Heroic Warfront

Maybe the completion doesn’t drop always. Its like Invincible’s reins, gotta farm for it. Just as intended.

Just did the HC warfront ( yes i got normal done yesterday ) and didn’t get the completion ( was greyed out ) .

Just did heroic warfront twice, just a few minutes ago and the quest does not complete at victory… :frowning:


Completed battle but the victory did not register for the quest so unable to hand in and get reward


WoW so glad i came here to read this before doing what my ticket replay was, did this on the 10th at around 23:00 game time which was after our guild raid got the achievement <Heroic: War is Hell> but no quest credit.


Thank you for contacting us regarding the Heroic Warfront quest. Initially, the Heroic Warfront quest was disappearing or could not be turned in. We have since deployed a hotfix allowing quest credit to be retained and the quest can be completed. Please note: If the quest was attempted before the hotfix the character will need to attempt it again.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your understanding.

Your ticket was identified to be about the issue addressed above. If this is not the case, please respond so a Game Master can manually review it.

The fix didn’t fix the problem :frowning:


Don’t let them get away with this. Re-open your ticket and demand to have your loot mailed to you.

We don’t pay to be their QA team, beta testing their buggy content. We pay to play.

You payed, you played and you along with everyone else should get their loot.

Besides, the hotfix, DID NOT EVEN FIX the problem, it is still there!


Same here.

Yesterday i opened the ticket, SAME RESPONSE.
Tried 1 hour ago, finished succesfully, STILL no quest marked completed.

Opened another ticket, but now i’m fuc*in pissed off.

I pretend the loot , this s*it is SO LONG to do, i will not redo it again for a bug not fixed AT ALL.

Blizzard, be fuc*in serious , really …


I have reopened the ticket the funny thing is some people in the group got the credit for it as we did it as a guild run after our raid and some didnt get credit for it. just have 18hr on my reopened ticket.

…Just another confirm… did it now the 3rd(and last until fix) time and still no quest complete.
hey Blizz:
if(achievement[Heroic: War is Hell] == true){
Quest[Heroic Warfront: The Battle for Stromgarde] = true;
} else {

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Better to do a hidden reset on the quest completion for me and I assume someone else, like they did with my quest “Deck em” for mechagon achievement, despite I remember that I have done it earlier that day.

Cause some dudes in murica couldn’t take it from npc :slight_smile:

If YoU dONT liKE tO plAY tHAt aSpecT of GamE - DoNT pLaY!

Any update on this ?

Sadly nothing so far.

Only update I can give, is that ticket response time has gone from 4 to 19 hours.

Yeah I just did this, got the achievement but the quest didn’t complete. Highly annoying. Some in the grp said they was on their 4’th try to get it done.
Did open a ticket.

Same here i have issued a ticket and waiting response but i 'm not doing it a second time tbh…

got my achievement quest didn’t complete tho. 10/10 blizzard would waste my time again.

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Same here, achievement recieved, no quest progress just an hour ago.

" war is hell "

it sure is…


same ! achievement recieved ! no quest validated !!
