High elf roleplay (problems)

It’s okay, I forgive you. High elf roleplayers are why he’s becoming a blood elf.*

(*Statement not factually true, but not being a fan of roleplaying in the Alliance in general did help)

Happy to be of service!


Yeah… How dare you?!

Yeah. The Silver Covenant isn’t a large force. They have -a lot- of non-high elves in their ranks too, far more than the Sunreavers do non-blood elves. It’s an ad-hoc auxiliary at best and a private militia at worst whose only real purpose until MoP was to drive the blood elves out of Dalaran. The main Alliance army on the Isle of Thunder was Dalaran.

Humans make up the majority of citizens in Dalaran, a human city, they’ve got a larger than normal population of high elves. That’s it. Even that is a far cry from what the numbers of high elves Dalaran once had, most of whom only lived there for a bit before returning to Quel’Thalas.

It’s less than gnomes, who lost 80% of their race. It can be in the thousands and they would still be close to extinction because that number is spread out throughout the entirety of Azeroth.

The high elves number in the hundreds at best, collected as one group. The high elves might be in the thousands. Again. Spread out over all of Azeroth.


That’s not even true either. The elves who lacked pramgatism got exiled to Quel’Lithien. They turned into wretched. After the Sunwell was restored.

At least 1449 or near enough, Kael’thas’ army was made up out of 15% of the surviving blood elves and was said to be numbering in the “thousands”, so at least 2000.

I apologize for saying Blood elf players want them all dead. I had many arguments about High elves not being “extinct”, and usually it’s almost always from blood elf players who are against High elf options for Void elves, or Even Ion himself who mains a Horde.

In fact, when we got the skin colors (some) blood elf players were very angry about it and started being toxic in the forums.

So again, I apologize for saying that. It’s just due to the bad history I had with (some) blood elf players .

But he shouldn’t have said they were all Dead. That’s just false

He said pretty much all dead. PRETTY MUCH! They are few in number. So it’s accurate.


You do know that statement was a response to the guy right? I simply changed the word High elf to blood elf. It’s called fighting ignorance with ignorance

Knowing basic english is also Ion’s fault, so eh

Wait, so was I ignorant or not? I am confused as you change your opinion every 2 seconds

Regardless of numbers, they’re still RPable.
People can form guilds, they can RP in high elven spots (the two lodges, Smellaran, Outland) or with humans/Wildhammer, their closest allies.

How dare you call out my laziness to get the exact number?
But it just shows how desperate their situation as a race is, even if there were 15000 elves in Kael´s army, we would be left with 10000 high elves. Spread between Dalaran, Quel´Lithien, Stormwind, Theramore, Quel´Danil + Allerian (which could be excluded from the original number as its existence wasn´t known) and all the other possible places where they could live, even with higher numbers, there are at best few thousand high elves living at the same place.
The race will survive, it will take many millenia before they go extinct with their longevity, but there´s no way they will ever be important on global scale.

Mainly because high elf fanobys were insufferably toxic for many years prior. I love high elves, they are my favorite race in the game, I was extremely happy when the customizations were announced, but even someone like me became extremely bitter to those who were vocal about high elves. Both because of their approach and bending the lore to justify high elves being separate race with their own customizations.


Ah, might be a problem in translation there if english isn’t your first language Lirath?

“Pretty much something” doesn’t mean every single individual is deceased, it’s to signify “as a whole group, there is not much of left them (and they don’t have enough to repopulate, making them the last generation ; therefor dead as a race)”

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Well I don’t know about you, but “pretty much dead” is a race with lower than 100 people. And I doubt High elves are lower than 100 people. There are after all, more than 400 Helf NPC’s. I counted them myself as I went around Azeroth.

So maybe this whole argument started out of misunderstandings :thinking:

In any case, I’m willing to end the conversation here. I don’t like fighting with people or having bad apples with them.

Ah mood. And I didn’t even like high elves to start with so I let you imagine my opinion now.

What do you mean, it doesn’t sway people to the plight of ‘make void elves into high elves’ when you keep on talking about how much [any other type of elf] sucks every time someone enthusiastically talks a bit about their character or that one race’s culture that they really like? :upside_down_face:


Yeah. Had all of the living high elves been living in one location, they might have had some hope for the future.

But they are spread out throughout all of Azeroth, they serve in different organisations; faction bound and neutral, they continue to fight in war after war and endure each catastrophic event that takes place in Azeroth. A race consisting only of a few thousand individuals, spread out over all of Azeroth, will face a slow extinction through a plethora of means. Their culture has been annihilated, they’ve been put to the flight and their very nation is now aligned with what many would deem the enemy.


Yes English isn’t my first language but I am fluent in it, more so than my native language.

I just pictured “pretty much dead” as a race that’s lower than 100 people, which is false as high elves are more than that.


What… did I miss?

And Outland.
Someone should ring the town hall peasant bell and hope they all gather.

I know the consideration is not really on wow dev’s mind, but I think you need a lot more than that to not be in a genetic bottleneck (which is assuming everyone in the thousand or so will have a baby, min, and that they have not been killed in the many Wars since that number estimation.)

100 or so would be dead-dead-dead.

Alleria’s expedition of what, a few hundred at most? Most of whom probably returned to make up the bulk of the newly established Silver Covenant after TBC - that would explain the sudden population boost high elves got in WotLK.