Hilarious how Dire Maul chat = Trade chat

Just find it very funny. Everyone is selling everything in Dire Maul, From loot to buffs to quests.

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This isn’t classic… or WoW for that matter. It’s a reflection of everything that went wrong with our society in the past decade.
WTB/WTS/HR HR HR everything/ meta meta :joy::man_facepalming:


OG buyers want to sell at their turn, they found the ZF trick on a YT video

same scheme with mage boosting, everybody became a mage booster, mage boosting mage that gonna boost other mages, and these mage gonna boost at their turn other mage, and boost mages to boost mages who gonna boost mages, then they gonna boost mages again to boost mage


1111 posts, is it a lucky number or i can keep posting with OG Lamborgimli ?

← this one was cloned to enter the dark portal in TBC

WoW Classic is just a huge black market now, no more game, just greed.


Idk everyone I sold an item to seemed very happy.
Might be because I only take 30g.

funny how orcs who created horde char by abusing engine complaining how other people in game break rules.

…You say what?