Heritage armor, heritage weapons and heritage abilities

Would love this upgrade:

  1. Multiple heritage sets that fit racial themes, especially races that are very good or have famous lore in several classes. But at the very least everyone gets a caster and melee set

  2. Heritage weapons - and not just for decoration. This can be a new item slot, and some class abilities will use your heritage weapon. Some races can have more than one if the race is known for more than one iconic weapon

  3. Heritage spells: Like weapons above, these are spells from races who have iconic magics or features and like above, certain spells on classes you roll on that race are substituted by your heritage spells. You can glyph the standard class version back.
    ideally you’d have a single target version, an AoE version, a single heal version and aoe heal version
    e.g. Goblins would use alchemaic concotions - as this is native to their racial theme
    Night elves would use star/moon magic this seems the one consistency across their famous priest, mage and druid iconic classes - as it’s both Elune based and arcane
    Trolls would have spells associated with the Loa.
    Blood elves would have fire, light and blood crystal spells
    Draenei would use artifice magitec, and Naaru spells.
    Void elves off course will use some void spells - loads to choose from from 8.3

You can literally make up something for every race based on their theme.

Just giving some delicious racial flavour in an easy but potentially very cool way that boosts both race fantasy and character coolness. Might give you an excuse to visit your capitals race trainers to change some of your spells to a racial version. Could even have a large library of options you can pick which to substitute normal spells with.


That’s too much work for blizzard these days
they can’t even release decent content and you want them to make this on top of 9.2 for example?


ye activisblizzard is so inept they can hardly bring out any content let alone axtra stuff like this, it’s unfortunate

Maybe, but we are still playing, that means there’s s stuff we still like obviously.

If it’s something you’d like to see, let them know, like the post and also post some suggestions too, who knows where this may lead??


I’d love them to make heritage armor for the races that are still missing them first. My Draenei are still waiting for theirs.


Sounds cool, I sadly don’t think they would do something like this, but it reminds me of the old Priest abilities that were race specific

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Let me elaborate a little. These aren’t extra abilities like the old priest spells were or racials are. Like heritage armour, there are racial cosmetic substitutions but for spells instead of gear.

for example, a void elf would cast void frost bolt instead of frost bolt, a void nova would replace Arcane explosion, blizzard , rain of fire etc AoEs on various classes. It’s doing the same damage, it’s just a racial based spell.

The idea is you have library of them, on your specific race, certain abilities are replaced by these, but you can glyph or train the class default version back in but also if you learn more, you can actually substitute different types. Even earn higher rank versions like the Azeroth abilities that had improved graphics.

The good thing is this doesn’t go away with the next expansion, like your heritage armor and weapon, once you have it you always hae it to use cosmteically or not.

the aim is you can have a very compelling racial theme to your character, some nice lore and some very cool armor, weapons and spells.

Here are some examples:

Spell Examples:

  • Goblins would use alchemaic concotions - as this is native to their racial theme
  • Night elves would use star/moon magic this seems the one consistency across their famous priest, mage and druid iconic classes - as it’s both Elune based and arcane
  • Trolls would have Hex spells and others associated with the Loa.
  • Blood elves would have fire, light and blood crystal spells
  • Draenei would use artifice magitec, and Naaru spells.
  • Gnomes will have various gadgets, gizmos to use

Weapon examples:

  • Nightborne: Special conjured weapons
  • Tauren: Totems
  • Night elves: Glaives (moon/war) and bows
  • Blood elves: Bows and Glaives
  • Trolls: Spears and throwing axes
  • Dwarves: Hammer and axe

You will use these weapons regardless of whether your class can use the weapon type, the thing is some melee abilities (and range) will instead use your heritage weapon instead of your equipped weapon - this is why it can actually be an additional item or weapon slot on your character where you can upgrade through drops or class quests further down the line.

e.g. A Tauren paladin using Crusader strike would instead use his totem instead of equipped weapon.
Blizz can also give new abilities that specifically use the heritage weapon if they want. And like spells, you can opt to use your equipped weapon instead by transmoging your weapon on the heritage one if you prefer instead not to use it.

Additional features can also have your able to select what abilities to use your heritage weapon on at a racial trainer in your capital city/zone.

Each class trainer can give you some more lore on your race’s heritage spell and how it applies to your class or in the context of your class or your race’s weapon.

I’d love them to seriously just knuckle down and tdo all of this really well, and do a massive race upgrade… better customisations, heritage armor, weapons, heritage spells the works.

People know and appreciate detail and detail donw well when they see it.

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Pandaren heritage armour when? :confused:

Not sure what the hold up is on all this, tbh. It’s been literal years. I cannot believe it takes multiple months per race for transmog. Feels like they’ve just decided not to do any more and are hoping the player base forgets it was ever planned.

Meanwhile we can always buy that shiny one in the cash shop!

Have you never heard of panda punch? :joy_cat:

Yeh… and the thing is, it’s stuff like this that really gets players going. Race customisations, personlaisations etc - it’s a higher replay value, - something cool or new for a race gets them levelling a new character, or race changing etc.

