Hey Blizzard, please wake up :)

TWD is pretty viable meta comp. Not S Tier but A or B at worst

Because the majority of people who play RATED arenas want to play to earn titles and rating. If you want to be a minority who plays at low rating every day just playing for fun with your friend, go ahead, but stop trying to undermine people who want to reach goals.

then reroll to the OP class then bud if you want the title

no need to stick to a single class out of pity

Please, I can get Gladiator with Shadow, that doesn’t change that the spec is not very good right now and is not enjoyable to play.

then why are you moaning … you got your title. chilll… you achieved the highest reward. you can relax now and play for fun

each season brings its own OP class or spec, it might be you next season .

thank you mr 1500 dk! good luck on your rival push!

you are very much welcome :wink:

I can understand you very well. I am playing with the same friends for years now - with one guy especially since cata…

We had our ups and downs with several combs over the years but right now we have lost the motivation 2 play the game. …….and we used 2 play even the trashiest combs available and still hit our „goals“ :sweat_smile: :rofl:

I just checked some twitter posts/twitch streams out of curiosity and even the (subjectiv) majority of pros are dissatisfied with the current game, to say the least.

The worst part is that PTR was just amazing because nobody used these trash trinkets. The game was really fun. These trinkets are mostly ruining the experience of the game. That’s the main reason I’m disappointed. If they put sets on Vendor and remove trinkets the game would be much better.

Yeah, it would be way better 2 remove this trinkets or to disable trinkets in pvp overall. Sure, there would be a waste of designspace, but in nearly every addon was atleast one trinket that „broke“ the game.

Don’t change dstance but change these other things and leave dstance as it is - people disliked that warriors could have that level of freedom of taking reduced damage while still dealing okay damage. For me I would have been interested in seeing longer cds between switching stances or something similar. LIKE I SAID I DID NOT WANT IT GUTTED.


You are calling me delusional while saying that I think sub is B tier at best? Can you please provide ANY post where I have said that Sub is below A tier?

Don Quichote is actually a great representation of what you are. You are delusional my man :smiley: I quote from the book:

He arrives at an inn, which he believes is a castle, and insists that the innkeeper knight him.

Or as it was originally written:

“Brodanyo entered the world of warcraft forum, licking off the dorito dust from his fingers… GLORY TO THE INTELLIGENT, he thinks to himself while he replies to the incarnation of evil himself… Lukien, the devil in disguise. Lukien talks about how he found warriors to be too strong in S1 and S2… “Hmm that must mean he believes that sub rogue is the worst spec in the game”, Brodanyo ponders. He replies to Lukien saying that he is a moron for thinking such a thing. A smirk spreads over his face. He has won. Lukien has been sent back to hell. A victory to the smartest people on the forums. “BRODAN IT IS DINNER”, his mom yells. “Darn I hate those damn stairs up from the basement”, he mutters to himself.”

Only real fix that I think Arms needed was for Slam to be a button you need to press, instead of something you take off of your bar for no consequence in favour of pressing Ignore Pain more. Should also probably have hit Rage generation while in stance, in PvP.

The issue as far as I see it is that (in the current game at least) attempting to tune Defensive Stance with purely damage modifiers alone is a pointless endeavour because either it’s strong enough to warrant sitting in at all times and the Warrior is never a kill target, or it’s not strong enough and you die in a stun DR to RM through it.

There isn’t any nuance to work with what with the way it’s designed atm. Even straight up replacing the outgoing damage reduction with a Rage generation reduction would be a step in the right direction imo. You’d still be able to sit in Defensive Stance, you could pool Rage and then burst harder from within it, at the expense of “lol this button is numerically in my favour, time to stat check” and running at people while never leaving the (relative, nothing is safe rn regardless of whether Defensive Stance were 10% or 50% lmao) safety of your ambient wall, which is the entire source of frustration to begin with.

Doesn’t help that Arms was this expansion’s chosen spec to be unpruned either. Now it’s positioned to join the ranks of Fire Mages/Rogues/Resto Druids (and possibly Holy Priests) in the tier of specs of whom’s toolkits are three to four expansions ahead of everyone else at any given time.

