After Burning of Teldrassil it was clear, that Night Elves will need a new racial banner. Banner that will represent not just Darnassus elves, but Night Elves as a race.
In 8.1.5 Night Elves were formed an Army of the Black Moon. Those Night Warriors with dark eyes were wearing Darnassus tabards. Probably just to honor the fallen during the War of the Thorns. To remind their enemies about Teldrassil, before those enemies will lose their lives.
But, that was just a revenge army. While in new Night Elves base, Night Elves started to use Highborn banner. Banner with this model:
At first, I thought that Blizzard just used this banner as a placeholder. Or it was just a mistake.
But today, when we celebrate WoW birthday, in caverns of time, Blizzard added all the banners of all playable races. From Night Elves side, they used this Highborn banner!
So, it seams that it was not a mistake or a placeholder. It seams that this Highborn banner is now new official banner of Night Elves race!
I like it, but still want to have some Lore answers, why Night Elves decided to use this concrete banner.
Can i mention that the Worgen/Gilnean banner is just the Alliance version with Lamps? Will link in a bit.
Probably just a mistake from them
From Caverns of Time (Night Elf Banner on Left)
And Worgen Banner 'cos we’re just Alliance dogs now, Har Har
Re-uploead due to Links breaking?
Can’t see the pictures- Are the links broken?
Oh err, good question, i can see them fine. Odd.
Anyone else having the problem?
Poor Gilneans. Fully assimilated into the Stormwind Empire.
obviously the elves have decided to reclaim their birthright and become a magi empire again putting the trolls under their boots where they belong 
Perhaps this was the reason the trolls never managed to regain their former glory: Not enough boots.
And there’s little empathy, because nobody could walk a mile in their shoes.
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Muzzle your dog your majesty.
I think Gilneans deserve better lol as much as I hate you worgen
Atleast they belong somewhere 
That is funny indeed because I don’t recall Thalyssra or Valtrois to wear any shoes so jokes on that pala.
But the reson why nelves had upper hand was Well of eternity and that alone. Aaaaand it’s gone.
Besides if it wouldn’t be trolls there wouldn’t be elves. Respect your elders

If you go deeper you will see that nightborne banner is different. One on the pic is of old kaldorei empire not nightborn one
Who cares about banners?
They’ve just put in some art assets that were lying around in the database. There probably isn’t a HD Teldrassil banner, so they just used another nelf-type banner.
I’m rather baffled that the caverns are filled with hobo-belves.
those are just belves, aren’t they?
I felt this was important to clarify.
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And why do these dragons feel the need to dress up as hobos?
Because thalassian elves are the epitome of beauty.
Dragons have good taste.
Edit: Except for the blueberry traitors.