Heroic Warfront

Horde forces and that stupid Rokhan teleporting out of nowhere in the middle of the keep. I’m getting tired dealing with this crap.

I guess it is still bugged some 30 minutes ago.
My ‘concern’ here is another atm though, “heroic”? Really? I just gave it a first try thinking this might be fun, maybe some smudge of resistance from the enemy at least. ppl start dying on first boss, ok, maybe a little harder then I first thought, awesome. Then minutes after he died mr. bigboi shows up on our doorstep with a 120mil hp. Took us 25-30min to fight him off (hp at 60% I guess) and everyone dying about 10 times each. “ok cool, now we might be able to advance a little”. Few minutes later he’s back again… This time he was down to 20-25%, I died, come back… He’s full hp… By then ppl start leaving and we lost.

And here people are typing away about how they did it in 40 min, and one tank kiting around the map and so on. (I just have to assume there was atleast a healer with him lol). I just wonder about ilvl and such. Now I hear it’s aimed at 415? I’m at 402 and here are some quotes from the combat log:
veteran headhunter melee hit you 91,886 physical
rokhan melee hit you 95,766 physical
sink hole totem sinkhole hit you 100,110 nature
Idk, doesn’t feel like the ‘heroic’ difficulty I’m used to, can’t wait for mythic tho lol…

Joining you guys on the thread, I did it once last night. boss was bugged we killed him in front of our keep and only 1-2 guys got the quest completed.

Then I did it 4 times today :)… 4 effing times and still no quest completed.

At least I got an achievement and a sweet 340 loot am I right ?

Huh guys ? Am I right ? cry


So now they are blatantly lying to us.

Oh but hey, it only concerns Alliance, real hotfix will be out in time for when it’s the Horde’s turn to do it, right?

I got a reply from support too, but I chose “Still have an issue”, because I STILL HAVE THE ISSUE.

Not closing my ticket until it gets resolved, and I want my frikken loot!

People are wasting hours beta testing Heroic Warfronts without compensation and it is unacceptable! All of us pay to play, for crying out loud!

Just did the warfront after GM told me that the bug is fixed. But still, no quest completed. I just wasted my time twice. There must be a compensation for this crap.


Yeah, what makes my blood boil is that they can manually complete the quest. They did that when legion started and i coudn’t finsh the destro warlock artifact acquisition quest due bug and gm manually completed the quest for me, but now they come up with “sorreh do it again its hOtFiXeD” and had to waste another hour or more with that mess only to find out that is not “hotfixed”.


They are also extremely boring. Normal is sleep mode and heroic I can’t do on my alts because of ilvl creep it requires ilvl 5000. Lame.

I’ve done 2 heroic warfronts in the last hour and haven’t received the quest credit. The first time I didn’t even get the achievement. This really isn’t on, you have the PTR for a reason, so you can test these things. I understand some things slip through the cracks sometimes, but to say it’s fixed when it blatantly isn’t is just ridiculous, and for something as simple as quest completion it really does just boggle the mind.

You’re making it really hard for me to want to resub at the end of this week Blizzard.


I just got achievement but haven’t received quest credit. It is not fixed.


They’re just gonna tell you to try again for the third time and that they’ve totally fixed it now.
They havn’t fixed it btw.


did it on this char 2 hours ago and all fine, got the loot. Did it on my mage just now and the quest didnt complete?

Can confirm, not fixed yet.
That was a lot of time wasted for no reward.

Also, what’s with the ilvl 340 reward for finishing?
That’s just… Insulting.


Yeah I had that too. So the game recognises I finished the warfront, gave me the achievement and a 340 item, but apparently that doesn’t constitute the quest criteria? Scripting bug maybe idk.

A friend of mine did the warfront earlier, didn’t get the achievement but did get the quest completion so idk what’s going on.

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as of 11.07.2019 in the afternoon this is still a problem. i just wish i have seen this post before doing the HC Warfront 2 times. the 1st time the quest for normal got completed. the 2nd time just got the end reward (340 like on normal) and the HC quest did not get completed

I still cant complete the quest I have done it three times already and the quest objective wont complete


Same, I am not touching it anymore, I opened a ticket. No point doing it.


Same here. A friend of mine get his quest completed the first time. And i can’t complete mine even after 3 warfront.

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They will just tell you to do it again and that they’re totally fixing it. :^)

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Can confirm that the quest still not completes, won it right now the regular way, got the achievement and that insulting 340 item, but no quest completion.


Still not work :frowning: blizz really