Hey Horde... You are playing AV wrong


10 chars.

This is 100% accurate. /thread

Winning doesn’t neccessarily provide you with the best honor…

Yes, because you aren’t focusing on getting max honor in that timespan. You could get 4k+ honor in that 6-10minute game, that’s my hole point.

this would change very little for me, tbh.

That’s an entirely valid position imo, people don’t have to do what is most efficient if they simply want to do what is the most fun - everyone has different goals in this game after all.

This is a lie. You know. I know it. And everyone knows it. The bump is not tiny. It’s the most important thing. It’s even more important than winning a battlefield where you have the biggest advantage. Belinda first and a beautiful back door.

The truth is that, for the majority of horde players, it’s more important to be as annoying as possible to Alliance than to be slick and professional in pvp.

They feel bitter that they chose the wrong faction and that they chose the long queue time (not so smart eh?) and they want others to suffer for their poor life choices.

We know this because even games against pathetic alliance pugs are turtles. Games you could win in less than 10 minutes with all your skill and pots and iron grenades are dragged out affairs lasting 30 minutes or more.

We know this because it’s been stated publicly repeatedly and from horde behaviour in p2. Alliance tears = horde smiles.

I’ve double-checked every Balinda kill since this post.
I get +198 for killing her, even if Galva is already dead (which he often is vs. premades), and there are no Lt’s being killed at the same time.

Maybe Alliance don’t get +198 for Galva if Balinda is dead, but that seems strange and unfair if that’s the case. (Not that it really matters because you compete with your own faction anyway, so if no one get’s +honor it doesn’t matter.)

it 100% is the case for alliance. We do not get the +198 if Balinda is dead.

Lowlife racist.


208 posts

60 Human Warrior0WoW Classic


alliance premades win through “pve brute-forcing” in ~ 7-10 Minutes is solely attributed to the sheer fact of them being the superior players in each and every case!

This is 100% accurate. /thread

OFC… keep telling yourself that, completely ignoring the sarcasm in my quote. :ok_hand:


10 chars.

OK so on the one hand you think its a valid position, but on the other you think they are playing wrong(as per this threads title)

If all horde are getting the same honor by using the same tactics, why does the amount matter? It only affects Alliance, slowing down your honor not ours.

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Alliance premade can just run to the horde boss! pull him alone, and kill him without taking any bunker or even graveyards…battle end in 5min.
‘Horde can’t do that’

Won a AV today where everything on the map was red and alliance was farmed, felt good =)

The honor gain per time is highest in the first 10 minutes. The honor gain per time in the time of the extension of the game due to turtling is worse. It therefore makes sense to end the game after 10 minutes with the quickly achieved objectives which generate honor within that time. Ending the game after that is best, no matter whether by victory or defeat.

You feel good?
You think you do but you dont.

Horde can rush vann and win in 4 minutes too, even faster becasue this premade didnt use the backdoor. THey just bumrushed Vann and did a reset pull on him.

Feel good? If the question is, did I have fun? Yes, yes I did =)

i’m talking about current classic with current gear! and current queue issue, because that video of 2006 you posted! i see people got Bwl/Zg weapons/gear in it, Plus you can easily pre-made if you don’t have 30min queue as we have now, this is why Horde doesn’t pre-made now When alliance does it.

Edit: so i can guess that in phase4! horde queue will still be long, long enough to prevent pre-mades! and alliance will pre-made with better gear! that could finish AV In 2-3min

Holy… people are talking about ALTERAC VALLEY (!!!) win ratio like, what the hell is wrong with you people xD it barely has anything to do with personal skill so you can literally wipe your you know what with it. Wish we had bc/wotlk for arena :frowning:

you mean playing arena with a FotM Combo and running around pillars for 20mins?

You dont need to play a fotm combo, I had my highest ratings with non fotm setups :slight_smile:

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