If you need AOTC you can join us btw
Yea i have to disagree, sorry. Without ofense, have u considered that HC is maybe out of your league if u consider it that hard?
Ive been in few pugs, ofc u probably wont full clear in your first run, but most pugs can do like 8/12
The bosses you call are mechanical heavy. As a healer i am useless on those, they are incredible boring for me actually. You have to do the football and the MC and the volleyball, etc, right. I am just throwing my cooldowns for dps because there is literally nothing to heal on xanesh. It is not a ilvl thing at all. My favorite boss is Maut
Yeeh. Half the difficulty with pugs is that it just takes too long to go through all the bosses in one sitting.
Do you think Blizzard has data on what percent of pugs are wiping on these bosses?
Blizz can not determine what is a pug or what is a coordinated/voiced group.
Welcome back to forums Vinzora you have been missed the standard of troll has dropped in your absence .
You must be running dry on material
We clear the raid weekly with half a group full of casuals, some alts barely hitting 450 or even below and a couple 470+ players.
Just because you get into groups where pugs struggle to deal with very basic and quite simple mechanics that doesnt mean the raid is difficult.
You know that people pugged the whole raid first week it came out?
Heroic is at just fine level of difficulty compared to any previous heroic raids i played ever since i started playing in wod. The problem is not with the difficulty. And no, its really not more difficult to kill a heroic boss vs doing a m+11.
think the problem here is you cant ignore or force brute mechanics in hc like you do in normal.
dam, cant even imagine the mind control part in ilgynoth on a pug
Not even close to true.
How could you skip playing football then ?
My guess is blast boss, ignore 1st football knowing it can’t wipe the raid, continue blasting boss, hope she dies before 2nd football
Eh? Really?
The raid is not overturned, you have to do mechanics.
Even a non-raider like me was able to kill Xanesh and Ra-den with an Alliance PUG…
have you tried, have you tried -
getting good?
I doubt it, since he made basically the same thread 3 months ago and has not got a single kill since then
Apparently they didn’t.
I have been trying to join pug groups for HC Vexiona for 2 days on my alt. Wow, just wow. People still couldn’t do the fire phase after so many months. And all groups failed terribly.
is bait, 100%
If they actually did you would have downed Ilgy fast and most likely would never have even got an MC
Somethings not adding up
What does football have to do with getting higher ilvl in WoW?