High elf roleplay (problems)

We didn’t get high elf warpaint like Warcraft 2 Ranger unit (or Alleria) and I am literally fuming ever since the customisation was ““updated””

But at least ppl can mog their underwear tehee eksdee


Also scars. And red eyes. And beards for trolls and forsakens and us. (Better ones for us, Palestar needs a beard worthy of his art)

I’m still upset.


Elf moment.

Oi Alleria is our Queen, get your own.

But yeah Tattoos for Blood elves would be cool.


Well, my high elf does have blue hair IC, so thats how i get around the issue. But i do feel the lack of customizations for velves are lacking.

In my outright honest opinion. Adding Void Elves was a complete mistake and an utter joke to the already existing High Elf communities both represented as NPCs and the Roleplay community.

I was skeptical from the get go, considering Helves have been present in WoW since vanilla, and played a huge narrative roles in WotLK, MoP and some can argue Legion, instead we were offered blueberry-skinned tentacle abominations who we did not spend a single piece of content with; unlike with the other Allied races. Even the VULPERA had some content time before becoming an allied race.

Call me a cave woman, but I’d honestly rather return to these days. I’ve been rping as a High Elf for about 6-7 years nice, since early/mid WoD, I recall the days of using the Orb of the Sin’dorei with the Reflecting Prism, making your character (human was easiest) fugly to achieve peak beauty as a ‘High Elf’ in rp, sure maintaining an alt character to prism swap with was a pain but it was all worthwhile.

Then along came Velves. It was not too bad at first (still recall some members of the ‘new’ Helf community /w me telling me to die for picking human with Orb over a velf helf cough) Then the new customizations completely broke the Orb of the Sin’dorei + Reflecting prism method but randomizing the Orbs customizations each time a prism was used! It’s absolutely ridiculous now (Now whenever I use orb + prism, my character grows horns and tattoos :confused: )

I play a Velf now purely for the class, I re-rolled Priest in early SL but we all know how that’s going.

This cannot be a more truer statement, the fact that they DIDN’T really annoys the community as a whole, since as stated in this thread, High Elves have brighter hair colours instead of just monotone goth black to blue.

I’ve learned to accept that my in-game model does not represent my character. After all, it’s why I have [[ART IN ABOUT]] in my TRP with all the bells and whistles, so people will click through it and see how my Quel’dorei Paladin should look.

Since BfA, WoW’s been on a downhill incline at 90MPH for me, Acti-Blizz have been making all the wrong choices in the name of profit whilst exclaiming it to be for the ‘community’.

But that’s just my take.


Despite my rant about High Elves, I will forever put Nightborne first to receive customizations first. Because holy SH*T did you guys get cucked, 3 skin tones? 3 tattoos? 6 hair styles? 6 faces? 4 hair colours? Compared to the rest of WoW’s races that is a complete an utter joke. I really feel for the NB community, you get an absolutely beautiful City, the best WoW has produced to date with beautiful NPCs and armour and weapons. Then you get the Player-Race. It’s like the Jesus restoration picture all over again.

And the fact Blizzard said no more customizations are coming? That is a massive :angry: from me.

This is what Helf vs Belf has been reduced to, before the differences were almost comparable to Warhammer’s Asur vs Druchii, or Elder Scrolls’ Altmer vs Dunmer. Now? It’s just “haha one blue faction one red faction”

There was a cool concept floating around a year or two ago about what a potential High Elf Allied Race could look like, and there were enough differences to make it legitimate thing. INCLUDING Tattoos and little hair trinkets.

Despite High Elves being part of the Alliance for years, or even the revitalization of their ranks thanks to the new exiles from Quel’thalas, the argument of “yeah but helves are extinct go play belfies if you want to be a helf”. To those that think that: I present to you; ‘A Study On The Survivability of The High Elven People’.

Yeah. We’re here. Deal with it.

I am sure Sin’wh*rei is frothing at the mouth at the sheer mention of this, and he would be pleased that another voice is added to the chorus.

This man does not speak for me!

