High elves and blood elf Customization's

I agree with you there. Imagine they decided to remove the skin colors based on his “annoyance”.

I would be super angry. Already know how my high/Void elf will look like:


I doubt they’ll go back on anything. I, for one, would unsub in a heartbeat, and not look back, purely out of having been lied to. My fear is, though, that his annoyance might end up leading to yet another half baked compromise for high elves, this time close enough that we can taste having playable high elves, just kept from us by a thin glass sheet. I mean, what would be the point of going this far, and then stop?

We can’t really know for sure what they are planning to add until Shadowlands comes and they start focusing on all allied races. Otherwise the discussion now is pretty useless. Just another High elf argument thread where people get heated and the expansion hasn’t been out yet.

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It feels obvious that at some point the Void Elves would find ways to visually hide the void on their bodies, after all, they are Blood Elves and High Elves by nature, and these tend care a little bit too much with their appearance and tend to be vain about their beauty.

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People are complaining about a ship that has already sailed.

Blood Elves no longer hold the monopoly of natural colors on an Elf, even the Night Elves are getting black and blonde hair, but Void Elves getting it, oh no, that is the end of the world, Blizzard that Alliance player has the same colors as my character, revert that!


Developers would have a easier time to read feedback and get more ideas on what to do for the game if people put more thought into making cohesive feedback on things they want and suggestions on additions for the game, instead many players prefer to put effort in writing giant essays on why people on the blue faction shouldn’t be allowed to play an Elf with blonde and brown hair.

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People can do both.

But most of the ones who do the second, don’t do the first.

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It sounds quite ridiculous when you put it like that. I have a nagging suspicion that it might be because you’re completely right.

Totally. Like those giant essays from back in april when wowhead datamined those silvery blue eyes for Blood Elves and the helfers went absolutely bonkers on every WoW related forum known to man?

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Well it’s not hard to point out why. Cause they are already on the Red side.

Blood Elves are confirmed to get these and you don’t see me writing an essay on why Blizzard should revert that.

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I’m not talking about now nor you specifically. But you’re free to go back in time and check the comments on the related posts on reddit/wowhead/mmo/this forum and other places if you want to see how the helfers reacted to that particular datamining mistake. (And it was a pretty obvious mistake too btw)

There were some quite negative reactions to the suspicions that after over a decade of requesting high elves for the Alliance, the one general feature that usually physically distinguishes blood elves from high elves, would be added to playable blood elves, while our request still was met with silence, denial, or arguments that didn’t hold against scrutiny.

Blizzard were brilliant in their solution, though, meeting both the blood elf request for blue eyes and the Allaince request for high elves at once, within the parameters of what’s already playable. I hope they go all the way with this.

Making complaints about what others get as customization options is something that isn’t exclusive of Blood Elf fans, High Elf fans did it too but i don’t and i’m not accountable for that since i honestly don’t care about it.

In both cases, complaints like these come from a place of unsatisfaction and distress, though such feelings explain why some groups behave negatively regarding what others receive, it doesn’t justify it, and in my opinion this sort of envious complaints are pretty petty and ridiculous.

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Void Elves were that compromise. Now they’re giving you almost everything you wanted while completely neglecting the wishes of Horde players.

It’s in no way unreasonable to expect that in this two faction game that there be aesthetic differences between the two factions, otherwise what’s really the point of it all. If you get the hair colors too you’ll literally be a superior version of Blood Elves in almost every way once the artists get to the allied races in whatever patch in the future.

You’re getting a little bit of Alliance treatment.

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I think you just hit the nail, bullseye, right there.

Blood elf players are asking for certain options that would fit with their fantasy, and to be fair, they’re usually options rooted in lore and existing characters. Rommath style tattoos and other Farstrider options, Kael style TBC Box Art face tattoos, glowing mage tattoos and more thing that the blood elf players have actually been requesting would make those players satisfied.

Void elves were never a functioning compromise. The void elf fantasy is something far different from the high elf fantasy. It’s a long way between Telogrus and Highvale. Void elves are awesome in their own right, but not as a compromise for high elves. Not without proper high elf options - the genetical options that are skin tones and hair colours.

There are plenty of differences. And some similarities. The pandaren say hi.

I truly hope for some unique and requested cultural options for the blood elves, and will support you in your requests for those. And I will continue to request proper high elf hair colours for the Alliance Thalassian elves.


I don’t think there’s a precedent for giving away one factions race to the other side.

But what do I know.

Swing and a miss. One was sold to us a neutral option from day one and the other has been an exclusive Horde race for 14 years. It’s disgusting to think that they’re in the process of repeating that abominable mistake with the most popular Horde race.

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