Help me to chose ! (Disc priest)

Hello guys !

I require some help…

I just start (2 days ago) to play arena with that disc priest, i have some choice in the chest today, it is :

The belt with perfect stat (haste versatility)
The head but with no haste, it’s critical

BUT, the head is with a gem…
And, as I just started, the head is a huge cost in conquest for me, so is it worth to take it event if its not haste ? (and moreover is already rank at 1400 so its a more conquest save)
And i put it a haste gem or still a vers on the head ?

I don’t know if u guys understand what I want to know, I hope, thanks a lot !!

(PS : Is sephuz the best legendary is 2s ? I’m using the shield reflect / instant heal one, idk if sephuz is better)

What you should do is craft a chest legendary with Sephuz on it and haste versa, then you can take the helm. (Sephuz is better)
I put haste into my sockets because I like the faster globals, I think it’s fine to do once you have above 30% versa

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I calculated that put the legendary on shoulder is more worth because of the chest will improve on pvp instancies you win more haste and vers by doing the shoulders legendary

And I just see… I’m so sorry but its not about the chest and head, i fail, it’s not a chest but a belt ^^
So it’s about the belt with perfect stats and the head with critical but gems, thx if you can tell me if its better about the belt and head crit so, thanks a lot :heart:

I bought it but I see my reflect legendary is doing so much heal in arena so it’s hard to take it out lol !

It all depends on your skill level and playstyle. Reflective shield is definitely a decent legendary for 2s. If you’re new to disc in arena the penitent (radiance one) might also be a good option. If you’re an experienced player then sephuz is probably the best all-round legendary, especially when you count in 3s as well. But in many matchups in 2s reflective is better, so I wouldnt worry about swapping yet.

It also depends on if you’re planning to get sockets or not. The archivist rep is account-wide, so if you’re close to tier 6 on your main and you wanna do the chores on that alt, then maybe pick the belt. If not I’d just go with the head.

If you intend to get a 262 legendary you’d wanna have it on a big piece, but yes if you use a lower ilvl legendary than your pvp gear it would make sense.

Omg now i’m really lost about sephuz or reflect :frowning: And yes i’m much more on 2s

Oh i didn’t know about that thing

As i see, even with the best ilvl pvp, its better to take the legendary on shoulder

And what do u think about the choice i should do in my weekly chest between the head and the belt so ?

Thanks a lot for your answer!!

Im just saying it depends on many things. But tldr you should probably do what Draex said: craft sephuz chest (and upgrade it to 262 eventually) and pick head from vault.

I looked at your armory and got the impression you were a rather casual player to whom such min-maxing wouldnt matter too much. But I see now that you have some recent arena xp and might play on higher ratings soon enough :slight_smile:

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Ok even if the head is not in the stat I need ? Bc the belt is with haste :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes that’s it, i just went back on arena, with my low stuff we still got that 1.4 for the ilvl chest, it was hard bc of ilvl difference lol
But we should get 1.6 and 1.8 kind of soon

I might go on sephuz bc i see al ot of time when i would just finish a stun 0.2 sec before i wouldnt die etc

Assuming you wont do the socket grind, yes.

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How much time does it take ?
And what sockets will I have ? Its mandatary to pvp ?

You can get sockets either from archivist or from the deaths advance faction in korthia. 6 sockets total, which means around 2% vers. So no, I wouldnt say its mandatory.

The full grind takes about 2 months, maybe 1 if you go full hardcore every day. I would not recommend starting from scratch at this point. It will most likely be redundant next season.

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I see, 2 month for that… :face_vomiting: lol

First, I want to thank you a lot for the time you’re using to answer me, english isn’t my native language so I hope it’s not too hard to understand all my noob questions haha

Sooooo, if I resume correctly :

I should take Sephuz, it’s better even in 2s
I should take the legendary on shoulder
Finally, I should take the head in the vault, event if it’s not haste, and not the belt with haste, and I put a vers gem on it

Am I right ?

In the future, I would have to replace that head for a haste head I guess so ?

Thanks a lot again :heart:

Here’s what I would do:

  1. Use the Sephuz legendary. Reflective shield isn’t great for multiple reasons. You shouldn’t be shielding that much outside of rapture cause it’s inefficient on mana. The damage it does is essentially just pad damage that doesn’t really contribute a lot to actually winning games. The heal on shields is nice, but not worth sacrificing a legendary slot for.

  2. Craft Sephuz legendary on chest and upgrade it to max rank as soon as possible.

  3. Take the belt. Already has the right stats with a socket. Helm would be a bigger immediate upgrade, but you are going to rebuy it with proper stats anyways.

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Thx you convinced me to taked Sephuz, you’re saving my life !

For the second point, you sure its more worth on the chest ? I heard that u win more stats that taking the legendary on shoulder

And for the third point u’re right, imma do that

Thx a lot for your answer Triuna :heart:

If there are so many Priests. Guys what do you think about NF Disc and NF legendary. 20% damage reduction, CD reduction and Mana Regen instead of Mind Games. Legendary doubles the effect. I saw that more people are trying it on Did someone try NF Disc?

Yeah I am sure crafting on chest is the way to go. Max legendary rank is 262, duelist gear is 259. Ideally you want your highest ilevel piece on the gear slot that gives you the most stats, and that’s the chest in your case. Hope that helps i the decision!

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Oh never tried that, I can’t imagine playing without blind mind, maybe its more on 3s ?

Yeah but bc of the fact that pvp piece upgrade in pvp and legendary don’t, you apparently win more doing legendary shoulder (not sure 100%)

It does a lot thanks !

Triip is NF btw. I’m waiting for his response. Might be interesting.

And what you guys think about castigation ? I always played with twist of fate

I didn’t know for the site web you wrote before, I was always using pvpleaderboard for stats

I saw that yeah some of the best disc are NF now, but very a few part

And wait ppl are more using theotar than Nadjiya ??? Omg what did I miss again loool

I swapped to fae to test it out after watching how much mana efflux restored in a 3s game on stream.

It all depends on matchup. If you play jungle and mana is a factor, fae with legendary is really good. Im playing mainly fmp, which doesnt allow for much mana regen unless i manage to get it on a go, which is tricky. The dmg/cd reduction is neat, but I would 100% be venthyr for rmp/fmp.

In 2s it feels quite alright, cant really tell which covenant I’d prefer overall. As for legendary, I will probably use it in a lot of matchups once Ive crafted it.


If you have 262 legendary it will be higher than the best pvp gear in pvp. It simply depends on the ilvl of your legendary.

You should use twist in games where you often struggle to stay alive or keep teammates alive. If you have the addon Details you can check the uptime. I find if it has less than 20% uptime, I’d prefer castigation.

With your gear I would play twist in most games. Masochism is also very good if you know that you will be the target.