Jokes aside, honestly I’d prefer Vereesa, but they turned her into a bland piece of bread. At this point the Belves might as well have the Windrunner sisters after what Sylvanas did to their family name.

To end this off; I apologize for the lengthy post, but one cannot help but feel passionate about a community they have been a part of for years. As a wise man once said;

“Never accept the world as it appears to be, dare to see it for what it could be.”


Preach it.

I swear I am not biased or anything.

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Interestingly though, the Sin’dorei have absolutly none of the Windrunner sisters. (It probably plays into them being the superior race. I’m absolutly biased in my intense dislike of Vereesa, I can barely stand the trope of “human hero needs a pretty elf wife” she represent.)

Eerrrr. Agree to disagree very strongly I guess. I find them much much more interesting, and much more not realistic but making sense as a story when the only physical difference is none because politic. They have been separated for 20 years top (and that’s if you follow the irl timeline! With Blizzard’s “one expansion is a year” it’s what, 14 years? 13?)
That’s not long enough to develop an entirely different aesthetic. No reason for them to have “celt tattoo” and hair trinkets that the blood elves wouldn’t have; particularly considering the source where we see those, WC2? Is before the Fall, so in all logic, the Farstriders still in Quel’thalas would still have those.

Mind, that’s not me saying I’m against playable high elves. I don’t like the race much (which I realise sounds weird considering my main is one, but what have you) but I don’t mind them playable with blond/brown/red/whatever hair and so. I just don’t think, sincerely, very strongly, that they should not have special options compared to the blood elves. No tattoos, no hair trinkets or braids that the main counterpart wouldn’t have.
Because they’re just that, political exiles.

Isn’t he on US servers? Though anyway, who would disagree to that, really? Half the official arts with trolls show them with beards!


Hence the bland bread comment. So sick of the trope, ugh.

They can have them back, we don’t want them here.

Hence comparable, I wasn’t saying “WOW HIGH ELVES ARE THE GOLDEN CHILDREN OF THE WORLD WHILST BLOOD ELVES ARE GREY-SKINNED MASOCHIST ANTI-CHRISTS!”. It was more of a comment that they had different well, everything, High Elves were seen as those trying to fight for their races’ old ways survival, whilst the Blood Elves adapted and became more harsh in their methods under Kael’thas. There’s the obvious blue eyes of the helves for mana and green of the belves for fel, how once upon a time these were the defining traits. Now? Yeah, the writing of Helves and Belves makes their differences purely political.

Apparently? He was EU! He’s switched to NA afaik, but agreed, Trolls need their beards. Velves need their hair colours. Nightborne need their overhaul. This customization update was merely the tip of the iceberg, and Blizzard have given up right there.

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… To be entirely honest, I saw so many high elves players being like this that I did assume you meant that, I apologize. I have a bad opinion of the community overall.

I part miss that the eye color was different (because the blood elves looks good with green eyes and there’s a lot less players with it now) and part I am glad that it helps me play my weird child correctly- which is a very personal reason, granted.
(I also regret that the high elves in Outland did not have green eyes. They should have with the fel in Outland but eh, I can live with that.)

Absolutly full agreed.
Poor Nightbornes, gosh. They need it above all others.


It’s another Aerilen talks about blood elf lore episode.

Yes and no. There’s a distinct seperation between Kael’thas’ expedition and Silvermoon, if you compare how both act they run along similar themes (desperation/a means to an end) but diverge pretty much out of the gates in Hellfire and then completely by Shattrath as you catch up with the narrative. I’d argue that a lot of the harsh angle from Silvermoon was perpetuated by the Blood Knights rather than the rest of Silvermoon.

There never was really a stark difference between blood and high elves beyond politics and diet. And even the latter was a minority who are pretty much all dead or absolute mentalists now. It’s also why you hear people complain along the lines of “damn i miss the old blood elves”, because despite elves being twots, the TBC era elves were a bit extra simply because Silvermoon and everything they reclaimed coulda simply been lost to the Scourge (again) or the Amani who were prepping for an invasion of Eversong (again).


