High Elf eyes/skins for Blood/Void Elves confirmed

I am hoping for some strong Wildhammer and Elven lodge stuff.
It’s my dream!
There are two helf lodges on dwarf land and it would be nice if they were capitalised on, instead of humans with long ears in SW.

Hinterlands can have some nice Revantusk/Forsaken vs dwarf/helf. Give it to me.


I wish they rather gave us more hairstyles and hair colours. Since I intend to keep RPing my velf, the new skin tones don’t do much for me. Cool for those who wanted helves for a long time, I guess.


Velves weren’t supposed to get options either this expansion so…

Best to wait for the next one where AR customs will be considered.

I wouldn’t worry about that. Horde has universally been the place to be for PVE because of the racials, it’s been that way for a long time and it’s so dire that Alliance in a very general trend struggle to recruit for top tier raiding. Mythic raiding on Alliance and competitive play is no near the level the Horde currently has it at. Horde generally has a far better experience when it comes to PVE, top end gameplay, you won’t be missing anything.

Edited: The amount of cope from belf players in this thread is hilarious.

ngl this is one of the first things I thought, and perhaps the thing keeping my sane during these times of chaos

the thought that no longer will helf rpers hang around in smc… its glorious

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My lowest dab is extended towards the recently faction changed blood elves who now have to stay in Stormwind for eternity


Give me proper black hair!

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Also it’s hilarious that not a single “high elf” will be able to be blonde.

I dab so low my nose presses against the laminate flooring.


Which is what makes them cool to RP imho.

Play an old dude, get access to not one but THREE grey hair options. It’s about damn time.

Quel’danil has some very interesting lore, with how their lodgers abandoned any and all magic use. Shadowlands will hopefully see at least a few Aerie Peak-centred guilds, and even if they die as soon as they come, it could be fun for a time.

Unfortunately it becomes very jarring when the unavoidable tidal wave of high elves will inevitably fill Stormwind’s streets which detracts from the very point that you find cool


“Not a Void Elf IC” was already more present than actual Velves last time I was there.

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There will always be “bad” RPers who disvalue/ignore lore. It’s a pity for Stormwind RPers, yeah, but I don’t really plan on hanging out there. I don’t think bad high elf RPers are leagues beyond bad RPers from any other race.


Yeah, but the situation will be different for AD. Most raiders I’ve played with simultaneously roleplay, and a lot of the belf gamers in the three guilds I’ve been previously in basically pipe on about wanting to play Alliance constantly. Our server is thirty-three percent Horde; most raiding guilds are already Ally, here. The situation isn’t comparable to PvE servers in terms of population or community dynamic.

It’s already difficult to get a full roster for mythic Horde (I never left those three guilds, they always just ended up not having twenty for mythic, even when in the top three for the faction and clearing mythic current content), and that’s only going to become more difficult if players from the most played race start going blue.

It’s just going to be the straw that broke the camel’s back, honestly. As somebody who roleplays sometimes and has played on AD for fifteen years, I’m not going to rush off to Twisting Nether EU, so this is basically bad news. Anybody who thinks this isn’t going to depopulate Horde a bit are just being obtuse - the original purpose of belfs was to balance the factions.

Void elves should never have been added to begin with! Good change! I will probably roll one now as a regular elf!


Thanks for the take forum user darkdogmanx


You’re welcome Paladanna the Paladin!


To be honest, I’m a bit curious if this would give birth to some guilds forming some sort of an alliance on both sides to bridge the faction gap and in some form or fashion “let the High Elves back” to Silvermoon - its basically cannon, the elves who not embraced the Blood Elf name change/practices still welcomed to a digree as piligrims to visit the Well… so its not that farfetched
Since the Void elves/High elf costumization and the Blood elves share a common language, nothing stands in the way some very awesome RP in their home city…
Will be interresting to watch how far this evolves and what will happen

They were, during Wrath.
Whether they still are after the silver covenant helped the purge of dalaran is another matter, and one that is up in the air canon-wise.


Whilst you 100% have my sympathies, the only person to blame in this situation is Blizzard having a very roundabout and queer way of fixing the faction divide post-Vanilla. Belves on Horde was always a massive shoehorn that went against an awful lot of their characterisation, especially since they were specifically not the Kael’thas belves that consorted with orcs. Whilst quel’dorei were never directly pro-Alliance, they were always anti-orc and anti-troll, and very much anti-Scourge; this makes three of the four races historic enemies to the race, making their inclusion incredibly awkward and janky.

I fully admit that blood elves have since grown to be a staple Horde member with a plethora of justifications to remain, but these were all developments that took place over a decade and a half, to a completely different Horde to the one they joined in TBC. Let’s not forget Lor’themar was very willing to abandon the Horde to, not become neutral, but rejoin the Alliance during MoP.

Void elves are an incredibly ironic addition, in that they were almost certainly added to sate the desire for blood elves on the Alliance. Unlike blood elves I’ve yet to see a justification for the Light-centric faction to tolerate them, but I’m hoping they are not entirely forgotten about post-helfification, so that their role can be elaborated upon. Lightforged draenei tensions maybe?

High elves being rightfully added as an allied race from the getgo would have avoided a lot of this mess, because now void elves are in an awkward position where very few people playing their race are doing so for the race itself (making the name/racials/voice lines very ill-fitting). It leaves void elves as a strange bridge; at first a compromise, but now a complete fold. High elves being added back in late-Legion would have given servers nearly four years to adjust to the faction shift, without having to deal with the mess of a race that is void elves.

Anyway point is, Blizzard are at fault for not listening sooner :man_shrugging:
EDIT: Also I want to say that I’m not in any way anti-velf RPers. RPers are, and always have been, far better at portraying believable characters than Blizzard ever was, and there are a plethora of great void elf RPers out there who are great in spite of their awful lore.


void elf rpers will be the remnants of the remnants of the remnants of a dying race