High elf roleplay (problems)

Yes, that’s also exactly what I mean with exile being a deliberate choice for most High Elves. They have chosen this themselves because of their dislike of the Horde and/or Silvermoon politics rather than Silvermoon enforcing it.

The exile is imo one of the most fascinating aspects of High Elven lore precisely because there’s so many angles to play with.


I feel I need to clarify my position on this, as this was late and I did it in a few words.

I don’t dislike the Purge of Dalaran. It was an interesting story, it made sense from the point of view of the characters involved and the logic worked in the internal universe logic.
It was not justified, in that the characters involved (Jaina, Silver Covenant) were not morally right nor, well, justified, in doing so from an objective point of view. Because you cannot justify the massacre and torture of innocents by being hurt yourself.
It makes sense for the characters to do it, but they’re not right in doing it.

Same thing with Theramore mind! It makes sense for the Horde to attack it (as Theramore had been attacking it first), I don’t think war is morally right in general so I won’t really go into that but, you can argue that they were justified in attacking. Using a weapon of mass destruction is iffy and not morally right though.
(Though on that one it’s a whole debate on “is it worse to kill people one by one in battle, vs big weapon” etc. that I really don’t want to go into.)

Yeah on the enslavement part, nah. Not justified, not right, not even particularly logical? Nor a story point because I don’t think it’s ever used for something else than a first bad impression for players when they enter that part of the raid?
(And I think the devs don’t even know where they come from, the citizens, as a QaA said they were not the ones evacuated from Theramore before the siege? I’ll admit that I headcannoned it as “more than one ship left Theramore to evacuate civilians” + “some of those ships were captured by the Horde”, but that’s entirely my headcanon.)

And because Teldrassil was quoted.
Make sense for the characters to do so (-ish, I’m never going to defend BfA writing), a wasted plot point, but hardly morally defensible from an objective point of view.

Anyhow. I endorse Faelenn’s headcanon that while most High elves could go back home without a problem, Alliance officers (known names who fought against Quel’thalas) and Silver Covenant members would have a harder time and are probably the last actually exiled.


Alleria got exiled just recently, sadly. THrough no fault of her own at that!

For the rest, you make sense. Tho I am not entirelly in agreement :wink:

i kill high elves

My OC (Tireesa) actually refused to kill any Blood elf during the purge, however she did support exiling them. She even helped a blood elf child reach Quel’thelas safely.

Although I got a good yelling from our Ranger general Vereesa who went a little insane after her husband’s death. Luckily she is much more calmer now. Maybe she took therapy :thinking:

The entire crux of this is whether you believe in collective guilt and punishment; it was shown that all the sunreavers involved in the plot ended up dead in Teldrassil.

I’m not going to go into whether it was justified, but mass incarceration, dispossession of innocents due to the crimes of a few is pretty abominable. This isn’t going into all the people murdered because they didn’t agree with it either.

It’s worth mentioning that the Alliance were ferrying troops through Dalaran too. :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t say he kept it quiet out of loyalty to the Horde, he pretty much gambled on who’s wrath would be worse. Jaina’s or Garrosh’s, and given how Garrosh was treating the trolls…

It would have had more implications if he went with angering Garrosh, because it wouldn’t just be the Sunreavers he’d take it out on but Silvermoon too.

Aethas has always put Dalaran on a pedestal, hell he gave away felo’melorn. Something which he had no real right to do to be honest.


We are talking about the same council that decided to help defend capital city of Alliance state that launched invasion of Horde territory two years prior and later, after Alliance lost the siege of said capital, appointed its leader as leader of Dalaran.

I´m sure Christie Golden and Blizzard saw defense of Theramore as wholesome fight of peaceful union against eeeeeeevil Horde, but Number One Baine Fan fortunately couldn´t change the existing story. Story where Alliance was the one to declare war (way back in Wrath, during attack at Undercity) and where Theramore became active participant in that war, opening another front against the Horde in Barrens.
In context of this information, Kirin Tor definitely can´t be considered objective, especially when being lead by the person who organized the Purge (how convenient that blood elf representative on Council of Six was only allowed to defend himself and his people in front of the entire Council, just in front of Jaina).

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So evil even A’dal and Shattrath decided to take a stand against them.

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And in context of how naaru and Light forces in general seem to be portrayed now (not force of ultimate good but rather just one of many cosmic forces working for their own gains), combined with the fact that draenei general was sent (a.k.a. member of Alliance race), being helped by naaru is in no way a proof of one´s moral superiority (but I´m sure Number One Jaina Fan would like everyone to think so).

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Your guild is called Murder Inc, I don’t think I’m going to be fooled this time around Tireesa


That’s exactly what a servant of the Void would say.

It´s just a shame that entire Blizzard (including Number One Anduin Fan) serve the Void, which apparently offers many truths instead of just one dogma like the mOrALlY GrAy Light does.


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