10/25 man is the same content twice a week too. Literally nothing changes and you are not forced to do 25man if you don’t want to unless you are after some trinket or something.
At least the pretense of different loot was there.
But they went over again and again how they’re changing the lockouts to prevent you from doing normal + heroic for the same item.
What changed?
At first I was annoyed, but gave it a thought and it’s not that bad. It only gives mild catch-up, it doesn’t affect any endgame.
I doubt it will be that hard. For main raiding character it will still be an aoe zerg but it will now take 30% longer cause they buffed the HP.
More of a challenge for alts and stuff (to get 10man raid gear)
Someone still believes there is more ‘muh social interaction’ without rdf… yikes.
They make it so you can’t farm both normal and heroic in T9 and then they change 10 and 25 so you can farm the same items on both, effectively the same problem. This is one of the dumbest and jankiest changes I’ve seen suggested in many years.
Quite how this got past the idea board I have no idea. All they have to do is release the game as it was, not add m+ dungeons with 10man raid loot and give 25man loot to 10mans or any other whacky crap. Is this to help casuals with catchup loot? Well the T9 changes were the opposite, they made it so you can’t gear up in normal and progress HC, which hurts casuals and weekend warriors most.
Their changes are nonsensical, no direction, pure whacky races.
You still your no brainer heroics where tanks hold aggro with on button press at the start of the combat thanks to threat multiplier increase and dps AoE everything down.
I don’t say that I like this very version of heroic plus they present us, but I like they are doing something to make dungeons relevant through whole expansion. That was the problem I definitely felt during TBC classic and also during Wotlk back in the days. Finding a rep farming group was impossible in P2 unless you paid a mage to boost your rep. Finding a group in original Wotlk for anything other than Daily Random Heroic was impossible because everyone was ICC-geared at that time and alts got geared quickly through Trial of the Champion and ICC 5-mans.
At least, the concept of Mythics allows for better Wotlk Era management and I really hope for that. Not playing their Cata(insert excrement here)lysm.
One question comes to my mind.
Does this mean that Fragments of Valanyr will drop in Ulduar 10 once P3 hits and then Shards for Shadowmourne in ICC 10 once P5 hits? This effectively doubles the shard-gaining speed, provided you do both versions each week.
Yup, it’s like, why on earth did they bother with all that talk about changing ToC lockouts when all they’re doing is the same exact thing.
Speaking of, the trinkets from ToC don’t even have the unique thing to prevent stacking them in the current version of the game, so that, too, is going to be a complete mess.
Not a damned thing they’re doing right now makes any sense.
They do this anywhere cause it’s wrath.
This is not WOLK. Dont spoil expansion with your stupid ideas - just give us expansions same as old times.
They already solved this in WotLK.
By adding RDF.
Mythic(heroic+) raids when?
Also add world quests please.
Anyone mad about this change/addition is a smooth brain. It’s a great addition that doesn’t harm anything by being added. Dungeons will be more relevant and harder if players want a higher difficulty. Raids wont suffer as the latest raid will always give better gear.
Genuinely, I can’t say this strong enough. If you are mad about this change, please evaluate your life and find something better to do with it than whining about stuff that isn’t bad in the first place. I know it’s the forums so people wanna whine 24/7, but this ain’t it.
For sure it’s gonna be a great thing to split the people into HC, HC+, HC++ and HC+++ versions.
We’re mad cause they solved the relevancy of heroics in Wrath proper already but they refuse to give us that solution.
This has nothing to do with RDF. Go whine about that nonsense in one of the 35 million RDF threads lol.
It has EVERYTHING to do with RDF.
Very cringe. Get some sun mate, sounds like you need it.