[Highborne/Kaldorei RP] Starweavers - Making Arcane Great Again

I think it is high time to make some kind of announcement. For this letter I somewhat assume that while not all Highborn know each other, we know of each other through long lineages and such. Similarly this can reach those users of arcane of less established heritage.

My Esteemed Colleagues

The current season of war has come to an end, the world is left scared, wounded and hanging on by a thread with a new doom on a horizon, darkness creeping from the depths. But for now we have survived, our people have survived - and those who survived the atrocity of Teldrassil did in no small part thanks to the nearly forgotten and often scorned legacy of our civilization - Arcane.

Amidst the sorrow and tears of the War of Thorns, a spark of hope has been lit, a spar of hope that our traditions will survive among future generations. No, not survive. A hope that our traditions will live, that they will be embraced. Cherised and practiced, taught once again and perfected. However this is but a spark, spark that needs to be tended to, it’s flame fed with with hard work and devotion.

Therefore I call those who look with hope towards the future of Arcane among Kaldorei - I call you for a meeting amongst ruins of Azsuna to discuss the future of our world, our legacy and our people. I do have few suggestions for those matters. On a somewhat lighter note, after paying respect to our lost peers and ancestors, I have an utmost pleasure to invite you for a night of simpler pleasures in a place I called home for last centuries - which I promise is in far better condition than Eldre’thalas or Nar’thalas.
Magistrix Sahoenna Lunasky

And as for the OOC info about the funding of Starweavers

Date: 2019-11-06T19:00:00Z

Location: Ley Ruins of Zarkhenar

Notes: For the second part of the event you will need to be 110+.



Will talk to the Sisters and see who is free! Looking good though! the Mistoak Coffers are pretty loaded so we can defo get some funds over :wink:


A lovely guild with lovely people.

I’ve been with this guild past few months and I can say that it’s been the most fun I had in this game in a long time. Plenty of mage RP - even for beginners like myself, who are being taught by more experiences players in this field of RP. We had quite a lot of events of all sorts and working together with other guilds as well. Even outside of character, we shared many good laughs and I look forward for more!

I can definitely recommed this guild to anyone who is looking for a mage-themed companionship with a side of adventuring and Highborne drama!


Another tiny update to the main page - added Discord and AA. Still looking for artsy person who could make guild banner and few other things. Not for free of course.

Our founding event will be tomorrow - 6th November. Looking forward to it and to seeing you people.

Noooo I can’t make that due to work!!! Why are you doing this?! D:

Nonetheless I hope it will be a good event! With lots of potential recruits showing up! :slight_smile:

I am sure Sahoenna can send you a more… personal invitation.

And sadly I work within constraints of my other duties too - Wednesday just worked.

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Yea I can relate to that! I’m sure we’ll catch up one point or another! :smiley:

I have utmost pleasure to post it one last time - Starweavers will have their founding event tonight at 8:00 PM server time. If your characters is:

  • Kaldorei
  • Expressed interest in Arcane or is mage

Then there is high chance you got Sahoenna’s spam, giving you IC excuse to show up for the event an party.


I’ve added you to the night elf RP thread - good luck with the guild!


Thanks for sharing info about us!

Meanwhile - after curing the hangover from our founding ceremony, plans are being made. We will stick around in Feralas to work on few small projects. None of them is “Let’s go to Eldre’thalas to reclaim lost legacy that for some reason wasn’t reclaimed already despite several hundred similar expeditions in the past”.

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If it all goes terrible wrong and there is a disaster, like all good adventures into Eldre’thalas. give me a poke and we can try and help your wounded in the temple or come out to aid you :smiley:

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We had a lovely night of RP with Handmaidens while we started to work on building teleportation nexus close to the temple. Now the Starweavers are going off on adventure to the mystical land of Azsuna were we seek rare magical reagents and stashes of wine we may have missed on our first go.


“Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic Magic!!”
“Magic Magic Magic?”
“Magic Magic!!”

in summery!

Had a great night though, including a fight with gravity! Looking forwards to seeing you guys again soon!

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The Starweavers are now in Azsuna! Mking friends and talking to dragons. One riddle and one question later we were allowed to start mining for Azerite… I mean for Leystone and Arcane Crystals. Though it seems we may need to repay the favor.

Quiet soon in fact as Starweavers invite other adventurers to join us for a Friday night of beating up stuff till it is dead. Or broken down into non harmful bits.

Date: 15th November
Time: 8:00 PM Server Time
Location Azurewing Repose

A following note can be seen in various inns and places of interest around the world.

In the Light of recent events, myself and the order I represent - The Starweavers have found themself in a peculiar position. As part of accord formed between us and the dragonflight in Azsuna we are called to help with eradicating a threat found lurking within the ruins of the Temple of the Thousand Light on Azsuna’s south shore.

According to our draconic friend the temple grounds are now a place of civil war between groups of spirits. War that is being waged recklessly with extensive use of summoned elementals and other spells. And since neither side can be put to rest due to curse upon the land - the only way to safeguard the land is to take away their tools before the conflict causes more collateral damage.

Those willing to lend their blades and abilities can expect payment in gold and magical items.

Magistrix Sahoenna Lunasky

This event is open to both Alliance and the Horde - even if Sahoenna herself may be not too pleased with certain people IC - I am inviting you all. Though I strongly suggest that everybody comes with CrossRP addon and potions. Further details can be discussed if you reach me on Discord Neiven#6497

We are still recruiting and some update to main page will soon happen.


And my Axe!

Will see you there!

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Right - took me a while to get back to this thread. Bad Guild Master!

We have finished the short story within Azsuna - handing two magical artefacts -Reliquary of the Endless Winters and Brazier of the Everburning Embers to the Blue Dragonflight. At least for now, and we handed some rewards to those who decided to help us.

For now the Starweavers will be staying in Feralas, most likely there untill the end of the week. Afterwards we will be on the move again. This time something of a world tour as we gather reagents for few magical items to be used by our younger members.


After lengthy discussion over a cup of tea in Starfall, Starweavers decided what tools to give their youngest members - as well as where to acquire materials needed to craft these magic focuses.

Even if a little concerned about heading to such places like Firelands, Nadris can not help herself but be excited - soon enough, she is to have her very first staff!

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Starweavers are on the move!

Right now we are camping in the Starfall Village in the Winterspring. Gonna be there up to Saturday. So if you are around and need some arcane assistance, pay us a visit. We are making staffs for Fulmar and Nadris, right now we have gathered on component. And it only took us a trip to Deepholm to rip elementium out of Earth’s Plane crust.

We will soon be going to Northrend to gather more materials.

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Over the last few days I have had the opportunity to RP with these folks. They are all so cool! Even those who took a spear to their chest (totally not my fault, btw). I give them a solid 11/10.

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And Starweavers are more than thankful for having such an excellent meat shield… I meant honorable ally!

The Starweavers are back from short trip to Northrend where we used a derelict Surge Needle - clearly in an attempt to return the device to it’s rightful Draconic owners. The arcane crystals we created were just unforeseen side effect. In any case on Saturday we will be finishing the artifacts we crafted for our Initiates and then throw a party down in Sahoenna’s mansion.

After that you will be able to find us in Feralas once more.

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