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Bump,Fix Hpriest…they ruin almost every bracket in your game…they are on the top in Raids/M+ and every single bracket in PvP dominating and making misarable the life of every other healer in the game(They fit in every comp just because they are that BROKEN)
Wake up Blizzard,every one that enjoy their healer should atleast have 2-3 comps that fit well with their healing spec…How many months we got to wait untill you revert all healing/dmg buff they got with 9.2 and gut chastise range and remove greater fade for Hpriests srsly…Its getting worse than Ineff Pala season 4 BFA…You just made the game totaly unplayable to almost every healer that doesnt play Hpriest or its just fotm reroller

Hello Guys,
nice thread and very good suggestions.

But I would say PVP will be always trash if they are going to use borrowed powers and modifiers. Borrowed powers are mostly passive things that they the biggest impact on the game and they dont make you skilled or a good player. It is mostly just RNG or if you are lacky and they dont balance your class you can do insta kill and be high in the bracet.

Because of their lack in balancing PVP and borrowed powers along with a good tooltip of some classes , they kill you just when the arena starts and even if you know how to play you can do anything about it.

Im sad how the PVP looks right now and if I would not be addicted to this game , I would definitely end up playing this shiat.

It would be nice, If the PvP would be able to go back to good old times, where it was just one legendary item that had just a small impact in game and everything else was about how good you are, like you know the game itself and how you know your unique class… Dueling for hours just to know the setups to a certain classes… oh god, good memories.

Blizzards has so much money and they charge us monthly for just playing it, but still it looks like the development team doesnt know how to work with modifiers, because if the spell is modified more than one thing , it doest unbelievable numbers , mostly insta kills.
Or maybe they just dont care?

It is probably hard to turn of borrowed power , conduits, tier sets and other modifiers in PVP, do different auras for PVE and PVP and balance it differently and have a different team for PVP and PVE.

However, thank you for reading and enjoy the game if you still can.

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This - soulbinds themselves are instanely strong and contain a lot of cancerous things like Dreamweaver slow, Pod, root/fear/stun procs and many more things.

That’s a bit of a fallacy tbh; dps and healers deal damage differently. It isn’t like holy does overall more damage, so say SWP doing more isnt an issue. Its like how disc has this double-edged sword due to atonement. Is shadow even in a bad spot?
But holy needs fixing if its still busted with sets. Its in almost every comp

Except it is not a ‘fallacy’ because if I spec into holy on my shadow priest, its shadow word pain ticks for more than the shadow’s ability when in shadowform AND void form and holy fire hits harder than mind blast. That is not a fallacy, it is a fact. Learn definitions of words before you say them to me. Stahpsp has a youtube video on it too so feel free to go and educate yourself.

I’d bloody hope not, too. This isn’t the ‘gotcha’ that you think it is.

A healer doing more damage with the same ability when the dps spec also has damage increasing modifiers most definitely is an issue.

Shadow’s competitiveness right now is dependent on being a Utility and CDR bot for Assassination Rogue, as seen in the AWC. When Assa finally gets nerfed, then SP will not be seen in the AWC.

On the ladder it can also probably play Splay, don’t know I quit playing because my role is to hold the hand of the other dps.

Arena is becoming worse and worse. I stopped playing because it wasn’t good for my mental health :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t know if there’s a better ranked pvp mode in another MMO (i guess not), but still it’s bad. They want money, but they don’t seem to understand by fixing the game they would get more money. They instead add cosmetics and mounts.
It’s really crazy to think that you are paying and there are NOT weekly hotfixes and tuning like in other games that are free

I think that Wrath might be a good alternative. I mean it had it’s problems - tanks in arenas and some PvE items being broken but nothing even near to this stupid RNG clownfiesta where your luck of getting 4 set decides if you deal 40% more damage or not.

good thing he didnt say nothing about outlaw rogues, phew… close one boys