Plus it keeps them happy and engaged.

Gear lasts 6 months. Transmogs last until you unsub :smile_cat:


That’s why “Playing raid / M+” <<<<<< “collecting moggs / mounts”

And yes, I’m all in on more race moggs / spells!

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For me highest priority is

  1. The game activity like raids, interesting mechanics, feature
  2. The character itself - the looks, the vibe, the feel, the lore of the race - this stuff is what you see all the time, and belonging to a tribe makes you feel special… you pick a race for it’s vibe and lore - gotta give great customisations, unique aesthetics in gear and spells


Would be nice to tie in heritage things with race specific quests and storyline expansions.

They could constantly be adding new spells, new weapons, and new race sets as rewards for “race levels” or completing racial quest lines which tell the story of the lines.

Heritage armor sets could defintiely come class themed…

Each race should at least have a set that reflects classses that are key to them.

This is where you can get the setst he NPCs also where

Night elves:
Mage: Highborne and Moonguard set
Druid: Claw and Talon set
Priest: Moon Priestess: Temple set and battle set
Hunter: Sentinel Huntress set
Warrior: Sentinel Warrior set
Rogue: Warden Set

Blood Elves:
Mage: Magister set (already in), Blood mage set, Phoenix set
Paladin: Blood Knight set, Spellbreaker set
Hunter: Farstrider set
Warlock: Illidari fel set
Rogue: Valeera Sanguinar set

For Weapons: It’s themed on lore ofc , some races can have more than one though.

this is Artifact weapon grade versions at the highest level. Patches and tiers, events etc will all add various ones as they go along.

Tauren - Totem pole
Night elves: - Bows and Glaives (like Moon glaives and warglaives)

You can equip your heritage weapon regardless of what weapons your class allows you to use. I would even extend that to say that you race can also use the weapon type of your heritage weapon, even if the class cannot equip that weapon type, but for abilities that require the heritage weapon or that you use a heritage ability that requires a weapon, it will always use your heritage weapon rather than your equipped weapon.

For spells, the concept should be something that fits and matches the race
Should have an assortment of choices that can fill in or be substitutes for a range of class abilities
I would divide them as follows:

  1. A set of Racial spells for single range cast abilities
  2. Some for single instant range
  3. Some for single instant melee (uses heritage weapon)
  4. Some for aoe range spells
  5. some for aoe melee abilities (use heritage weapon)
  6. Some for pet abilities

I don’t think every race can have options for everything, but that’s okay.

eg. point 6 - gnomes would summon little robots instead of animals on hunter toons, and maybe nightborne might summon some arcane entitites instead of animals. as a substitute

i was also thinking of multiple ranges:

example: night elves for spells would use star/moon magic spells - which fits their theme seeing basically mages, priests and druids all have access to these in the lore.
In addition they have a melee heritage in the Glaive [all kinds warglaive, moonglaives]
Range heritage in a bow
they can also have something naturery, maybe a bunch of forest citters for pets or treants instead - althought tha’ts really druids only that do this [people for get because they keep thinking all night elves are druids because they love nature - when actually it’s the star/moon stuff all night elves do, and only the druids can do nature.]

I mean every race can have something, some have more than others, I’m just more familiar with what Nelves have.

Heritage abilities are racials, duh.

Technically, yes, but this woudl be a different system.

Becuase it’s not giving you additional racial abilities to add to your spell roster.

But rather allowing you to substitute/replace some of your class’s existing abilities with racial ones that do the same damage , just being a different spell…

It’s a fancy way of glyhping an ability, changing it cosmetically to fit a racial theme. and also giving you the freedom to choose whether some spells your class uses are racial themed or the class generic one.

The end result is that you have race/class combo that feels a lot more racially themed - hence heritage

Can be great for fantasy… imagine your void elf frost mage, having a void bolt instead of frost bolt, and can substitute blizzard or cone of cold for one of those void aoe’s we saw in 8.3 . You would feel a lot more void elf frost mage than generic frost mage.

Same with a night elf mage or priest, swap one of the abilities for a heritage star spell or moon spell makes you feel a lot more kaldorei… and it’s not a balance problem, because you’re just changing the spell graphic.

One way of implementing is having a new racial tab or heritage tab on the spell book, and here you can see all the heritage spells you have learnt, and can substitute class spells with them. Just remember the change is only cosmetic - although they may allow the magic type to change… that is up to them, but the damage and mechanics won’t change.

You can also assign your heritage weapon to be used for certain melee or range abilities instead of your equipped weapon. Heritage weapons can actually be an additional slot, and even more interesting, they can introduce new abilities or change certain abilities that make use of the heritage weapon, so you’ll definitely find it worth upgrading for more than cosmetic reasons.

We haven’t had a new slot in ages. An alternative to heritage weapons, could be instead of simply swapping the weapon seen, heritage weapons can actual alter specific spells, n so it is wroth gathering a few, and switching them out of combat to gain certain functionalities to your abilities.

This could actually be very useful as a new slot that is not just cosmetic. They really need some really cool and fresh ideas /features