Henry Cavill as Arthas

I dunno… does all that adoration(and objectification) ever get old?


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yes it does, at some time it starts feeling like a circle jekr

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Aw man that sucks, I admire your daily struggle! Stay strong.

I’ve been seeing this meme and posters going around, and I 100% bloody approve of it. He even has Arthas’s famous chin and jaw. And he’s a huge Warcraft fan. It’s a match made in heaven.

However, what I really want, is for Blizzard to do what they did with the Old Soldier cinematics during BfA - and just dial that up 4-fold, making an entire animated movie in that style.

That said, using this face as a reference would work very well regardless.

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warcraft needs dwarves as sober as i am. not more dwarves like ghenry cavill

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Bad boy no !!!

Btw. gz OP, you pulled all girls from the forums, you know the drill - “you pulled it, you tank it”.


But he is a wow player and would put his all into it and way to go to be negative in a fun thread …

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sorry, mirth doesn’t always come across in text.
imagine a fake tantrum. :wink:

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/cast Gorefiend’s Grasp
/gift :tulip::tulip::tulip: and :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

Did someone say :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:?? :heart_eyes:


I think the person playing the role should have to link their armoury to be checked, Can’t have a low score RIO playing Arthas. What’s his arena rating?

:drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:


Oh dang pop corn <3

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the name you are looking for is
Jason Momoa

and he cant play Arthas. because he is going to be playing Duncan Idaho for the rest of his life XD

(admitedly, they only postponed the new Dune movie till 2021, but the part is not just for one or two movies. he is in every single book written by Frank Herbert. the only character that is in all of them.)

even so, even if they already made both part1 and part2 of Dune and are just finishing off, if it is a big hit, he’s going to be very busy.

Looks good! I’m all for it.

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Always makes me drool and for me the perfect person to play Wrathion - give me a movie with Wrathion please :wink: