If you don’t get an alert in the UI for literally everything a boss does beforehand, the game is now work?
I already said that it’s not about me. When the mod is used by 99.9%, it’s not just about what I do or don’t do. “Don’t like it; don’t use it” is a useless argument in a situation like this.
What you can say is “I like DBM. I have no problem with it being in the game,” but why don’t you drop the dishonest “just don’t use it” nonsense.
Anyway, I’m not realistically expecting them to ban addons, especially DBM.
Well it definitely helps as an incentive to tank and/or heal dungeons.
Cool and rare sure but I’m afraid they don’t exactly have enough prestigious value anymore for most to care, especially with how many you see hard reserved these days.
Its not rly that bad. Whenever Uldar comes out everyone who raid will have their P1 10man full gear already at least for main spec. It will be just easier to gear alts or get items for offspec. I dunno how I feel about mount but dont care too much.
Tank/healers bonuses are nice too, it can make more ppl want to play those roles and we all know there are not that many healers and tanks and in some point of time they will start demanding gold for their services which wont happen in this case. Othar than that damn Im happy I choosed resto as main spec.
RDF limits social aspect of the game by automizing the dungeon system while those changes makes game more alive by making alts easier too gear. Being against something just to be against is dummy.
So completely skipping part of the game, where you play with 9 other players, in exchange for small private group of friends, or just 4 randoms, to clear braindead 5man content, is somehow “social”
But tool that actually allows you to play the game and meet more people, without playing FOTM and spamming chat for hour, is “antisocial”
I really feel that the argument about RDF not being social isn’t really credible anymore given everything is literally a speed run and the time spent trying to find a group depending on the role.
This is probably the best change they’ve announced so far. WotLK dungeons were hella fun, but they were just too easy. Doing the random one for the emblems eventually became a chore. Not having to do 25 man pugs of old raids and going 10 man instead is also sweet. Dunno what’s there to dislike.
I don’t see any downsides here. This change will make alts/2nd spec gearing so much easier and less time consuming.
This is overall great change. It will not kill 25man raids, because these changes only affect previous tear. No1 seriously would have raided previous tier 25mans anyway and you will still be able to do 25 mans for achievs/gear if you please so.