High elf roleplay (problems)

I always wanted to create a Helf (OOC void elf), the only problem is Hair colors. It doesn’t help that majority of the High elf NPC’s are Blonde or White haired, which void elves have neither. Well Alleria does, but she’s not playable lol.

The most natural thing we have is a ugly grey that’s too dark.

So how can you (as a High elf Roleplayer) be ok with your character looking so off.

I even saw people using humans as a High elf (which is even more off) regardless if they are blonde or not.

I mean can’t blizzard just add white hair and be done with it? So us Roleplayers can actually enjoy roleplaying. Something similar to Vereesa’s hair color. I mean they gave the skins, so why not complete the look. Just ONE hair color for Azeroth’s sake.


It’s a matter of imagination. (Or choosing a fitting head-piece/hood.)
Thankfully, my character was already designed with dark hair, so it doesn’t take TOO much to just see it as black.
But… Ultimately, welcome to the issues of most Quel’dorei RPers.
Although, tbh, even if you dislike the hair-colour at first, you’ll end up ignoring it. That’s the common consensus from our side, at least.


Problem is… I always envisioned my High elf with blonde or white hair.

Since both Alleria and Vereesa are my favorite characters. I even have a commissioned art of my OC. And personally, I don’t like to wear hoods at all.

So yeah… it is a problem. I’m not sure if others have the same problem as well

With males it almost looks black, with females not so much.

And problem is that Void elf NPC’s actually have black hair. Playable ones don’t. So it’s like we don’t even have black, therefore how can we RP as a Helf

Don’t worry I have Ion on the phone, he’ll get right on it


They should have added more hair colors for sure. But since they didn’t, I don’t think they ever will. And if they do, it will probably be many expansions from now.

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Thank you! You are amazing

Edit: I know you are joking, I’m just playing along

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Honestly, let’s rejoice that you can have a normal skin color first. Because playing that Guy as a blueberry was pretty awful, I’m telling you!


Once they added the skin color option there was no reason not to add hair colors tbf.
One day the CBT of NB and Velf enjoyers will be cured… one day.


Exactly. Especially since they explained in a interview the reason why High elf skin, Wildhammer tattoos, and Sand troll skin was added is for roleplaying purposes so that we are free to choose our own path.

Pictured: high elves pushing the Alliance patriotism too far and dyeing their skin blue too.

(I was just looking back at screenshots of this campaign and it amused me to remember, We had to be Litteraly Blue)


The trials of the quel’dorei are unending. First, we had to play humans, with those bulky models and suspended disbelief. Then, we received a silhouette in the form of void elves, but virtually every customization option worked against us (skintones, tentacles, racials). Finally, we receive true skin colours, but of course the caveat is they didn’t offer any light hair colours.

When playing a high elf, there’s also something requiring a suspension of disbelief. I’m thankful it’s comparatively minor nowadays.


You either accept that your character ingame has different hair color, or you give them one of hair colors that are available. There´s really no third option and it´s unlikely Blizzard will cave in and change their mind about adding new customizations.

In the end you have to ask yourself whether having the exact customizations you´ve envisioned when thinking about your character is important enough to hamper your RP. Having more customizations is great, but they are not be-all and end-all of RP.


… Just wait until you misclick a rabbit and turn purple. Now try explaining that to your guild mates…

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They could.

Unfortunately it would probably require to get 6000 permissions and approvals because American companies are that stupid.

Which will in the end be met with a “no” because “we need to focus our development time on more important stuff. Like systems that nobody likes or powers that disappear in the next expansion”.

Blizzard at this stage is the equivalent of a plumber company that comes into your house, doesn’t even listen to your problem, goes to the sink, unplugs it and replaces it with a new shiny pipe. He leaves, without testing anything, says “jobs done”, gets paid and then leaves with no words. Your actual problem wasn’t the sink, but your washing machine. Just for you to go to the sink, turn it on and realise he did half a job even with that, so water pours everywhere now.

Now you got still no working washing machine and your sink is leaking too.

Blizzard “could” fix probably hundreds of problems, but they don’t because they don’t care anymore.

With the recent 30 days to play change I would even say they are intentionally trying to kill WoW because it doesn’t give the profit anymore that it used to. Wouldn’t surprise me if SL is the last expansion and then it’s some “small maintenance” like HotS while Blizzard Activision focuses on the China mobile market.


It’s why I gave my helf light blue hair. Doubt I’ll ever RP the toon, but it is seen in the Lore

If you want to be Blonde the Horde is there waiting for you.

You can have blue eyes and all.


Alleria isn’t Horde last time I checked. And it was Also Ion who said Blue eyes was not going to be a thing for Blood elves, which in the end happened anyway.

Only one of them do, it’s the beautiful DK hair color that Blood elves recently got. Very different from the ugly dark one we have

Majority of them are blonde, white haired, and one of them has black hair. I know cause I spend too much time in Dalaran lol

In general I don’t understand why some allied races have such scuffed customization. WoW’s character creator is already bad for normal races.


Blizz wanted to be lazy, so they only updated the vanilla races (update is a strong word for some races, since they got barely anything new), so all they did for Allied races is incredibly barebones (two new earrings for nightborne, zandalari get some eye colours, and void elves get blood elf skin and eyes), meanwhile promising that Allied Race customisation will come in future (when you ask? Don’t ask). Which tbh is a terrible idea because basically all the Allied races have terrible customisation that is almost vanilla wow tier limited.

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Honestly, it’s pretty fair it did anyway. The eye color doesn’t determine the faction, blood/high is a political difference, etc. etc.

Hey now, speak for yourself! Love that blue. :c

Still wish I could have a paler grey for Paleastre though, it’d look closer to his blond self. Ah well. The velf rogue does have grey hair IC, there’s that.