High elf roleplay (problems)

It works for night elves and mechagnomes.
The former having their echo voices and stuff overwritten by Night warrior powa.

Wait, those eyes change the voicelines for DKs as well?? That’s pretty wild, didn’t know that

Actually Blizzard explained in a interview that the new customization like Wildhammer and High elf skins is meant to reflect that race so that we can Roleplay as them. Obviously they won’t create new starting zones for them
As they explained it will take them time and resources. So instead, they added customization to existing races that look similar to them (Example: bronzebeard dwarves and Void elves) so these options are, in fact, High elven options to reflect that race.

Read the interview here:

I read something about high elf-blood elf conflict being like altmer/dunmer divide in Elder Scrolls earlier in this thread and I just




Agreed here.

That’s definitely a; “what are you smoking?”

Not the good stuff that Kirkbride was, evidently :rage:

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High elves are the abusive ex and blood elves kicked them to the curb and don’t wanna know.

There could have been a case to be made if they used aldmer/chimer as an example. They had a very personal schism going to the point Trinimac tried to hunt them down and kill the chimeri exiles when they decided to leave Summerset and forge a new path for themselves over religious disagreements.

But altmer and dunmer aren’t the aldmer and chimer of the Merethic Era. They live on the completely opposite ends of the continent with absolutely zero overlap for thousands of years with their stories to the point they’re not even remotely on each other’s radars anymore. The dunmer have conflict with their nord and argonian neighbours, not altmer.

You could make the case that by the time of ESO there could be some, considering they’re on opposing sides of the war, but by that metric the dunmer are also having conflict with bretons, redguards and orcs. When it’s a war between three factions involving 9 different races of which none is directly personal, it’s not a very good example of conflict between those two races. Some dunmer don’t even participate in the war because Telvanni refused to join the Pact!

To make an allegory for WoW, it’s like saying the conflict between night elves and… Ragnaros/Twilight’s Hammer-allied dark iron is the focus of their respective racial stories. They’re ideologically opposed and definitely enemies, but they aren’t even a distant dot on each other’s radars due to the absolute irrelevance they have for one another’s stories.

High elf/blood elf split is not the altmer/dunmer of WoW. They’re more like Colovians and Nibenese, and even that’s kind of pushing it because Colovians and Nibenese are two distinctly different sub cultures of Cyrodiil divided by geographical, political, cultural and historical lines, but together they make up the wider Imperial Culture (along with Heartlanders) representing the Three Romes thematically due to Saint Alessia’s post-rebellion unification movement.

lord have mercy on he who i catch making a false equivalency about lore :triumph:


I mean, yes, all that is true.

But for the layman; high elves and blood elves look the same and by large have a very similar culture.

The Altmer and the Dunmer sure as hell do not, they don’t share ANYTHING other than both being elves.

Just got to look at their architecture, the way they dress, even their skin colour and you can see they are not the same.

Yet there are death knights without glowing blue eyes. There are (were?) also death knights with red and green glowing eyes.

Also, you have the Silvermoon Scholars and High Elf Wayfarers in Telogrus Rift, who are also part of the void elf faction.

They aren’t abusive.

It all started when High elves refused to drain magic from animals, so since the blood elves in Charge didn’t want political drama in Silvermoon, they decided to kick them out.

Later on, we even realized they brainwashed some Blood elves who were against the Horde. (You can find this if you go to a certain area in Silvermoon)

The magisters were very strict when it comes to political drama in silvermoon and they did anything to keep the peace, even if it means exile or in other cases, mindcontrol.

Later on, the high elves started to become abusive like the purge of Dalaran. But it was as a result, of a blood elf traitor who gave the bomb to Garrosh killing many High elf citizens in Theramore and Vereesa’s husband.

We’re getting dangerously close to “The purge of Dalaran was entirely justified” territory, just sayin’.

(That and Theramore civilians were evacuated before. Not saying bombing cities is good (it ain’t) but the civilians were off at least.)

That was only one faction of high elves. They mostly settled in Quel’Lithien and promptly turned into wretched after meddling with some eldritch powers after the Sunwell ahd been restored.

Those were blood elves, though, not high elves.

Because they had just lost 90% of their entire people, exiled a small part of the 1% that remained / called themselves high elves again after their exile.

