’t want to communicate it becomes a cespool guild and people leave and we tried making community together but alas nobody wanted to do anything just waste our time so don’t assume your own theories like you are somehow avoiding the main issue here with wow.People don’t want to interact with each other and play together thus I had a problem raiding or even doing plus 10 keys just for the achievement because pugs are toxic and can’t find a guild or any social and doing things together community to do content with I hope this makes you understand the main issue of the game more now pugs are like the antichrist of wow.


It is a feature that came with the new expansion Shadowbringers, and is only available to those new dungeons… I think they may consider it for the older content if it’s popular enough. I think it will be because you can choose any 3 npcs tank/healer/dps, and it’s a great way for a nervous person to practice tanking, healing or a new dps role without worry.

It is called the trust system:

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I know, but before Shadowbringers there were the grand company command missions, which were kind of the same.

Yeah that is grand company stuff… this is for the newest lvl 70+ dungeons so people can do them solo until they feel comfortable enough to join a real party… loot drops are 1/4 of a chance that you’d get from running it with real players. I am happy with that.

I guess this could really benefit someone that has purchased a character boost too, to get them ready for the current content faster.

You tell me there is a grand company version… even better I can do it earlier than expected :slight_smile:

Oh forgot to add they allow you to take well known npcs from the game like Minfilia.


Thanks, I will watch this now :slight_smile:


In overly broad terms, there are two models of why the community norms and behaviour have changed so much.

One is what I think of as “Human Nature has changed over 15 years”. In this view, Google has rewired our brains, video games have made us mindless pigeons pecking for pellets, the damage is done, and we are all doomed.

The other is “The Game has changed, and the people who liked the old style of game have left, which changes the community even more. It’s a death spiral.”

I give more weight to the second theory. That’s why I think I did not miss the point.

There was a remarkable thing I saw on the streams. Preach started out the first day on his Tauren with a “this is gonna suck, be dull as dishwater, but hey, we might as well be as cheerful as we can about it” attitude. He had always said that he had been there, done that, and wouldn’t want to go back to it. A week later, he was fully involved, saying “the gameplay may be terrible, but the game is much better”, planning his Warrior for the real thing, comparing Gnomeregan favourably to Mechagon, and getting teary-eyed about parting with some random guy he’d fallen in with on a quest and adventured with thereafter for hours.

I think a change of game can make all the difference. That’s why I believe it possible that Classic - or maybe FF! - can provide a different experience.


I don’t know what’s hard in 8.2
All you need to do to get new rewards is spawn camp, usually in group.

It’s literally casual fiesta, ppl show off their toys and banter about staff…

I very much wish that you would leave instead of Anna. TBH.