They do at least have green eyes lorewise because of the fel. We can live with that.

They were supposed to green, but was changed to blue to make a distinction between Helves and belves (however that distinction is now gone with Shadowlands)

High elves aren’t dead. It’s just a silly and false Blood elf/ Horde talk.

The ones in Quel’lithean turned to wretched due to using a forbidden power or whatever (and even then not all of them turned wretched as we saw survivors later on in Pandaria)

The high elves in the 7th legion army are still active

The high elves in the Silver covenant are still active in almost every expansion

The high elves in Allerian stronghold are still alive, as we saw one of them in Boralus (BFA),

The High elf citizens of Stormwind are still alive, and even 2 more were added in Legion Expansion

The High elves of Highvale (Hinterlands) are still alive.

And the High elves of the Kirin Tor are still alive

Since when did Rhonin save Vereesa to become a hero? Besides Vereesa isn’t the only sister to fall in love with a human. All of the sisters did, even Sylvanas though her lover is now undead (Nathanos) and she never actually married him.

Alleria is the one that constantly saves Turayon’s life. They aren’t damsels in distress. They are the most skilled Rangers, which is why the humans loved them rather than boring human women.

And I mean Rhonin is from Dalaran, so he basically grew up with Elves and consider them family. Well, he’s dead now so Vereesa is a widow.

It’s more a narrative that Blizzard themselves said, but, like all races that are almost non existent, they’re everywhere.
Darkspear and Gnome are also supposed to be few, but aren’t.
I assume all races reproduce like moss or mould.

You’re the problem.

Them being a dying race is kind of their narrative point. They’re a few individuals scattered there and there (Kirin Tor ones, Stormwind, whoever survived Theramore) or small groups with no real bonds with each others besides “We’re not in Quel’thalas” (Silver Covenant, Highvale) who are not numerous enough to keep carrying on as a race; new generation and all that.
It’s not a bad thing in itself. It’s their whole narrative, they’re exiles, not a flourishing new civilisation.

And as pointed in a conversation earlier with Telaryn (hi!) and Faelenn, they’re just not really relevant to the Blood elf story, outside of the Purge of Dalaran, by one sub-subgroupe, and the WoW narrative put the blame on Jaina (human) anyway.

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My main gripe is they made a big song and dance of “Oh, but we can’t give players High Elves 'cos there’s not enough of them!”
And then get Void Elves. Who are a fraction of a fraction (of a faction). That… ggguuuhhhh… my brain hurts from the Stupid.

At this point they really could just roll Belves/Helves/Velves into one race that has all the options and can pick a side, like Pandaren. And they won’t, because innovation is anathema, no Fun is allowed, and they are cowards :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’d still have three Lero (I don’t like playing priest okay) but at least he’d look right on each…

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But the lore about all high elves that were in Outland after the Third War having green eyes was given to us long after this distinction had been dropped.

High elves make up 1% of the surviving 9% of all Thalassian elves. They aren’t dead, just near about so. They don’t have enough to ever recover.

Three survivors, these were also the only high elves to be exiled from Quel’Thalas on grounds of refusing to slurp mana juice from living creatures.

There aren’t even many of them.

Most of these are most likely from ↓

Because these elves appear in TBC, then there’s a sudden boost in high elves throughout Azeroth after TBC in WotLK, when these elves could have returned from Outland.

That makes them how many in total? 3 or 4?

No mages there, though.

A handful, at best.

No one wants them dead, they’re just nigh on extinct. That’s their lore.

Lirath best Windrunner sibling confirmed.

Still the wife of the human hero.

Rhonin is from Dalaran, a human city with at best a larger than average population of elves. Still not many elves, though. He’s a magical human, not Aragorn.


Eh, they can just change their tabard and be part of the larger population or vice versa.
They’re not nigh extinct really, just a group of Thalassian elves who lacked Pragmatism

I understand that high elf players have some weird bias towards the race they are playing, but being delusional in a theoretical discussion adds nothing but cringe to the conversation.