Not that Theramore had many high elves living in it. But doesn’t this ignore how the Kirin Tor sided with the Alliance in this instance? The Sunreavers, while part of Dalaran, are still Horde aligned. The Kirin Tor broke their neutrality first, Thalen didn’t really betray anyone. Not that I think the treason of one man justifies feeding innocent people to sharks.

A city whose military forces, in stark contrast to Jaina’s claims of desiring peace, were invading core Horde territory. They landed in Durotar, drove the centaur out of the Kolkar Crag and they took up positions in Tiragarde Keep after the Kul Tiran garrison was drowned by the Catacylsm, they built a highway through the Dustwallow Marsh to invade the Barrens.


Yes, but Many of the High elves were not only citizens, but part of the Theramore army. One such example is Captain Darill

When the Silver covenant were in the Ghostlands fighting the Amani, a silvermoon messenger referred to Vereesa and her Rangers as exiles. Vereesa answered this is just as much her home as anyone else, then she left a salty comment for Lor’themar (as if he was the one who exiled her).

I don’t think the Quel’lithean elves were the only ones exiled. And if they got exiled for refusing to suck magic, others would’ve faced the same fate had they been in Silvermoon at the time. One High elf NPC located in Loch Modan even separated from her husband because she refused to suck magic, and he was ok with it. So she joined the alliance, he joined the Horde.

I’ve seen arguments saying the Burning of Teldrassil was justified but purging Dalaran of 5th Columnists was wrong so… really depends on the view of the person honestly

While some were, most High Elves weren’t exiled for refusing to drain living creatures. They were exiled because they left Quel’Thalas and refused to answer the call to return at once and swear allegiance to Lor’Themar. The emphasis is really the “leaving Quel’Thalas and settling in Alliance lands” part that gets you exiled - the reason for leaving can be their disagreement over the magic thing but it is far from the only reason.


It was, mind you. The way they went about it was… questionable, but the Council of Six retroactively approved, instead of condemn it and depose Jaina.

Also, not that it mattered much, since the Sunreavers returned one expansion later
(Only Alliance victory between Cata-MoP too).

Also, Theramore was a legit target, but again the way they went about it was… questionable. And the enslavement of its citizens who were then forced to fight eachother to the death for the amusement of their Horde enslavers is not cool.

Stays a weird story, but as said above, Vereesa and het Silver Covenant are reffered to as exiles too, even if she and her Silver Covenant apparently always lived in (or around) Dalaran and human lands.

Please refresh my memories, when and how did the Kirin Tor betray their neutrality first?

Also, Thalen did betray the Kirin Tor (or atleast Aethas Sunreaver), unlike Vereesa, Aethas was also a member of the Council of Six and thus a ruling member of the Magocracy of Dalaran. The fact one of his own illegally used the Dalaran portal network to steal something, while Aethas discovered it, and then did not act or tell the Council makes it worse. Especially since those that died had their souls obliterated.

Honestly had Aethas just said “yo, we got robbed by one of my own” and put his duty as a ruling member of Dalaran above his loyalty to the Horde, the Sunreavers wouldn’t have been purged.

After the Horde invaded Ashenvale. You ignore that while Jaina desired peace, she and her nation where still members of the Grand Alliance amd thus was duty bound to come to the aid of her allies, who were bieng invaded by the New Horde.

Could be a story of “they are high elves, therefore they aren’t allowed to return home thus making them exiles” without actually being exiled.

When they sided with the Alliance in the defence of Theramore on the basis of doing nothing would would be the same as tacitly supporting the Horde.

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We see Lor’themar seemingly being okay with High Elves returning as long as swear fealty to him and Silvermoon (thus converting them to Blood Elves again) in In the Shadow of the Sun. That implies indeed that most High Elves are exiles by their own choice.

Though in fairness, I can see Silver Covenant members being more problematic to Silvermoon since the Purge of Dalaran. They might be the only group of High Elves that just aren’t allowed to return under any circumstances because of past grievances done against Silvermoon. That is admittedly headcanon at this point but I think its reasonable headcannon.


I think it’s also fair to say the Silver Covenant would refuse to return to Quel’Thalas even without the Purge of Dalaran being a likely obstacle due to being staunchly opposed to the Horde. As long as the blood elves remain part of the Horde, it’s unlikely they would return.