High elf roleplay (problems)

Yes, but i imagine the ones in Dalaran, Highvale, and Allerian Stronghold can reproduce if they want to. In fact, I’m surprised there isn’t any High elf children in Dalaran (maybe cause there hard to animate). Vereesa has kids but there half elves

Especially the ones in Dalaran.

However, the citizens of Stormwind clearly can’t as the 6 of the 7 High elf NPC’s that are in Stormwind are women lol.

Speculation at best, but I wasn’t really disagreeing with your point.
They’re too spread out.

So out of curiosity I checked, and I’m not sure what that source is worth but apparently the minimum number, for human viable population, would be 160 (who all have children):

I’m… Honestly not sure the high elves can currently muster 160 couples with kids. Particularly as it would need all small groups to reunite ? And then to stay together?

But Dalaran doesn’t have many high elves, the Highvale probably shouldn’t even be compared to high elves at this point - they’re that different at this point, both racially and culturally. They do not suffer from any magic addiction and have wholly sworn off arcane magic in its totality. And the Allerian Stronghold’s elves probably returned to Azeroth and joined the Silver Covenant. Even then, they weren’t many to begin with.

Your race could number in the tens of thousand and you’d still be doomed if your birth rates are lower than your death rates. Or you have a disproportionate number of males compared to females and vise versa.

Better speculation than the Allerian Stronghold being some haven for high elves.

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Can’t be a reason by the way, we have kids models for both blood elves (Shattrath orphans) and Nightbornes.

Yeah but those two are playable. Why create children for a race that’s not playable, or not going to be playable

It would take less than a few minutes to turn the green eyes of those blood elven children blue.

You wouldn’t need to create anything, just color swipe the texture of the blood elves kids.

It’s not better or worse. It’s just speculation.

I think they could, however it would require organized effort to save their race to do that. Especially when many surviving high elves can have blood elf spouses or, in worse case, dead ones. 90% of Thalassian elves died, I think many of the survivors are widowed.

However, I don´t agree with the idea that high elves are gone. Being a race that lives for millenia, I think there´s plenty of time for them to find someone they would have children with, even among their small population, and then have children with them. But this also means that they are unlikely to increase their numbers in a long time and any chance for high elves to become strong nation is gone (and would be even if they were unified).

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No High elf player says that lol. I mean yes it has some nice High elf buildings (one of the few in the game) but no one really considers it high elf haven.

Most RPer’s from my experience enjoy Quel’danil lodge, or even Dalaran, or that Helf settlement in Crystalsong Forrest

If Vereesa children (being somewhat important or less important lore characters in the game) are not added ingame, I doubt High elf children will be added any time soon, especially with the controversy regarding Ion’s statement. Blizzard doesn’t want to appear wrong

And if you will argue half elves have a unique model, they don’t. look at Arator (Alleria’s son)

Thats more because Blizzard haven’t chosen to add one, than anything else.

Back to the original topic, we may get lucky and Blizzard adds more customisation next expansion, because they decided they couldn’t do more now.

I don’t really know how this went off topic. But I apologize if I hurt anyone with my responses. I was fasting so I haven’t had my morning coffee yet.


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I agree on the point of widowed/belf spouse! And on that d’ailleurs, for all the speculations on their survival as a race, I don’t really imagine them staying separated from Quel’thalas for the millenias to come.
It was different with the Kaldorei/Thalassian/Suramar because there was an actual, full physical separation ; another continent with no contact, a bubble with no contact. There, the separation is by choice, for political reasons that are absolutly bound to change later. Hells, Quel’thalas almost joined back the Alliance seven years ago, you know they’re not going to be in the Horde for centuries.
I imagine most current high elves will slowly dripple back ont Quel’thalas, when their personal grievance with the state is adressed, since the “redemption” arc, and now what, the Horde being the main obstacle about it? Since it’s no longer the fel, the mana siphoning, the desacration of the Light.

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I can see some returning, however many I think will stay either in Dalaran or Stormwind, having started new lives in those cities, or in case of some, maybe even living among humans since young age (after all, there must have been some elves who lived in Dalaran permanently and they might have had children there too).
Others, like Highvale, seem to be on their way to become their own thing, separate from Thalassian society at large.

In the end though, at the speed WoW´s lore is progressing, we´ll never see the outcome (and we´re probably giving it way more thought than Blizzard ever had anyway).


This is very important. Although we never really heard their opinions of other High elves using magic.

After all, they are best friends with the Wildhammer tribe who can become mages

I wonder if they will pick up Druidism too, that would be interesting for them.

Draenei have moved into the Highvale with the elves there, as per the quest in Cata.

Possibly for Dalaran, I am not entirely convinced by Stormwind. At some point you may expect people to want to mingle with culturally related/potential partners yeah? But well, highly dependant of what become of Quel’thalas anyway. If it becomes neutral, there’s nothing keeping an elf from living in Dalaran/Stormwind/Suramar/else and have an active relationship (of any kind, I don’t mean romantic) with the ones in Silvermoon, at the age of Portals.

Honestly, I find the importance of Highvale a bit overinflated by players. There’s one throwavay line in one comic about them not doing magic anymore, while the exact same comic also shows that very character using magic at the same period. (I’ll play into it, differences are fun, it’s just that I feel it’s exaggerated to say they’re really becoming their own thing and all.)

Yeaaaah… It’s more fun to have speculations to have an idea of what will become of our characters once we stop playing.

You may gaze upon a high elf in payback for reading this thread and takes.


Hey, we’re not a mistake. :frowning:


Void elves are cool in my book, although I feel like them missing black hair kinda removed the Gothy potential that they should’ve had. The black one the NPC’s have is very beautiful. But sadly, Blizzard is too lazy to copy paste that to the playable Velves so expect that to be added in 2026 at best