Here-Ye! Here-Ye! Forum Discord! đŸ„ł


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So about 30 min on a 2wheeler. :sunglasses:

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As long as the top mod owns the group, nothing will ever change. Including the gaslighting and acknowledged bias they have. And I don’t say these words lightly.


You weren’t being gaslighted or biased against. The ban towards you was justified. Also I no longer own the server and the ban has been lifted ages ago. You are free to join and I won’t be able to ban you.

If you want to talk about it, you know how to reach me. Derailing this thread is pointless. As I said, I no longer own that server. It’s different people now.

I have no idea who you felt was gaslighting.

^^ This

When the discord moved we started everyone with a clean slate. Rules were established to keep order and give both members and moderators expectations of how to behave.

I would suggest you check it out for yourself.

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I’m sorry but no. Nobody cared back then when the chat got derailed with the statement one person did, so I will take the liberty to act as a jerk now. I’m done with being nice towards a few people.

I’ll check the new FF out the next few days.

Based on comments above, likely you got a boot from original FF. This is open to everybody.

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You don’t have to, and you don’t need to apologize. Frankly, I don’t even want to talk about it because I don’t really care. You were one of two people, out of thousands who ever joined, who managed to get banned. Your problem is with me and not with FF. Your generalizations, as much as in that dedicated “I’ve been banned”-thread are just not OK

why do you pretend like this is news lmao


I too had something similar with a friend of mine but getting over it steadily.

It does help to think outside of that box :wink:

Our PoV’s with them do not align but still respect them in my own way.

Is it dumb paladin or raving blood elf bias?

We are in various discords channels together, get in touch with me if you want to know what happened on the other side.

Neither of these two, it’s actually a far more sensitive matter.

Imagine still being this salty two years after being banned from a discord for doxxing members and harassing people.

I would have thought pandas would be better at getting over it.

Lets not get moisty now


Anger resides and lingers in us all. Even Shaohao only attained serenity through great effort. Thousands of years later the Sha could and did emerge regardless. But it is our journey to peace that truly matters, not where we started on it.

White Tiger watch over you.

sorry to hear that. There was two people there i did not get along with. Sometimes it turned to rude arguments and insults.

i heard one of them changed for the better, so i hope things are much more smooth there now. i also did not like how people were being mentioned despite them not being on the discord server and i gave a long rant about this before leaving. this was before the discord changed, so i hope its better now.

i dont hold any grudges and i tend to move on. But that is one of the reasons i havent gone back there since Brigante’s death news, simply because whenever i do go back there drama starts to happen wether from me or from someone else. Shouldve taken my friend’s advice a long time ago and stay away from Discord all together, unless i need help with a game im confused about my private messages will be open for friends

I do wish the discord server all the best, and if this news about the rules being changed is true, then i am very happy for them :grinning:

in all honesty, the discord is better moderated now then the forums are. forums is a mess


If this is actually true, then I really consider coming back.

This is why you don’t join a forum discord. There’s just bound to be a bunch of drama involved and honestly, while I love reading all the drama because it’s hilarious to me I just wouldn’t wanna see it everywhere on a discord.

nothing hurts from giving the server a second chance. You left a long time ago before the server changed. Give it a try, and if you dont like it you can leave. if you like it, stay.

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I joined FF recently to see what it was like and stayed for the day before I left. It’s nice to see how many peeps on the forums have joined but then I realised just how many people had been criticized/insulted (sorry I scrolled up) in the past and more recently. It really is the place to avoid forum bans and that’s fine if you’ve got some steam to let out but I don’t think FF is for everybody.


He didn’t leave, he got banned for doxxing and harassing members. Only he won’t tell you that.

He even named himself the discords forum detective and if anyone from the discord posted on an alt he made it his mission to discover who it was and tell everyone whether they wanted people to know or not.

He isn’t a victim, he’s a doxxer and harasser who got salty for being banned as such and can’t let it go.