Heroic Warfront

Got reply to my ticket as well, and GM marked the quest in my log as complete. So at least there’s that.

Just done it on my rogue and it went as it should. Rokhan appeared once near the start and not again until we’d downed the gates and attacked him. 430 dagger, can’t complain :stuck_out_tongue:

I think ours bugged, Rokhan attacked us we zerg him down from 150m to 100m, and he goes back to his base, then about 3 mins later he invades again, and we bring him down in our base. We only managed to construct Workshop. Once we killed him, we got credit for the quest but not any loot or achievement for completing a HC warfront…


I’d the same happen yesterday on my lock but it did give me the quest completion, although no reward at finishing it. Just got an AP crystal on my rogue for finishing.

Did this with a grp from my community tonight, i think we were 18 in the raid, but when we entered the warfront we suddenly had 3 other ppl that joined us in the warfront? Thats not supposed to happen, is it? :thinking: didnt cause any issues for completing it, but it was kinda weird…

Just did the HC warfront, had both quests (regular and HC one).
Rokhan came to our base a few minutes after the start, we got him to 75% HP, he teleported back to his base.
Then a few minutes later Rokhan came again to our base, we didn’t even have the workshop.
We killed Rokhan here, I got both quests completed, but no achievement or Azerite, as it should have been.
The gameplay seems to be bugged, which leads to issues with rewards.


Same thing happened to me yesterday, signed up with 20 ppl, but where 22 in the warfront, also rokhan attacked again a few mins after he telepoted back to base, and we killed him in our base and completed the warfront.

How is it even possible? :sweat_smile: are they throwing in randoms that sign for normal or something?

That is exactly the attitude that I got from them too, sorry for not replying sooner but when I criticized the actions of support, I was silenced by a moderator unable to post anything for 24hours.

Actually, you are wrong here. It is far more appealing from a business perspective to have subscribers test new content, rather than pay or contract a QA team.

Worst thing that is going to happen, is that someone will make a forum thread and/or complain to support.

Who cares, right?

not all workers are from countries with strong unions I assume, so I doubt that they have to deal with that.
after 800 man axing I am sure no one brave enough left to object.

games should be made by nerds and for nerds. financial sector is toxic.

That’s the problem though.

See, once you get into a steady routine, sleeping, eating and work schedule… which is mandatory for any adult working a full time job… how can you also be a nerd?

You socialize at work, become friends with co-workers and start wanting to do IRL things on your days off, rather than play the game you work on the whole week.

Then once you have saved up money and found a partner, you want to build a future together, which takes priority over everything else and there is no time left to play the game. Chores, housework and social interaction take up all your spare time.

And that’s a good thing, contrary to not only building the nerdiest game of all time, but also playing it for the rest of your life.

Sad but true. They just dont care anymore.

Blizzard may be testing bots / npcs to copy shadowbringers feature of making groups with npcs in 9.0 . What else would be better to test IT then controled enviroment of warfront

No they were actual players, happened twice on saturday aswell (i assume they were players at least since some of them wrote in instance chat wondering if they knew us :sweat_smile:). Its just weird to get randoms thrown into a premade raid for the warfront. Probably a bug of some sorts.

was the horde one not up yet? the quest for heroic mode?

We are still in the Contribution Phase!

erm someone didnt notive that HC Warfront opened last night before midnight :slight_smile:

was fun and chalenging doin it couple of times till 3 am but i would recomend people to only do it in 415+ groups to save themselves a lot of frustration and time ;P:P

Ohh cool i will do it tonight then xD

Damn these Warfronts, I just want the helmet and the shoulders to complete the transmog, but nooo, I had to get a weapon(Fair enough, I can use that) and a belt, which I have and ilvl waaaay below my current one.

the positive part is that there was no bug anymore on horde side. some smart guy wanted an achievement for the first horde heroic warfront lol…hilarious. i wished him the best while waiting for another tank with an achievement. i was a heroic geared tank and even had the achievement from the alliance char (but didnt bother telling him and moved to the next group).

negative part. i got an item that was below the one i already had on that slot -.-