this is most likely not what you are wanting to hear but thats your problem, if you want to get raids done efficiently you are going to be a hell of a lot better off finding a guild that has a raid schedule that can match what you are available for, all of the bosses you mention are ones that require you to be a lot more focused and communicate effectively, even in a guild they will not be easy, but if you are looking for easy raids there are two difficulties below heroic sitting there for you
ilgynoth was a bit too hard for its rewards, yes. Wasn’t having much success rate in pugging it until i assembled my own groups requiring 12/12h and 470 ilvl. MC is relentless and it does usually spiral out of control in pugs, so you lose a lot of dps and healing recovering from this (if you don’t completely wipe)
nzoth hc tho, 2-2-6 is usually very smooth on that one.
I find the raid itself fun, but I’m starting to think that unless we manage to recruit enough for a full team (most players don’t care, they’re done, the expansion’s over), I won’t get heroic done.
It’s really, really frustrating to watch pug people die to Stygian Annihilation 6 times in a row and tell me I’m the spawn of satan for kicking them because they refuse to admit they’re doing anything wrong.
Everyone has to pull 70-100k dps or heroic bosses are a massive pain, and a lot of the encounters have stupid counter-carry mechanics like stopping the same person from doing the football at Xanesh. Why?? It’s just stopping the skilled players from helping their teammates, because everyone needs to have a fully optimized spec and perform perfectly to contribute enough, as if it was mythic. Which is just stupid. Way too many instakills as well, and mechanics where I can’t fix a mistake as healer, because one misstep means the person dies in 2 seconds.
Feels a tad stupid that heroic barely gives me any upgrades, when the highest M+ I’ve done is +9, and the highest I’m willing to do on a regular basis is a +8. The mechanics should at least be more visible, not like at Drest’agath, Il’gynoth and Hivemind. No one seems to see the beam, roly poly add spawn pods, or the way the boss faces, much less Vexiona’s flight path. When one raid has this many visually unclear mechanics that the majority clearly has massive struggles with, something’s wrong.
I am sure a 485 group could in some way cheese Xanesh so that they do not need to do the football/do it at most once.
So they didnt know what to do. Mechanics needs to be done. Spread out and make sure to stun those that are MC’d. It is not an ilvl issue, its a dealing with mechanics issue.
You can fail one football on heroic without wiping, so a 485 group could just tunnel Xanesh and ignore everything
Is she killable before second football? I’ve only done her once. Very early into the tier.
We manage in two footballs on Mythic and our raid is 480ish average so I’m sure heroic can be done in one. Haven’t tried nor checked top logs though
Well fair enough We always had 3 or 4 footballs on our 470+ average group But i assume with enough dps you can let the first one go, all immunity on the 2nd one and get it down before the 3rd
I smell troll.
If u think +11 is so eazy go complete one first…
Also, maybe they drop same ilvl, but thats not everything.
No one spends hours wiping in a +11 dungeon. I’m saying either the mechanics OR the numbers need to be toned down in heroic raid, because this definitely is not tuned for pugs or groups with ilvl below the actual loot, which is ironic.
Do you think it makes players happy to spend hours wiping on a boss that drops loot far below their ilvl?
U think noone ever spend more than hour in +11? My first +15s this season took 1-2 hour, thats 2 hours for 2 items, acros 5 players. Now tell me, do you wipe on every boss for hour or do you kill some here and there and then hit wall? Cuz if thats case in that hour-two u get way better chances at gear.
Also, how is it so unbalanced and badly tuned, yet nobody cares, only one priest, at near end of expansion?
Yeah go take a look at profile of people claiming heroic raid is “easy”, they kill the bosses 1 or 2 times with organized guild that outgears it and then never go back because it’s not worth the trouble.
Or they arent interested in raid that much? Afaik i have 2 hc nzoth kill on this druid, got all my gear from HC, got aotc, got essence r3, i dont need it anymore so why bother?
People either outgear it after few runs and then basicly stop doing cuz they move on mythic
So those raid guilds don’t even bother gearing up alts in heroic raid because they know that they probably won’t even manage to kill the bosses with lower ilvl alts.
Indeed. They immediately jump in mythic with them.
Guilds that are doing mythic usualy gear alts there, why bother farming 460 when u can farm 475?
Yup… Definitely a troll.
I’m not saying heroic raid is impossible, I’m saying many boss fights are ridiculously overtuned for 460 loot. It’s like they designed it just to be frustrating. Either the bosses should be toned down or all bosses should drop 470.