Hey Horde... You are playing AV wrong

And they would …If Horde could premade, you tater! :rofl:

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They would not because a premade would care about honor, just killing vann is not even 1k hono rightr?

What does it matter as long as this is the Horde meta and no one else I’m ranking against is likely getting more? Amount of honor is not relevant, how can people still not get this?

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if br1 cap is 1 million, you would rather hit that cap in 4 days instead of 7 no?

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You are assuming horde knows about stacking brackets LULW

well even if they don’t, if standing 1 was 1 million, you still want to get there asap.

Everyone agrees that horde’s faction name should be changed to Turles, and alliance shall be renamed to Apes.

WoW: Apes and Turtles


You are wrong on so many fronts as you do not count in the major thing that matters to horde (because of the Queue wait times), honor from honorable kills.

I pasted my stats from one session of honor farming few days ago, mind you, really tough session as all games were against premades that day. Please check it below and keep in mind that on average 30% of honor gained in that session is just from kills.

Game Duration Win/Loss Total Honor Honor Per Hour (with 20 minute queues)
19 LOSS 4132 6357
7 LOSS 2835 6300
8 LOSS 3000 6429
6 LOSS 2941 6787
26 WIN 6149 8020
5 LOSS 1762 4229
27 WIN 6491 8286
19 LOSS 4340 6677
21 WIN 5598 8192
14 LOSS 3272 5774
21 WIN 5652 8271
28 WIN 6556 8195
39 WIN 7903 8037

Above adds up to average of 7k per hour with 20 minute queues.

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Ofc they do but it is impossible to do them on major servers because for horde it’s FFA, everyone can grind 24/7 (if they want to) and even if all major honor rankers agree on it there is someone who can break the brackets easily as there is no “fear” of being kicked out of all major ranking premades (as they are impossible on horde).

As horde (on big servers) you simply have to push maximum every week if you want to be top bracket, there is no other way around it.

:ok_hand: toxic manchild.

Very accurate description of the situation on horde side. :+1:

Remember when people were claiming that ranking on alliance would be hell because of instant queues XD how wrong they are… its the other way round, long queues = hard rank

Sad thing is that it’s actually even worse for any ally who wants “lower” ranks and plays only in “PUGS”. :confused:

I don’t get your argument here?
“When I play suboptimally I get less honor & when games are long I get more honor because HKs and forced objectives” - Yes. But if you didn’t approach this in a braindead manner then you would be getting 5k+ honor (if you include Hks) in those 8 minute losses, which would net you more than 10k per hour with 20 minute queues. ← THIS IS A WORST CASE SCENARIO, a worst case scenario that is 20% more honor per hour, compared to your best case and a 42% increase of your median honor per hour.

However, you keep getting stuck in this flawed mindset that turtles is the way to go based on your stats?

I agree with you that turtles is better for horde IF and only IF you can’t get horde to play correctly, but that was never argued against in the first place I think?

If you concentrate on winning the av instead of typing on the forums I believe the outcome would be different aswell. PROGRESS MAD KEK CAN’T WIN HORDE PUGS :turtle::turtle::turtle: :joy::ok_hand: :fire:


That’s how the hardcore alliance premades play, think they are fazed much by turtle games? it’s more of a nuissance to them.

But i believe with the queue times on horde turtling & getting objectives and try to shoot for 150-200 hk is most effective.

Useless thread anyway

Nope, I wouldn’t.

Optimal games for horde are 15-20 minute games and majority of my games are actually played correctly.

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Mission accomplished, we are pissing off the tiny little Alliance. Let me dry those tears, hmm salty :smiley:

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cool story bro.